Repux is a decentralized protocol for the trade in information

in #ico6 years ago (edited)

When I hear “valuable information”, I immediately imagine a secret that can change the course of event or lead to the acquisition or loss of money. For example, information about a person’s private life, suitable for blackmail. Or information about the developments and problems of the company, which will lead to a change in the share price or information about any contractual match or fight that gives the opportunity to win money at the rates.
Information on what time you woke up, which sites visited and went out today from home, has no value, right? In fact, almost any information is valuable. Let the information on your illnesses flu this year seem not valuable information, but if collect information about the diseases of thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions of people, it acquires considerable value. Analyzing this information can be identified the dependence of the flu epidemic on age, gender, nationality and other characteristics.
Or take another example. People freely use search engines, social networks and other sites, but in fact, the use of these services is not free. User information is a payment for the use of resources. At first glance, such information is worthless, but in fact, the information that users give to the services so much improve the response from advertising, that non-targeted advertising is no longer in demand.

Problems of the information market.

The information market is huge — almost any information is sold and bought. But for this market, there are specific problems. Information cannot be verified before the purchase, so buying a set of data from small and large companies involves the risk of obtaining low-quality information that will not be usable.
Because of this, the data market is monopolized. Information is bought from large players with a reputation, although, let’s say, your photos (with GPS information) from a vacation in Turkey will be useful for an automated system for determining the geographical coordinates of an image.
But no one will buy information from you, because they do not trust you. In addition, it is often more profitable for monopolists to use the collected data, and not to sell them. Thus, small and medium-sized campaigns have to independently try to collect data or take risks by buying information from persons without reputation.
RepuX project is trying to solve the problem of the current information market.

RepuX is a decentralized protocol for information trade

The developers of RepuX solve the problems of the modern information market, using blockchain technologies. The platform works on the Virtual Machine of the Ethereum and is written on smart-contracts.
To store information for trade, IPFS and SIA technologies are used, because storing large amounts of information in the Ethereum blockchain is irrational. Blockchain technology maximizes automation of sales transaction, makes the system work as transparent as possible, allows the platform to easily scale up and reduce the cost of maintaining the service.
The lack of trust problem is solved by a reputation system — every transaction of buying or selling is accompanied by a positive or negative recall. Thus, each participant of the protocol has an honest reputation.Reviews are stored in the blockchain, which guarantees their immutability. If there are situations that the platform will not be able to process automatically, for example, fraud or cheating, then a decentralized oracle system will connect, solving problems through voting.

Repux is a decentralized protocol that is not a complete platform.
Using a high-level API, third-party developers can create their own applications that can collect data for sale or use the information that developers buy.
For example, can be created an analog browser Brave, which pays for the information provided by users about their about visiting various sites. Or a guide application that collects data about the movement of users. Or the camera application that pays users for popular images. And no one cancels one-time sales of a large amount of data, for example, impersonal information about diagnoses from the clinic, or information on the number of products sold from a store. If properly used, such information can bring a lot of benefits.

The internal currency of the platform is RepuX tokens. Any operation in the system will be paid by these tokens, which will add even more decentralization to the protocol. The quantity of tokens is limited, and with the popularity of the Repux protocol, their price will grow.

ICO Details

A total of 500 million RepuX tokens have been released.
Now the main round of crowdsale is held, which will continue until April 5, 2018.
Price: 1 REPUX = 0,20 USD
Softcap -1 million dollars
Hardcap - 33.1 million dollars.


The RepuX developers have chosen the pertinent direction and are able to change the information market. If they succeed, perhaps the world will see a new wave of applications, monetized through the information trade. Shouldn’t be long, because in June of this year, developers promise to show a working platform.

More details can be found on the links below:
Telegram: @repuxicoEN
White Paper:


Thanks for the review! An interesting project, you will need to study it in more detail!

Very good project! I am participate in ICO!

you are lucky!

trading information...sounds good!

A good way to monetize information!

Good article! Nice project!

Thank you!

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This is a great idea earnings on the sale of their data!

An interesting solution will allow monetization of information.

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