in #ibt7 years ago (edited)

 STAGE FIVE - Gambling With Gobbos - Optional play!

As you make your way through the marsh you come upon an unexpected sight -- a small group of Gobbos congregating around a couple of small plants.  

They seem to be having some kind of conversation, which of course you can't make out because you don't speak their language.  As it turns out, you were not the only who was curious about why this group of Gobbos was here.

You hear what appears to be a female voice talking in a human language, followed by more unintelligible stuff.  Finally you hear some words that you can make out -- "What do you mean?"

The animal responds, and it clearly sounds pissed off.  The way it screamed easily gets everyone's attention, including the Gobbos.  But at the moment, all you can see are the group of heroes with you and the group of Gobbos.  One Gobbo suddenly falls down, and then all hell breaks loose amongst the Gobbos as a little chicken appears to materialize from thin air and starts beating the crap out of all the Gobbos.

"Piyopiyopiyo... piyo piyo piyo!" the chicken shouts as it engages in combat with the group of Gobbos.

A woman then materializes, also seemingly from thin air.  By the time you realize that she and the chicken had been under an invisibility spell, the little chicken had finished killing off all but two Gobbos, and the two Gobbos still alive clearly look as if they have been maimed and will soon die just like the others.  You observe the chicken roll up the pair of Gobbos, each into their own ball, and start rolling them in your direction.  The woman is also flying towards you, carrying what seems to be a rather large handbag.  You wonder what's going on here...

As the woman and the chicken get closer, you are able to make out their faces and realize that they are heroes that you have heard of before: Meteora and Chick Norris.  As Chick Norris continues to roll the pair of Gobbos towards you, Meteora floats down to the ground and opens up her handbag, pulling out a spellbook.  She opens up the spellbook and chants, causing a table to appear before you.  Meteora then sets her handbag down on the table, and you can see inside that the handbag contains a rolled-up piece of paper and what appears to be a lot of coins.

Meteora pulls the paper and 4 "coins" out of her handbag, and lays them out on the table in front of you.  Upon closer inspection, you realize the "coins" are actually the same banked life points that you have been collecting since the beginning of your adventure.  Apparently, Meteora must have picked up a bunch in a previous tournament and is now using it to bankroll some kind of operation.

You open up the paper and see some instructions:

Gambling Gobball Rules

Gambling Gobball is an entertaining, but optional game of chance for those who are adventurous.  If you do not wish to play, simply walk away -- but be warned, you cannot change your mind once you leave!

The cost to play Gambling Gobball is a wager of 1 banked life point.  Should you win, you'll get paid 4-1 on your bet (you get your banked life point back and you win 4 more).

The game begins with two Gobbos (most likely wounded and/or maimed) on the ground. The "dealer" will pick one up and throw it into the air.  You must then pick the other one up and throw it at the first Gobbo, so that the two collide.  If one Gobbo is thrown with greater force than the other, then one Gobbo will survive the collision and the other one will die.  If both are thrown with the same amount of force, then both Gobbos will die upon impact.  To win the game and your wager, both Gobbos must die.

You roll the paper back up as Meteora stares at you with a smile.  The odds are not in your favor, but the potential prize could end up making all the difference in your quest for glory.  You've got a decision to make -- care to gamble with Gobbos?

Special Rules For This Stage

First things first -- this stage is optional.  However, just like all the other stages, there is a STEEM prize to be split amongst all players who succeed on their first attempt.  (Unlike the other stages, if you play you get only one attempt.)


Chick Norris is the "dealer".  You should see a @gobbo summon and roll as the first comment to this post, which will be replied to by either @lordnigel or @doughtaker with a picture of Chick Norris and confirmation of the official roll.  Whatever number Chick Norris rolls for the Gobbo, that's the number you must match on your Gobbo roll in order to kill off both Gobbos and win the stage.

Items have no effect on this stage.  You must roll a perfect match to win, and you must do so with a Gobbo summon of your own.

These are the only possible outcomes on this stage:

- You skip the stage (nothing happens).

- If you lose the stage, you score -1 banked life point.

- If you win the stage, you score +4 banked life points and share in the STEEM prize for this stage.  (Success here does not count towards the 3 flawless victories required to level up.)

If you comment that you're skipping this stage, you can't change your mind later.  If you start playing Stage 6 first, you are also considered to have skipped this stage.  In either case, if you try to roll here after skipping, your roll will be rejected.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to @spaceginger   for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above, Extra Special thanks to @doughtaker our field judge and other contributors and players that upvote and participate to help to make this a fun community event. Other images were captured from the abandonware game dragonwars.  100% of Steem raised will be split and go to those who win!  


Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 1.

Source: KDE

Chick Norris has rolled a 1 with his Gobbo. If you choose to play, the Gobbo that you summon must roll 1 in order for you to win.

Edit: non-gameplay text removed -- known formatting issues have been fixed

Cleaned up a little - hopefully people get the gist! :)..

Hmnn maybe I should go first to show people the way..I can't win Steem, but can still have fun and with a roll of a 1...@gobbo

The edit looks good so far and hasn't spawned extras. I think two paragraphs are also missing, they come after "why this group of Gobbos was here" and before Chick Norris's pic in the original post, and they are important to the story here.

Fixed...I think..and here is my gobbo below hehe.

Awesome. 👍

I'm going to throw in a secret/unknown amount of extra Steem at any winners as well!

If your brave enough to take a punt, the possible prize is worthy.

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 3.

Stage 5 result validated. SteemCyberMan loses. -1 life point banked (current total 10).

Nooo..I thought for sure I'd get a 1..hmmn. Lets see how others go...if they dare.

Let's gamble! @gobbo Give me a 1!

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 4.

dang it...

Stage 5 result validated. Stick Archer loses. -1 life point banked (current total 9).

[Edited due to a miscount in Stage 4. The current status as displayed is accurate.]

Nice guts no glory eh.

🚩 🚩 🚩 STAGE 5 IS CLOSED. 🚩 🚩 🚩

Congratulations to the two winners on this stage: @the.wise and @castleberry! You'll be splitting a decent-sized STEEM pool that includes a mystery bonus that @lordnigel is adding on.

Nice work guys - prizes on the way shortly!

Is this swamp where the Gobbo has been replicating himself using black magic? it sure looks like it. Perhaps Serra can finally rid herself of @gobbo the stalker.

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 4.

Then again maybe not? There is at least one Gobbo left.

Serra decides that she will let Bear get back to whatever it was that he was doing.. She is pretty sure she can handle the Gobbo replicas if they return. It was more the creepyness of it then anything that she summoned Bear for help. Serra gives Bear a small kiss farewell and the seasoned vet can't help but blush a little.

She then casts a reverse summon spell and Bear is gone. She will face the remaining foes alone.

Stage 5 result validated. Serra Angel loses. -1 life point banked (current total 10).

Sorry to bother you, I know y'all are both working hard to make things go smooth (which we all appreciate!)

Tim Ross Icon small.jpg

But on this round... we need to conjure up a Gobbo that has to get the same number as Chick Norris or higher in order to kill both? I think I want to take the risk but I need to know what I am aiming for so I can get my paint mixed properly and loaded on my Brush!

No, you must conjure up a Gobbo with exactly the same number as Chick Norris in order to kill both. Because Chick's Gobbo rolled a 1, any Gobbo with a higher roll will survive while Chick's gets killed.

Let the Joy of Painting commence!
How about a happy little cloud....

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 1.

And we have another winner!

Stage 5 result validated. Tim Ross wins. 4 life points banked (current total 14).

The way my luck is going, I'd best give it a miss. I can't even get good 50/50 odds!

Stage 5 result validated. Birdie skips. 0 life points banked (current total 8).

@gobbo dealing with gobbo's has kind of became my specialty.

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 3.

Stage 5 result validated. Connie Lingus loses. -1 life point banked (current total 9).

I hate Gobbo!

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 4.

🚩 🚩 🚩 Help control the Gobbo population. Have your Gobbo roundhouse kicked. 🚩 🚩 🚩
The presence of excess Gobbos is frowned upon. In the blink of an eye, Chuck Norris shows up, delivers a roundhouse kick decapitating this Gobbo, and disappears with the corpse. The Gobbo's head went flying so high and so far away that you have no clue where it ended up.

Angel Food said he wants to light his @gobbo on fire again.

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 2.

Stage 5 result validated. Angel Food loses. -1 life point banked (current total 8).

“What a tease... should have used fire like the ol’ days.” mumbles Angel Food.

@gobbo make my day!

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 1.

Good jobb you little beauty!

And we have a winner!

Stage 5 result validated. Arkalem Drakin wins. 4 life points banked (current total 16).

Wow! sweet as - Congrats!


Im not scared of the Maos and the Stalins and the Hitlers.Im scared of the thousands of millions of people that hallucinate them to be authority

No, no, no. I don't like Gobbo's I must run, run to the next stage. aaaaaah!

He is a git!

Stage 5 result validated. Wanda the Witchy skips. 0 life points banked (current total 5).

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