[HUMOR] I'm a girl but I'm one of the guys

in #humor8 years ago

Come and get papa bear! Armageddon

It's kind of funny how I've always been considered "one of the guys". When I was a kid, being one of the guys gave me permission to run, climb trees, and play with Lincoln logs and K'nex sets. I'd steal half of my baby brother's cool toys, rejecting the repulsive pink aisle - or anything girly-girl.

The dichotomy of having Asperger's (and not knowing it at the time) is that I was never really scared of anything, but if it was a topic of interest, I was a know-it-all. The reason I mention this is because I know myself therefore I always had confidence. So if I knew something I would be very assertive. (And if I didn't know something, I just kept my mouth shut and observed.)

I was reading @kaylinart's article Hack Your Self Confidence and it occurred to me that self confidence is often associated with the male gender...which prompted this post. Thanks, kaylinart!


To be assertive, confident, bold, forth-coming... Those are considered male traits. To this day, we try to pigeon-hole people into stereotypes. Now, I'm not going to break out the psychology textbooks, but I get it. My Aspie brain compartmentalizes everything. It's how I handle stress, new experiences, and tedious shit without going into overload.

It's easier for society, as a whole, to put a label on something and file it away. I'm not saying it's right, but I am saying it's human nature to do so. Which segues back to why I'm one of the guys.

I lift things up and put them down gif by Meredith Loughran

So why am I one of the guys?

I'm confident and assertive
I tend to say it like it is
I'm not afraid to lift things up and put things down
I'll get dirty on a project - my ultimate mechanical goal is to rebuild an engine
I love outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and boating
I'd rather work an 80 hour week than clean my house

As a romance author, I'm often writing in the male POV.
Seriously - if I had a penis for a day, I'd probably be swinging it around and poke anything I could. Just sayin'.
I like bathroom humor and raunchy jokes. I think farts are hysterical.
I grew up in a bar (because my parents owned one) so I can play pool, drink and cuss...and I like it.

When I was in high school it was so frustrating because I never had a boyfriend even when I really wanted one! That's because I was kind of this asexual creature. They didn't want to mess around with one of their "guy" friends. And if I'm really honest, I was very, very shy around new people, so that didn't help.

But as I got older, I really didn't care what other people thought of me as long as I liked myself!

After my divorce, if I wanted to get laid, I went to one of my favorite pubs and if someone took my fancy, I'd say, "Yeah, you'll do."
I've dubbed it my "happy hooker days" - not because I was hookin' but because I was screwing my ex-husband away. But that's a story for another day. wink, wink

I realized that men were easier to deal with than other women because, in my experience, guys have a smaller filter on speaking their mind...as long as they get past the "tough guy" bullshit.

Much to my husband's dismay, I've practically stopped shaving my legs. But I don't attribute that to being a guy thing. It's more like an "I'm old" thing and would rather use my time and energy on something else, like using power tools or building a fire pit.

Don't get me wrong: I love being a girl because I've managed to give birth to three amazing boys - a miracle that no man will ever truly experience. And I can't wait until menopause because I don't have the patience for menses. Seriously!

And I am so over the boob thing. Beyond breastfeeding, they're useless to me. But I guess I'm thankful that I have them instead of balls because my boobs may drop with age, but I've never sat on 'em.

How'd I end up this way?

Baby Meredith Loughran and her dad
Baby merej99 & dad

I guess I have my dad to thank for being one of the guys. I was crawling under the car with him to change the oil. He taught me how to change a tire and check the fluids. He took us camping and boating all the time! He taught me how to tie knots and build fires. He also showed me that men can love unconditionally, be patient, listen, and to start everyone I meet at 100% and let them whittle themselves down or out of my life. I guess you could say he was the biggest influence of all matters of guyhood and I adopted what I could.

Thanks, Dad!

This one is dedicated to you. I miss you every day.

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Meredith Loughran sharing knowledge bombs, humor and life stories on Steemit

Meredith Loughran blogs at ScribblingBandits.com | Follow her on Twitter & SnapChat or LinkedIn

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This deserves many more upvotes and attention . Nice writing I really liked your story a lot . Keep on going ! I am also over the boob thing :) who needs them anyways ?

Hi @mammasitta - thank YOU for stopping by to read. Glad you enjoyed it. LOL It was fun just....er....letting loose :)

I enjoyed your article as well! Look forward to more!

Great writing! I really enjoy your writing style. The vivid imagery really captivates me and puts me in the story.

Keep it up. :D

I appreciate that @alchemage I'm looking forward to your essential oils and toothpaste recipes

If find your story very interesting and funny at moments, a really great post! :)
I'm a follower now!

Thanks, @minion - I really enjoyed your minion gifs today. Can't wait to see what you post next :)

Nice @merej99
Shot you an Upvote :)

haha i recognise so much of this from my life, although growing up in a very catholic family means i still haven't learned not to care what other people think. That whole guilt thing really does a number on you.

Not caring what other people think is a biggie @phoenixmaid - it takes years to get to that point...and it's hard to practice, especially on people you've let in and care about. But, dad was right about starting people at 100% and letting them chip away or out of your life - that is guilt-free :)

I was a tomboy too growing up loved climbing trees and getting scruffy. If you are lucky enough to get a penis I hope is a big one lol

ROFLMAO @karenb54 - right?!?! May we all have a moment to swing for the fences. hahaha.

No point in going small would be useless lol

It's 5:30 am and the laughter coming out of my office would have the average person wondering how someone could be happy so early in the morning!

Girls be like..

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 7.8 and reading ease of 68%. This puts the writing level on par with Tom Clancy and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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