I'm Preparing to Cook Pumpkin Spice Possum Stew

in #humor6 years ago

Here in the mountains of Tennessee we have a saying: "Eat More Possum." Why go to the grocery store and pay for beef when you can go out in the backyard and find alternatives for free?

Before we begin cooking I should introduce you to my pet possum. Her name is Pumpkin Spice...

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Isn't she nice and plump?

My husband and I were having problems with a raccoon named Gingerbread. We put out an animal trap to catch him so we could relocate him. Instead, night after night, we caught Pumpkin Spice the possum over and over. We think she's not the smartest creature. That being said, the season is changing to autumn and since pumpkin spice flavor is in season...why not have a nice Pumpkin Spice stew?

Now I know killing a possum isn't something all people want to do. Thankfully, corporations have done the work for you!



It's nice to see all that roadkill being put to good use. Highway workers all over the United States scrape those poor dead possums off the highways and send them to factories where they are skinned and cooked. Numerous businesses online will sell you possum meat already cooked, canned, and ready to eat. Typically, I stock up on canned possum meat in the fall when a nice possum stew really hits the spot on a cold day.

Sadly, I ran out of canned possum meat. Just my luck Pumpkin Spice came to visit again last night!

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My Last Possum Made A Wonderful Roast

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My last possum was a big old thing. His name was Fred. My husband cut off his head and that big old rat tail. After skinning him we threw him in a pan with some potatoes and carrots and slow roasted him all day. Man that was good eating!

I've been baiting the trap with pumpkin pie!

I've been feeding Pumpkin Spice slices of pumpkin pie. I thought that would be the perfect raccoon bait but instead this possum has got herself caught over and over again for some pie. I'm hoping from her diet she's already pre-seasoned and flavored.

In December I'll Show You How To Make Another Festive Dish: Gingerbread Burgers

This Is Gingerbread


Anyone want to come to dinner?

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OMG, I loved that!! Too fun haaaa I've never seen the "you squish em, we dish em!!"

RIght? I have seen "You kill 'em, we grill 'em" before, though :-)

There is also "Possum: The other red meat." Pretty sure it's colored like beef...lol

Hahaha nice! I would probably take out the racoon, but we have a coonhound and he really deserves a nice coonskin hat. Possums are great, though! Well, away from the house, they are. Parasitic ticks are one of their staple food sources!

The raccoons are actually very pretty. It's getting cold out so their fur is so nice and thick. Neither the raccoons or possums are afraid of me. I can walk outside and they'll keep doing what they're doing. A big bag of cracked corn for the ducks busted outside so they've been feasting on the leftovers. I often leave scraps for them away from the duck pen so they'll get a quick meal and have no interest in the ducks. The tactic seems to be working. The eat and leave and I don't see them anywhere near the ducks on my security cameras.

Raccoon skin caps are pretty awesome... Daniel Boone wore one, after all!

My parents have a squirrel and chipmunk problem this year. There are a lot of gray squirrels, and some reds too. I remember from painting days that red squirrel tail fur is used in some high-end paint brushes.

Noooooooo hahha - o this made my get nervous and laughing all at once

lol. Glad you enjoyed it. I enjoy a humorous post. You'll notice the fiction tag so no nervous laugh needed.

I can't tell if you're pullin' my leg on this or not... :O

Interesting reading, either way.



Maybe this will answer that...lol


I am to scared to ask if this is for real???

Pumpkin Spice is happily wandering around the yard as I type this. My husband spilled BBQ sauce on the ground while grilling tonight and Pumpkin Spice was lapping it up as he cooked. She didn't end up on the grill either. :)

Hahha I am so glad to hear that.

Might come in handy lol

Noooo....cringes lol. Maybe I should leave cooking possums to the experts lol.

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