Something Bitter for the Bitter Hearts

in #humor6 years ago (edited)


You are not alone in celebrating Anti-Valentine's day, the good thing is that not everyone is full of love today. Someone out there can feel your pain, so cheers to this Valentine's day nonsense! Now do I sound bitter? But hey, if you really feel love, why not celebrate it every day? Just my 2 cents.

I was thinking of making some cocktails that I like but I realized that I have no access to fancy liquor. Which is a good thing because I can't afford them at the moment anyway. Just add that to the bitter feeling.

There's a hurricane right now, quite normal in paradise actually. So there's really nothing much to do outdoors. But I went to the supermarket to grab some cheap stuff for the bitter hearts out there!

Here are my top three bitter stuff:


Here's a dark chocolate for your dark heart. Even though I can afford chocolates now, I only eat some once in a blue moon. Maybe because it will only make me feel guilty eating sweets. But I heard that dark chocolates are good for you, just make sure you choose the right product or brand (that doesn't exploit the cacao producers). You can choose 90-100 % cacao which would taste more bitter. But what tastes nasty is probably good for you.

I don't have much access to proper dark chocolates. But you can look for those in the high-end chocolate stores that will awaken you to a whole new world of chocolate.


Here's a bitter gourd for your bitter heart. The nastiest and the most bitter among all fruits and vegetables. Just look at it, isn't it the ugliest vegetable you've ever seen? It looks bitter and tastes bitter. This unique vegetable-fruit thrives in tropical and subtropical regions including the Carribean, parts of Africa, Asia, and South America.

I hated this vegetable when I was a kid, nobody likes it. But now that I'm older, I learned some cooking technique to make it taste less bitter. Which I'm going to share later on. So now bitter gourd is one of my favorite vegetables. But hey, didn't I say that what tastes nasty is good for you? Instead of condemning its bitterness why not appreciate its beauty from the inside. This vegetable-fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassion and vitamin C. It helps in maintaining blood sugar levels and also lowers bad cholesterol levels. This vegetable-fruit also has powerful anti-oxidants that will make your hair and skin look nice, making you look younger.


Here's a bottle of beer to drown your sorrow. I can only think of Guinness but I also don't have access to that... sigh. I can't have it all hey! Anyway, there are always cheap beers around although I'm pretty sober these days. I'm not really a beer fan and I know nothing much. But when I think bitter, I think beer. The bitterness depends on the amount of malt in a beer. The more malt in a beer the sweeter it is. And the sweeter the beer, the more bittering acids are needed to balance its sweetness.

Beer is the cause of and solution to your problems. It is a magic potion that is used to make people of the opposite look better. So for the bitter hearts out there, go grab a beer and see the beauty in everyone!

Anyway, Happy Capitalistic Couple's day!


Good that I'm not alone in celebrating Anti-Valentine's day. You are right, apart from its bitterness dark chocolate has some potential health benefits, in particular due to its high level of flavonoids. I prefer the 99% version, you won't feel guilty for eating sweets because it is not sweet at all. Also try raw cocoa powder, it's even better, though a bit dry. Unfortunately I don't know the 'nastiest and the most bitter among all fruits and vegetables', it doesn't grow and appears not to be sold here, but I'll surely try it if I see it somewhere.

Also try raw cocoa powder, it's even better, though a bit dry.

I will look for it and try! Thanks!

It does make me feel better that I'm not alone in my hatred of this worthless 'holiday.'
It truly is only for couples who don't actually love and appreciate each other.
It is also apparently to make single people suicidal.

well said, if you feel love why not celebrate every day. yes dark chocolates are very good for health. I love to eat chocolates, I also hated this vegetable when i was kid. first time i tried bitter gourd at the age of 16 years at my aunts home. I tried it with mango milk shake. Now I happily eat bitter gourd with out any milk as it has many health benefit. Thanks for sharing. Keep sharing @diabolika

I can't imagine this vegetable with mango milk shake. But cool that you can happily eat it without any milk!

fallentimes day. a reminder from hallmark of you invite to kill a rose and purchase and empty pink card. real love is dirty and forgetful. love that needs a day is just needy love.

love that needs a day is just needy love.

I agree lol

Must be my married in Cantonese, but I like bitter gourd! High cocoa chocolate isn't super bitter if the quality is high. Apparently, if it's left on the shelf too long it gets more bitter. Shit I just said that previous sentence - it wasn't a metaphor. Happy Anti Valentines day.

I like some Chinese food that have bitter gourd!

It seems that anything in life that's left alone for too long gets more bitter lol.

:wink: Made peace with the roosters and dogs yet?

Speaking of... finding a way to get rid of them still.

Hehe, looks can be deceiving as you both look like the epitome of contentedness!
Nevertheless, if you're serving I'll have one of each:D

Looks can be diabolic. 😈

Sure, you can have my bitter treasures.

I always prefer cocktails to a ‘bitter’ too😉🍹

Also: ‘hurricane’ you say....possibly not too far away from the Caribbean then?😉

Hurricane is something I've gotten used to since I was a child....

They seem to form only over warm ocean waters near the equator. 😎

Ah, but if it was the Indian Ocean it would be a ‘cyclone’, or in west Pacific (iirc) a ‘typhoon’ .... right?😂

Aha! Okay, carry on with your process of elimination lol.

Valentine's Day is one day lovers celebrate Yes, but we hope all our days to be full of love and forgiveness and interest is beautiful roses when you give without occasion and without a date!
And hear a nice word like your love / I miss you, that will change the day from tired and long to full of vitality and hope and activity love your self first you will love everything around you Do not wait for Valentine's Day to tell your love about your love.

Do not wait for Valentine's Day to tell your love about your love.

I agree! Thanks @klasanaj!

You have got a real nice point there...
Why we need to invent a day to appreciate something...
If we love something/someone, why not say it out load the whole year, instead of just one day.
Father's Day
Mother's Day
Cancer Day
Valentine Day...
All I see is real deception, not the real appreciation.
I confess I did wished happy valentine to some one, trying not to break the heart.But it doesn't mean that I like/endorse it.

All I see is real deception, not the real appreciation.

Interesting thought and I agree!

I also greeted someone back Happy Valentine's day. Just a greeting.

Happy Capitalistic Couple's day!

You totally crack me up!

I hope you enjoy your bitter treasures... I am celebrating Valentine's Day by treating it like any other day, which for many of us, it is. I don't rue others enjoying their relationship status, however. I am just enough of a romantic to appreciate the joy and warmth generated by this benign 'holiday.'

So, with that, I wish YOU a Happy Valentine's Day, @diabolika. And as the old song goes...

Awww thanks. Same to you!

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