Becoming a "Big-Time Heavyweight" On Steemit 8+ Simple Steps to Successful, Large-Scale Growth While Posting On Internet Sites -presented by Langstrom T. PudgebottomsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #humor8 years ago (edited)


"Dare You Dream-It...Just Say YES, to Large Gains on Steemit."

How would YOU like to become a Big-Time, Heavyweight creative force, when it comes to the Internet site of Steemit?

The following 8+ steps are tried and true points of behaviour, developed by famed life-coach and organizational expert, Langstrom T. Pudgebottom. - *S.C.C.E. Presented here for the first time, and now readily available to all creative authors posting work in the 'Land of Steem.'

Follow these simple ideals to the letter, and we can guarantee a major, 'scale-busting' end result. But only if you truly have what it takes. The stamina, intestinal fortitude, and sheer willpower to follow these steps through, day in and day out, night after night, to ultimately reach your full-growth potential.

Note: This process not recommended for the faint of heart.

Fully Beta-tested within Internet-based, Creative-Content-Construction households the world over. Give this amazingly simple system 3 to 4 full weeks of concerted effort, and results are virtually GUARANTEED.

"...I followed Mr. Pudgebottom's simple steps while sitting at my computer desk for the last 2 months of full-time creative composition, and all I can say is: "WOW, this really DOES work!!
-Myron Trebble, writer, photographer and daily Internet post creator.

Become a Big-Time Steemit Heavyweight Today

The 'Eight' Simple Steps To Major Growth

  1. Write only about subjects you are passionate about.

  2. Always maintain integrity in all that you create.

  3. Thou Shall Not Plagiarize!

  4. Pick a subject for your post, and stick to the subject.

  5. "Plan your time--Time your plan." Create post in a timely, efficient manner.

  6. Avoid spending an INORDINATE amount of time editing original photography.

  7. Create original content, no matter HOW tempted to copy pet videos from the Internet.

  8. Finish! Thou Shall Not Procrastinate. Or mess with the cat while working.

  9. Ignore 'writer's block', or spouse/significant other/roommate suggestions, such as: "It's way past MIDNIGHT, go to bed!"

  10. Continue writing, editing, writing, editing, photo editing, writing and editing, even if it is past 1:00 AM, C.S.T.

  11. If still working past 1:27 AM, C.S.T., take frequent rest breaks.

  12. During these breaks from writing, view other Steemit posts as suggestive samples of good creative content. Focus this activity on the cooking and baking posts. Example authors include, but are not limited to: @gringalicious, @rebeccaryan, @meesterboom (and his duffins), @allasyummyfood, @tangmo, and @playfulfoodie. There are many other phenomenal food prep and eating sites on Steemit. (Please contact the author, @ddschteinn for any further suggestions. Focus should be concentrated on baking sites, particularly those specializing in cookies, cakes and other late-night confectionery foodstuffs.)

  13. When a particular subject really piques your interest, continual focus and major follow through are key. A prime example: Recently, @gringalicious put out a fine post on homemade chocolate chip cookies. They looked absolutely DIVINE!! If your passion is warm, gooey, tasty treats such as these, follow the post ALL the way to the end.

  14. Start up the printer.

  15. Make a copy of the recipe @gringalicious just posted for @paradise-found in 'Comments' section of the post.

  16. Go to the pantry.

  17. On the way to the pantry, fire up the oven. Ignore exhortations from spouse/S.O./roommate from back-left bedroom of house, concerning "un-necessary heating of house with kitchen appliances after 1:32 AM, C.S.T."

  18. Gather ingredients from pantry that correspond to recipe.

  19. Discover you do not have enough brown sugar for cookies.

  20. Become completely deflated, then realize you can substitute the bottle of Karo Syrup for the brown sugar.

  21. Become elated once more!

  22. Discover you do not have any chocolate chips OR vanilla extract in pantry, or cupboard, the stores are all closed, and neighbors all appear to be fast asleep.

  23. Become thoroughly deflated once more, and give up on the baked cookie idea.

  24. Discover 3 boxes of dry cereal at the back of pantry you forgot all about.

  25. Resume working at computer desk, writing, editing, editing and writing, until 2:55 AM, C.S.T.

  26. Open third box of cereal for that "Extra Energy Boost", and continue writing and editing, editing and writing.

  27. Wake up startled at 4:47 AM, C.S.T. with face stuck to keyboard and cat burrowing into last opened box of dry cereal on the floor below the computer desk.

  28. Shut off computer in disgust, brush teeth, making sure to completely ignore bathroom scale by side of toilet, and sneak into bed QUIETLY.

  29. Wake up the next morning fully refreshed and ready to write.

  30. Repeat steps 1-29.

Follow these simple steps, day after day, night after night in your quest for success, and you are guaranteed to become much more of a 'larger presence', both on and away from the Internet site.

"Don't waste away, become a major Steemit Heavyweight today."

"I know I'm doing MY best!" -dds


Writer's little Helper, by the Box

This must be a great idea. The box suggests these are down-right good for me.

Not only that, it says you're supposed to eat them at home. "Hey, that's what I do."

"Why No dear...Stinky the Cat must have gotten into the cereal last night."


The Late-Night Writer's Wall of Shame. - "Open 24 Hours" -

*S.C.C.E. - Steemit Creative Content Expert

Self-Actualized ~ Multicolor 33 1/3 Award for Number of Followers

Self-Actualized ~ Multicolor 66 2/3 Award for Number Of Followers

Please Check Out My Other Posts, If You So Desire


Interesting article and useful information! I will follow your instructions strictly! ;)

If you follow it for a month or two, you will probably notice many changes. Just don't blame me for ALL of them ( :

I will try my best! Thanks for sharing! There is nothing to blame you! :)

I will follow your instruction for the item 1 - 13, for sure! And I enjoyed reading about your cooking story, don't worry! :)

"No worries at happy", sung to the tune of that song, by whom I can't remember right now...

Oops. I have several drafts in markdown when doing these posts that build over time. Somehow I left you out of the food part in an early one, ...but now you are back in where you are supposed to be. ( You are one of my main "foodies", always sharing your recipes and commenting about eating.) ( :

Your post is well done! I love reading it. Congratulation!

I'm really glad to hear that I am one of your main "foodies".... Thanks a lot for your kindness! :D

OH! So that's all there is to it! I have only been here two days, and I thought the process might be complicated. After all, how hard can 30 steps be? Thanks in advance for the help!

Thanks for looking in and commenting, I really appreciate it. And who knew this site could be summed up so succinctly. Always glad to lend a hand whenever possible ( : Welcome to the site as well, I'll check out your posts.

I can admit to experiencing #9 more than once. ;D

I think that one is a per-requisite for Steemit bloggers. ""Oh the joys..."

Thanks for the mention. I am honoured to be included.

You're very welcome. Thanks for posting so many wonderful things that would be so very good to eat, but probably not in quantity at 2:47 AM C.S.T.

All my dry cereal is stale... I don't know if I'm doing this right??

Hmmmm, if you wait until it's late enough, or early, depending on perspective, you won't even know the difference. That or just add milk and pretend it's now time to go to work ( :

Great post @ddschteinn!!!

BTW, if I add a step 26-A and have a bottle of Kuka Coffee+Cream Stout with the cereal, will that improve my chances of a successful Steemit post? 😉

I followed your link there, and my thoughts are...firstly, that looks like a darn GOOD Stout. Used to drink a lot of stout. Grants Russian Imperial, Terminator, usually riding my bike home in the rain after. Sigh...such fun was had by all.
Hard to beat a Spatten Optimator now. More light, but like drinking ice cream from a bottle.
Secondly...I think if you drink that Kuka coffee and cream stout on your late night cereal, the morning will come around a whole lot sooner than you thought it might...or later. But either way, you probably wouldn't really care. And your post would get done, but might be very fun to read in said same morning. INow you DO have me curious, as to what a bowl of Raisin Nut Clusters would taste like with a stout poured over it. Naaah, it's too late now...

PS. to make a long post you know, if I want to add a link on here for a beer I am looking for, that is sold only in your neck of the woods, do I put the HTML here, from Steemimg? I am so computer non-literate. Thought I might ask you if you know this beer.

I decided to send this before I head to the bed. Do you know this beer, ever seen it? One of my favourites, and only had it once. Never see it anywhere. Think it's seasonal. From your neck of the woods.

I'm not big of the citrus-flavored beers, but my wife loves them. I know she knows about Tenacious, but more often, it's Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy.

Sorry, in all my babble here....thanks for the nice compliment and look. Appreciate it a lot. Ta

Thanks for the tips. I'm definitely growing here on Steemit, more by cookies than cereal, oh my! That's quite a wall of cereal, there in the bottom photo. I hope you are well-stocked for your future writing! Maybe you can buy some good cookies to go with that healthy cereal, lol. ; )

Uh oh, now I have to re-write my post. Add in cookie crumbles on the Raisin Oat Clusters with some chocolate milk for 'cover'. Hmmm, looks like my night is set.

That will be a cereal for the ages, for sure! Especially with chocolate milk! :D

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