"I Wonder What He Meant By That?" My Standard Retirement Joke...

in #humor7 years ago

"If we live inside a bad joke, it is up to us to learn, at best and worst, to tell it well."
- Jonathan Raban -

This is one of my "standard jokes."

I present it here today for your amusement; perhaps it will give you a chuckle?

It's kind of a lame joke, one that I share with folks who ask me, or who just assume, that I'm retired?

Table of Contents

Isn't retirement wonderful?
Image courtesy of A. Riehl and http://pixabay.com

When I'm asked whether I am, or when I'm simply assumed to be retired, this is how I often respond:

"Retirement can be wonderful,"

I might reply. "However, I am not as yet retired."

Table of Contents

Retirement is such fun.
Image courtesy of Aline Dassel and http://pixabay.com

"I generally tell people that I'm semi-retired."

What do I mean by that?

Here's what I mean...

Wait for it...
Table of Contents

I am only semi-retired.
Image courtesy of English and http://pixabay.com

"I consider myself semi-retired."

"Most days, upon waking, I feel as if a semi-trailer truck has
retired me to the pavement."

Table of Contents

Retired to the pavement...
Image courtesy of oberhausen/Deutschland and http://pixabay.com

I hope that, for the most part, your days start out better? 😇


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I just tell people I'm half way to dead because I don't think I'll ever retire. LOL

Whoa!!! Seriously???

Wow, thanks... I hope I use it well... :D

Mere, I hope you have an absolutely wonderful week on your trip... :D



Indeed! Here's the link to the winner announcement
Have fun!

Lol. That's a cute joke. I remember when my dad officially retired he enjoyed telling little jokes about his wife being driven crazy with him being home all the time. At the age of 70 he discovered facebook and shares daily memes teasing his wife about him driving her crazy.

Yes we do indeed have the awesome ability to drive our spouses crazy!

Although I am not retired (wish!) I do much of my work at home, and have for well over a decade, and so I'm sure my wife can strongly sympathize with your dad's. ;)

I think you need special care.... really ;)

Oh @creatr, that was "semi" funny. I'm so glad I follow you. :)

Hahahahahahaha! I'm glad, too! ;)

The semi-retired had me laughing. I should probably use a line like that for when people ask what I do as a sick person lol

LOL - According to the commercials that are heavily running almost on every TV channel in my country, I would say, you need a new "Dormeo" mattress! 😄😇

Hahahahaha! Yes, asphalt is a very poor mattress, for sure! ;)

Hahahahah, I feel that way after naps. Why do these trucks attack us when we're just coming back from deep slumber?

Actually, that could be a symptom of needing a liver and blood cleanse... The subject of an article to come in the future! ;) :D

Thanks for stopping by! ;)

Well, -_- now I'm scared to come back. My organs were fine until you became the webmed version on steemit. :) I'm going to run towards the bed again. I'll be hiding under a warm blanket for another nap

No worries! Cleansing is a pretty straightforward process, using herbal remedies...

Didn't mean to frighten you! :O

Oh good, there is hope for me then and my friend that I was referring to. Had me concern only for a short long period of time :-D

Oh my I just love this post!!! I can really relate! Thanks for the laugh!

You're so welcome, Mary! Thank you for the encouraging reaction!

Because I enjoyed the laugh so much another 100% upvote and a resteem for you my friend!

Wow, sincerely appreciated! :D

Funny! When folks ask me about retirement. I look down at my stomach (spare tire) and and pat it and say... retire. Nah it is already bought and paid for.

Hahahahahahaha! :D


"Old enough to know better, but young enough not to care..." ;)

well played. well played

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