#15 Humans Of Steemit : @sjennon (A Berlin-Based Dutchie With A Kind Heart Making Steemit A Better Place)


Hello Steemians!

Today's Human Of Steemit is @sjennon.

This lady is deeply embedded into the Steemit community and has A LOT to offer!

She even helped @firepower at Steemfest 2! The photos dotted throughout the post are of her helping out at Steemfest! :)


Just before we start, I am going to give you a bit of background info on Humans Of Steemit!

Humans Of Steemit showcases YOU.
Show who you are.
Get down to the nitty gritty of your entire being.
Steemit would not be here if it weren’t for you.
Steemit would not be good if it weren’t for you.

Recently, there has been a lot of speculation on the automatism (our beloved and not so beloved bot friends), being on here purely for monetary gains and where the humanity is missing on Steemit.

So let’s set that aside and show the humanity here. The people. You. We. Us.

There are two aspects to Humans Of Steemit!

A Q&A and Fun Crazy Steemit Thing!


A Q&A to dive deep into the souls of the Humans Of Steemit!
The questions are designed to unearth the real Steemian beneath the username and avatar.
To show you the realest real they are.
From silly to serious to funny to deep.
All the Q's are in there.

Fun Crazy Steemit Thing

is the space in which you can totally let go and be YOURSELF.
Show who you are.
Whether that’s a crazy dance video of you doing your ‘I am drunk and have no idea what I am doing but I am enjoying myself dance’ or you singing at your best to your fave karoake tune or a drawing of you looking all peaceful and wonderful or the best photo you ever took or ANYTHING!
As long as it is YOURS.
As long as it represents YOU!

Plus the deal is that 50% of the SBD from this post (after payout) is transferred to the Human Of Steemit that is featured! I get to keep the SP for organizing this, putting it all together and whatnot! And the other 50% of the SBD goes to people who are helping out with this project!

Whoop whoop!
Exciting stuff right?
So let's get right to it!


Who are you? Tell us anything and everything you’d like us to know about you!
  • Hellooo! I suck at being super creative at introductions, so I am going to keep it simple: I am Shannon, I live in Berlin but I was born and raised in Amsterdam. As a digital designer I make cool things on the screen for everybody to see and/or use. For example, I love making mobile app designs and roaming around on Dribble and Pinterest for inspiration. Next month I will embark on my first even world travel to SEA, OC and USA and I am super psyched!
What makes your heart smile?
  • Puppies and food! Oh, and sometimes @things too.
How did you get onto Steemit?
  • I was invited onboard by @firepower! I met him through a travel Facebook group when I was doing my thesis on Digital Nomads and he replied to one of my questions. Since then we were talking almost every day and later on he introduced Steemit to me. Not long after I was a part of the Firepower Crew at Steemfest!
Where do you want to die?
  • Oh jeesh, I don’t want to jinx anything though! But somewhere where my loved ones are so I won’t be alone.
What’s something you DON’T like about all this new technology?
  • All the spying, I guess. People could figure out anything these days by simply doing a search on your social media.
What mistake do you keep making and why?
  • I keep going to bed too late so I die in the mornings.
Is there anything you wish you could unlearn?
  • I wouldn’t be unhappy if I lost the habit of biting my nails. It’s not really something you learn though. I wonder what someone would want to unlearn - knowledge is power!
If there was something you could un-do, what would it be?
  • Let’s go deep and cure my dad of his illness, please!
Imagine that you magically have the ability to keep being alive without sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
  • Oh my god, I would get so many things done. I’d probably post more on Steemit. Oh, and also probably play a LOT more League of Legends.

    |What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?|
  • I randomly invested in GRS and STORJ which has been going up recently. Guess that turned out pretty well. Oh. And my entire Steemit career turned out pretty good too, I guess. :D
What makes your belly ache with laughter?
  • Scaring people. I recently saw this video about this guy blowing the airhorn every time his girlfriend was too much on her phone. I dieded.
Tell us about 1 significant event in your life that really made you who you are.
  • Ehm. No idea? Haha.
What would be the scariest monster you could imagine?
  • Demogorgon! No, something ghosty that completely fucks up your mind in which you do not know what’s real and what’s not.
What does Steemit mean for you?
  • Community! I love how people (generally) try to help other people out in one way or another (How to-blogs for example). It’s a very supportive platform and I’ve met some amazing people through here. I am sending my love to y’all!
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
  • Ooh, something cool. I always liked unisex names. Like Alex. Or Noa(h).
Which person inspires you the most and why do they inspire you?
  • I don’t know who inspires me the most, but I do think that @surfermarly is a really inspirational gal :D She always comes up with these cool charity or support initiatives and invests some money in it too! Besides that, she prefers to support minnows and is undenyingly sweet.
What are you insecure about?
  • I don’t like my body at all. Not that I am fat or anything. Just the body itself.
Describe your ideal life.
  • The best girlfriend, an amazing house in Amsterdam (among other cool cities maybe?!) and a world of possibilities when it comes to travel. I want to become a nomad and discover it all without having to struggle too much. Is that so much to ask for?!
Have you ever saved someone’s life?
  • I actually saved a tourist once for not getting ran over by a tram in Amsterdam. It was at Leidseplein tram stop, and I was running over the rails to get to the other side. Running because there was a tram from the left coming my way. So I ran and then went in between two trams which were parked, however a guy who was standing in between there and he wanted to go towards where I came from. I just pushed him (maybe quite harshly) back when he attempted to go where I came from. Half a second later the tram from the left side raced behind my back. The look on his face was priceless. He thanked me and we parted ways.
What do other people think is weird about you?
  • My indifference at some times?
What do you think is one of the best things about you?
  • Oh, I am funny AF. :D
What’s one responsibility you really wish you didn’t have?
  • Paying bills.
If you had a personal flag, what would be on it?
  • FOOD! Like fries or something.
If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?
  • Enough money to invest in houses and then live off the rent so I can bail and travel! Magic cure for cancer. Aaaand a lifetime supply of free Uber.
What do you think about when you’re by yourself?
  • About all the things I still need to arrange for my trip. My mindset generally doesn’t go further than a couple of months.
What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
  • Something sorta funny but still serious. Not sure what though.

Who is the person you trust most?
  • My mom! That lady gets shit done.
What’s your favourite word?
  • I have many. Right now it’s Titli and Papadum. Titli actually means butterfly in Hindi and there is a super cute song with it. But you know. It sounds like —. And Papadum because it just sounds entertaining.

Who is your fave (or one of your favourite) Steemians and why?
  • @firepower - because I owe my entire Steemit existence. He’s always super supportive of me and in addition a friend!
  • @progressivechef - he has this amazing contest running for food: @steemitiron-chef. I am a 100% supporter of his contest and the entries.. oooooo boi.
  • @surfermarly - I mentioned her earlier as a super supporter :D
  • @things - obviously, because she’s my girlfriend.
  • @mammasitta - the best lady in the world. She’s amazing.
  • @juliank - makes super impressive photography and is a fellow Dutchie. Also he is working on some neat Steemit initiatives.
  • @geethearao - sweetest lady and also @firepower’s mom. She never has too many kind words.
If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
  • Public drunkenness?
When you looked in the mirror first thing this morning, what was the first thing you thought?
  • “Someone needs to fix those dark circles”
What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
  • Elton John calls Can You Feel The Love Tonight the Sandwich Song because they wrote it over a sandwich. I think. I swear I heard this somewhere.
What is something that you just recently realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?
  • My teenage years.
What is your nickname?
  • Shenkie!
As a Human Of Steemit, how do you contribute to Steemit?
  • I am currently running Sjennon Support where I select 3 minnows per week and give them a 100% upvote for the entire week. No catches, no loopholes. All you need is to nominate yourself (or someone else!) by commenting underneath the post and I will take a look at your blog :)

Fun Crazy Steemit Thing

I also made SPECTACLES (@spectacles) with the amazing @pilcrow. It is a tool where you can get some user dependant data. You can check out your most loyal followers, or your dead and ghost followers. There’s a lot to it and we intend to expand it aswell! Also, we’re looking for contributors and some swag Angular developers so hit me up if you’re interested in making SPECTACLES awesome!

@sjennon, I really enjoyed getting to know you better my fellow-Dutchie! :)

You have great dreams which I know you are going to make true!
I really love how you support the Steemit community!

Thank you for creating @spectacles. (GO FOLLOW THE PROJECT NOW!)
Thank you for connecting with me on @steemsugars!
Thank you for participating on Humans Of Steemit!

And for everyone else who read this, please go follow @sjennon and support her by upvoting, commenting and following her!

If you want to be featured on Humans of Steemit to combat the botty world online and to show your heart, get in touch with me!
@ashleykalila on steemit.chat and Discord.
Or send me an e-mail : [email protected]

If you want to support Humans of Steemit, please hit follow on this blog, upvote this post and if you really LOVE it, resteem it!
(But really only do that if you REALLY REALLY want to! I believe in a life where we only do what we want to do!)

Humans Of Steemit believes in You.
And so do I!

I had help with editing by the lovely @deadsparrow. He is a good dude.
You should go talk to him.

BIG love,


@ashleykalila is my blog just in case you'd be interested to see what I write about!

Made by the wonderful @stellabelle


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


Yaay, finally! I was waiting for this.

Thank you so much for inviting me to @humansofsteemit! I really enjoyed answering to your questions.

I wish you the best of luck with your amazing project <3

you are a legend msJennon. that was an entertaining read. sorry to hear about your paps. Cancer sucks. My dad had that. It was rubbish. I wish you all the MEGA BEST with your travels and hopefully come and visit you guys in Berlin someday too. Berlin is one of my faves and I met so many cool steemies who live there. Party Fun Some Time x x

Hey brother @basilmarples! How is my scrotch stalker doing?

Yeah it does. Just hope he'll still be around for a looong time!

Thank you so much for your support :D I definitely need some during my travels 'cause I will probably be like WTF LIFE. If you are in or around LA, USA in the beginning of July, I might beat you to meeting :D

oh sure yeah, Im always flying in and out of hollywood to be in major movies and stuff..... NOT. I'll be in norfolk telling ghost stories probably, but you never know I suppose! hehe

Ofcourse. Well, that's the closest I will get when I start my travels :p

I met your ghost stories are legendary though!

they certainly will be :D

Dank je! :)
Thank you! :)

I am happy you decided to participate

I love that you do this! It's cool to learn a little more about the people that help make this platform everything it is!

Thank you dear!!!

You're welcome.

Nice and inspiring to learn more about @sjennon! She sounds like a fun person with lots of creativity:)

I am hella fun! :D

@sjennon our legend living in awesome Berliiin !!! :D
First of, your body looks amazing and ...what dark circles?! Be serious... ;)
I'm sorry for your Dad... :(

I love unisex names too! But my favorite is Charlie :D
Night owl here too so I totally get you.... ;)

Your ideal life is pretty much the same as mine. I think we're simple people - Scorpio and Taurus, very down to Earth ;)

@ashleykalila thanks for this!

You are too kind!

Haha, oh a legend?!

Brooo, I look like shit in the morning. If you'd wake up next to me one day, you'll be screaming your lungs out!

Thank you <3

Oh, I love Charlie too! Good one. I'd like to be a Charlie. Guess I found another name for my future daughter.

Yes we are!

Cheers to you @meanmommy33!

I will confirm when in Berlin with you there :P ahahaha but I highly doubt it!
I'll be the bigger person here and let you have Charlie ahahaha ;)))
Hugs girl!

that's a nice picture of you on the "Who is the person you trust most?" question. Tried to zoom-in on your tattoo; I thought it was a millenial falcon (sry if I spelled that wrong lol) but it looks like the top of a tree stump? Cool tho.

Hahahah! I have had this conversation so many times and it's still awesome. I really do think either a spider web or the Millennium Falcon are the most common guesses. A tree stump I haven't heard so much, but unfortunate, that's not it either!

Well cut me some slack. Im all the way in south Korea and all I have is a blurry pixelated pic to go off of 😵😵😵😵😵

Hahahah, I am! I just always enjoy these!

Does this help you? :D

That is the same pixated blurry picture lol I give up

Took a lot of inspiration from the post..:)..want to read more..:)

Leuk je hier weer terug te zien!

Really great project you got going here!

Full upvote shenkie. Maybe you make enough off this post you can go buy yourself a new pair of jeans, without the holes. Sorry to be blunt, but I understand. Poverty sucks. Hope this can take you to new pants land.

Honestly, I have no idea if this is sarcasm or not :') But thanks anyway!

In the event of uncertainty, also choose the most probable option

You're killing me.

Hopefully it is just a little death, said William Shakespeare to his friend.

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