When the big girl panties lets you downsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #humanizesteem5 years ago

All my life I have thought of myself of a relatively brave person. Not scared to try new things, not afraid to jump off cliffs or act on a dare or an impulsive idea that in hindsight was just that.

Image link https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-underwear-hanging-on-clothes-line-1597650/

Growing older however I do find that there are days that that bravery or perhaps stupidity which was just camouflaged as bravery, there are days now that I cannot find that bravery on my person. Has it disappeared? Have I lost it along the way? Did it ever exist?

Do we bluff ourselves into being brave when we are younger? Was it just peer pressure that egged us on or were we really brave and impulsive? I would like to think my bravery and impulsiveness was all me. Suddenly I am not so sure. What happened in between then and now? Why am I robbed of my confidence and having to learn new ways of coping? Nowadays the new saying is 'put on your big girl panties' and get a grip!

Well, what if the big girl panties are failing me? Letting me down? What do I do then? Do I hide under the bed until the moment passes or do I once again like when I was younger bluff my way through life? Pulling up the big girl panties and meeting challenges head on works well for some and not so well for others. Sometimes the elastic on those panties are frazzled and you are going through your day with one hand hanging on to them so as not to lose them completely.

Other days you'll find that the elastic is too tight, bringing it's own stresses with that. Because sometimes wearing the 'big girl panties' can overwhelm you as one cannot always be in control. One has to learn to pick your battles and the panties that go with them.

I find that currently mine are frazzled like hell and I am barely able to hold them up whilst taking on my daily chores and battles. As if life is not hard enough without trying to hold on to a pair of bloomers while you are trying to live it and make sense of it.

Why do we find it so hard to stand up for ourselves and our dreams and ideas? Why do we doubt ourselves so much that sometimes you just cannot continue on your path for the thorns of doubt you have sowed yourself? Whenever I wasn't sure of something I have done or made my mother in law used to tell me to stop worrying as other people didn't know it wasn't supposed to look like that. It was just in my head that it was wrong. But tell the truth, although I firmly believe in her words at age 40 I still struggle to apply it.

So what to do? Let go of the elastic and let it puddle around your feet exposing your vulnerable self to the world? Exchange them for the tightfitting pair that cuts off your blood flow or keep on trying new pairs/personas until you find the perfect fit? Well I suppose that is an option but what if? What if I just choose to chuck them away and stand on my own two feet? What if I decide that I don't need those damn panties to help me conquer my world? What if I do and I succeed at it?

I might just try it at that....and get back to you when I know whether it worked or not. Whether I am back to struggling to keep the elastic around my waist dealing with life, the cutting pair or whether I am doing my thing on my own, no elastic holding me back.

Till next time

Much love

All credit for the blog goes to Karolien de Kock from www.karolien-thereslifeafterkids.com /www.womaning101.co.za both these are the property of @dkkarolien. The blogs are my own original content.

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I can relate with this post on so many levels. I consider myself a brave person too, but there were definitely times, especially when I was a kid, when I tried to overdo it just to show it off how alpha I was but ended up making a fool of myself.

The only difference between bravery and stupidity is the end result, at least that's what I believe. As long as things work out, you can very still very well be called brave, but if they don't, your same actions would be termed stupid.

@ayushjalan so true. I always try the hardest too at anything I do. Sometimes I come out looking brave and others I just look and feel stupid. But life is ultimately about just being brave and putting yourself out there. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment 😉

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I agree with how vulnerability and transparency and honesty can be a starting point towards discovery about self and many things in character development.

@joeyarnoldvn so true. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment 😉

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Take those panties off girl 😉

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😂 😂 😂 😂 @skramatters....good point. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment 😉

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I just couldn't resist, but on a serious note as an adult nearing 40 I completely am in tune to your sentiments.

Today cup of coffee 2 has still not inspired greatness or any focus. When life keeps throwing curvevalls and you realise you're the pitcher,batter,and catcher things can become very grey until you end up with a touch of grey.

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@skramatters oh how that resonates. Not up to date with baseball (?) terms but at 42 (43 this coming Sunday) I am chief, cook and bottlewasher and solo parent for 19 and counting. One of lacks inspiration to get up and at it. Sometimes not even the coffee helps. I have another blog that's says....this too shall pass. Like a kidney stone but nevertheless. Good luck on your journey. 🙂

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19 and counting!!!!


You are super human!

The baseball terms are not important, the being the source of the game and two other players is, one of which is in diametric opposition to your pursuits..

This too shall pass has served me well. Serenity NOW!

Thank you, I only try to be present in my journey, all else is laughable..

I'm hell bent on people being sociable on steem though. 😉

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Thank you @skramatters I appreciate it. Sociable we shall be. #humanizesteem is the new keyword if I'm correct. I'm now on my coffee and shall contemplate the day ahead. Mauritius greetings 🙂

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I'm into #humanizesteem happy pre birthday BTW. and Malaysian greetings to you...

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Thank you for the congrats.... Just one last thing. I do have a husband he's just been working offshore for the past 24 years, only home for short bursts over the years. Solo parenting vs single parenting. I had the income support and the far off emotional support but I was blessed with more than many single moms that go it on their own. (I realized I didn't make that clear) so seems like I was all by myself being wonderwoman, which I was at times 😉 but having a partner albeit in the distance does help occasionally. Now have a wonderful day. Hopefully I'll visit Malaysia at some point in time.

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I am not worthy. I bow to your superior mothering skills! hahahahahahaha


Family get togethers - are they as amazing as I imagine them to be??? :)

and that kidney stone quote - PRICELESS! HAHAHAHAHA

Experiment but do NOT let those panties fall down in public

@justjoy 😂😂😂 I've had some funny replies to this blog. I'll take care to keep them up 😉❤️

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When I was younger - i threw myself into a cartwheel. determined to learn this trick!!!

In a short time - I succeeded! and the world was wonderful and exciting and for that brief moment, I felt like I was flying! Safe - but flying!

and then i thought - well if cartwheels are awesome - front handsprings will be amazing!

and it sooooooooo was!!!! ohhhhh the feeling of flying through the air - powered by my legs and arms and OUCH!!!!!!

landing was not so easy. hahahaha i knocked the wind right out of me and learned a healthy fear of my limitations. hehehehe

i think bravery doesn't go anywhere. it's just tempered with wisdom, and our own limitations (that certainly increase physically! hehehe)

In the beginning - our mindset is "what's the worst thing that can happen!"

in the middle - we realize - oh. so... THAT happened. and those consequences don't always JUST affect us. sometimes they affect our family - deeply.

elastic holding us back is not always a bad thing. hehehe as a matter of fact - i kinda like my bungee cords to keep their elasticity for as long as possible!!

awesome blog post... really enjoying you!

ah.... by the way!

Your blogs are beautiful - so that link up top - giving credit to the image ... it can be made less unpleasant! :)

use this code :)

<a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-underwear-hanging-on-clothes-line-1597650/">Panties on the Line</a>

that will make it look like this!

Panties on the Line

(I just named it Panties on the line - but you can name it whatever you like)

also - you can just put that at the end of the post! so it doesn't disrupt the flow of your blog! no need to put it directly under the image.

you can also make it smaller if you like!

<sup><a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-underwear-hanging-on-clothes-line-1597650/">Panties on the Line</a></sup>

(to look like this!)

hope that helps! any questions - feel free to ask me!! i'm always around-ish. 😉
Panties on the Line

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