IMPORTANT: Let's Help Someone Today, Steemit. What Do You Say?

in #humanity7 years ago (edited)

You have the power to make a very difficult time for someone a lot less stressful. I am not going to try and guilt trip any of you, so I will spare you the attempts to tug on your heart strings with photographs and sob stories.

The very simple fact is that one of our community members has suffered a death in the family and is not in a great place. I do not want you help this person because they are a Steemian. I want you to help this person because they are a human, and so are you, and it is within your power to do so.

They already made a request for help, asking for a humble donation meant only for a coffin to bury their father. It is the fact that this person was not greedy, and asked only for what was 100% necessary, that I believe we should go the extra mile and give them more than the bare minimum.

I can't pretend to know what it is like to lose a parent, but it feels shitty enough just attempting to imagine it right now. We have power in this community that is often wielded for self-serving purposes, but I ask you all to use your power today for something good.

Let us allow this person the financial security necessary for them to bury their father and bereave without the added stress of monetary pressures. If you would like to know the full story, you can check it out here.

How you can help

It's very simple. Go to @dianargenti's profile and then upvote a recent post or comment, or if you have limited power, you may want to upvote a number of the comments in order to help more.

Let's show everyone--and ourselves--that Steemit is about more than being out for yourself. Let's help this family. Not because we should, not because it's right, not because they need it--because I am sure they will survive either way. Let's help them simply because the next few months are going to be very fucking difficult for them, and we can make it a bit easier in seconds.

I ask that you resteem this post as well, because we all know visibility is fleeting since the community has grown so much recently. A share will help make sure this post reaches the right eyes.


this is the right way!

Yeah why not friend

I am confused, I thought this person has made collections twice already, whether or not anyone likes how it was done, hasn't it been done... twice?

Can you explain?

That is another 100% lie by @sonofsatire, just so you know




-- Everyone can go check my post here and read the post and comments --- Son of Satire has lied about me in the post, twisted my words, and is now trying to make himself look like "a good guy" after smearing me for the last 24 hours, with others in the post.

@sonofsatire never lied.

I was the one who first said you hadn't resteemed it and noticed after that apparently you had. This does not change the fact that you were trying to net in a big amount of SP on someone else's tragedy.

So how about you don't write that with big letters on his post and self-vote your comment?

They have not received very much at all because Barry is keeping half of the money he raised, which was also heavily flagged for that reason. We can do better, so explain to me why we shouldn't?

making money from someones death and poverty.. I was disgusted.. and also happy for those who didnt want to support him... it is good there are people who can stand up against this kind of behavior..

Yes that was my main problem. There is a lot of greed and abuse on here, but that is on a different level of inhumanity.

No, I just wondered why ...

I did some math, and it appears that, when you take liquidity into account, she has enough for the coffin. But as I said, so many others on here would have asked for more. I think that because she didn't, we should give her what we can in order to make the bereavement process less stressful for the family.

It's an upvote or two to us. But it is a million times more than that to them.

Sorry if I sounded snappy. Just reread the comment, but it was not intended to sound that way.

lol, I just figured everyone has their hackles up over this. No biggie, I was just curious.

@whatsup, why you so awesome?

Why would he keep half???!

He shouldn't, but I really don't want to make this post about him. I have already said my piece.

Yeah, I went to the post...and comments...

He is twisting words, please check my actual post on this and my comments here. The common practice in most cases is donation posts -- the liquid rewards are paid out to the cause or person in need of help.

Anyone that has to lie like this ---- when people can read his lies, and fact check, really needs to be considered for his motives.

He manufactured lies and problems on my page, to help Dian, just to start drama and take away time - energy and rewards that are going to Dian in her time of need.

Thanks for reading and trying to help @dianargenti

Provide one example of a lie I told, or a manufactured problem. You are sending people to that post, and when they arrive there.. They will see me giving you the benefit of the doubt and offering you an opportunity to show that this was not a self-serving act. All you had to do was give her the money, but instead you keep whining and trying to make me look like some sinister character. You look stupid though, because the proof is on the blockchain. I have no need to defend myself, so don't expect another message from me.

Forcing your opinion on me and demanding I change something to suit you --- is not going to work and that is now clearly part of the issue and there is plenty of evidence from you and me ---- on my post on my page. I welcome everyone to read it and note the namecalling, spin doctoring and flat out LIES.

10 votes on this post in 10 hours and there were 4 votes hours ago when I resteemed this for you, some of those may have even come from my feed.

Nice work.

And you complain on my post about your low payouts???? That is why you are ticked off, when you read what you wrote.

Try being nicer to people, you might get more than a few votes and comments in a post, even when you try and LOOK like the good guy.

Food for thought.

I will not be TOLD what to do here. And especially on my page by someone who acts like you do.


64 people seen his post till now.. this post is not about making money , but about redirecting people to Dianas posts and vote there. That is the right way how to help.. and maybe thanks to this 64 people she will earn more than from your half payout... because, you know,it looks like you wanted to profit from death and purity and people dont like it...

I understand what you arw saying, but I feel the right thing to do would be to donate the Steem Power eaned as well. It is a substantial amount and that is what I think everyone is concerned with.

If you understand what he is saying, please explain it to me, because I do not.

I didn't even in the comments on the post in question. Especially when they veered off into his accident. I have a clear sense of what I believe is right...and keeping so much on a charity post is not. You have brought the attention to the community and it is easy enough for people to make up their own minds when reading the comments.

That is another 100% lie by you @sonofsatire.


-- Everyone can go check my post here and read the post and comments --- Son of Satire has lied about me in the post, twisted my words, and is now trying to make himself look like "a good guy" after smearing me for the last 24 hours, with others in the post.

Exactly what in that message is a lie? I am not trying to make myself look like anything. And I don't want this bullshit on my post. I could have wrote in the post about what you done, it might even have helped encourage more support. But, I am not about "smearing" people. Please get the fuck off my blog. This is not about you so go and cry somewhere else.

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