How do I add pictures to my post?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #howto7 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemians,

Just a quick post for today, running around chasing a 1 year old has a tendency to take priority over everything LOL!

In yesterday's Steemit Mastermind Group we were talking about pic hosting and basic post formatting. I'm the first to admit I am no expert on this topic at all, I use simple myspace level html.

I just remember my confusion and feeling lost when I first arrived. So I thought I'd offer my advice from what I've learned so far. I'm also inviting (hoping) others will add their tips to this post if you feel like sharing.

Adding a pic here because nobody likes huge blocks of text right?

They say a picture paints a thousand words.

I know most people here are tech savvy so I'm not talking to the smarty pants. At risk of seeming patronizing, I'm mostly writing for those of us who are casual users of t'internet.

Folks like my Dad who just joined Steemit and didn't have a clue what a image url is?

Get on with it.. how the bloody hell do I add images!!?

Ok so Steemit doesn't host images for you so you have to go to where your image is hosted first and then simply right-click the image and copy image url/address. Now simply use the editor tool, paste the url/address and your image should appear!

If you don't see the editor tool bar, look to the right under the title box. Clicking this switches you between the editor and Raw HTML.

(Edit: Where a pic is "hosted" means where it was loaded from your computer "up" to the internet)

I've heard there are some image hosting services specifically for steemians that work fine. Feel free to post below if you have any that you'd like to recommend.

Personally I like using my pre-existing social media accounts. I use both Tumblr and Instagram depending on what type of image, Tumblr is nsfw friendly. Otherwise I use my wordpress hosting account but I feel that's quickly becoming redundant.

The main advantage of this is it reminds me to keep up with my other accounts and helps me stay connected with those audiences.

Ok what formatting can I think of that might help?

Well the rest of the editor seems self explanatory right?

From left to right -

Bold, italics, strikethrough, monospace..

  • Bullet points 
  1. Numbered bullet points
Block Quotes

The chain "link" looking thing allows you to add a LINK to any url you paste in and also removes them..

Then the pic tool we mentioned above and a drop down menu of header sizes and finally the undo/redo buttons.

Surprisingly there's no center justification, so I just use what myspace taught me;

Put < center > before and < /center > after, but without the spaces of course.

Oh yeah and there's this..

Yeah that horizontal line thing above.. to put that in just type < hr > without the spaces.

Join us at Steemit Mastermind Group

@Samstonehill added some great tips to the discussion, he's already created a post about "How to pull your image to the side". Oh and I was going to explain how to add videos but it seems Steemit has simplified that process already and all you have to do is paste the video url to add it to your post.

Click for a round of applause from Kai for making it to the end!

So that's about it for now, like I said I'm no expert on this. If I think of anything else then I'll add it to the comments below and you are all welcome to add to the conversation if you like.

We all know our content deserves as much exposure as we can get. Include some images and use some simple formatting to help boost your post rewards and add a splash of color!

I just wanted to put this out there to help n00bs and minnows like me.



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Hey guys, I'm adding this post I just saw from @stellabelle! I've been following her lately as she's posting about many of the same topics I have been: Plagiarism and spam posters!

I really like what she said here: "In Steemit, your reputation is the most valuable asset you have."

Click here to read her post!


You can just copy and paste image. You don't need url, steemit generates url and uploads image for you :) copy and paste

Ok guys so after a little investigating I've figured out what @sanevys is referring to. Thanks for commenting and helping us all out man.

So if you're using "Markdown" which you can select on the right hand-side under the title box. It shows up as "Raw HTML" if you've already started writing your story.

Then you can simply drag and drop, paste or select your images directly and they will be uploaded and "hosted" onto!

I have no idea why this does not work in "Editor" mode. My advise is to pull your images in and then switch to editor if you find it easier to format that way.

Very helpful, if you're not used to markdown it can be a bit mind boggling. Took me a while to figure it out when posting, and I've still some way to go, so this is great info.

Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate knowing I'm not alone!

Thanks for the mention. There are so many amazing tricks to learn, not being used much by other people!

In fact one of my students here at Bali Steemit HQ discovered a new one the other day. How to make sliding text banners:

These conversations are great! :D

Awesome bros, thanks for linking the team 👊

Sometimes a photo in my gallery folder will not upload or have a link but I can share it via email. And once I email it to myself, I can copy the image and paste on steemit.

Thank you so much for your addition! Not knowing what a hosting site is I found it incredibly helpful to learn that email is one way to host a picture!

Wow that's a great trick! Never thought of that, really cool thanks for sharing!

lol I'm not the most technical savvy person on the planet. So when one way doesn't work for me, I resort to experimenting with alternate ways but accomplishing the same goal. Glad I could help!

Wonderful read! I really appreciate all the help I can get cause all this is a bit complicated for me!

So happy to see you dipping your toe in the steemit ocean! Let's swim 😜💦

I always use for uploading photos. It works super fast like a lightning bolt. :)

Thanks for adding @pinaynomad, good one to add to the list!

ahhhh. .thats how you do it! thnx keni, aheadahead on that one!;)

Haha glad we can help @shonariver, give the ladies lots of love from us ❤️

Hey @kenistyles Thanks for uploading my new post. Yes, there is so much to know on so many aspects of this platform that we CERTAINLY need these types of posts which cater to newer members, while at the same time containing some helpful nuggets for those further along. As you surely know, from my new post, I believe that SteemIt has the potential to implement social media photo sharing the PROPER way (in which non-blockchain sites have been unable to do, as a result of the inability to properly monetize). Keep posting your good info. By the way, I am currently in Savannakhet, Laos. I believe you are somewhere around Northwestern Thailand, right? If so, good to see that everyone is participating internationally. Exciting times for sure. @TranscriptJunky

Yeah no problem bro, just keeping the threads on topic hope you didn't mind me moving it.

At the moment we're in England visiting family but yes we live in Thailand most of the year!

I feel there's space for all applications and the more the merrier for our blockchain, mass adoption is coming!

The steem video hosting platforms are launching this week and that's HUGE!

Exciting times STEEM ON!! 🙌

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