Horror Club: Guests

in #horrorclub7 years ago (edited)

Used With Permission from @ghostcode: Source

Blinding light met my tired eyes as I slowly tried to open them. This wasn't sunlight, nor was it the familiar light of my room. I couldn't bear to keep my eyes open, so I listened for any indication of where I was.


No response. Attempting to move my arms I found myself bound by a mysterious source. Or rather, I couldn't move them at all. It was like I was paralyzed.

"Jessica, if you're there please answer!" I called out. Still nothing. My breathing became heavy as panic began to set in. Breathing became difficult,my thoughts became muddled and I started to feel the all too familiar feeling of a panic attack.

Something stabbed into my chest, and I once again lost consciousness.

The next thing I knew, I was in bed, Jessica laying beside me. It was still dark out.

Getting out of bed I began to pace beside the window. Pacing always helped calm me down after a nightmare. I've been dealing with them for as long as I can remember. As a child I would wake up screaming about monsters, aliens, ghosts and indescribable abominations. It was always hard on my parents, and I'm sure it's been hard on Jessica. I avoid bothering her as best I can though.

Deciding to grab a glass of water before going back to sleep I walked to the door. The handle wouldn't move. Shaking it didn't help, it was as if the door was fused with the wall.

This didn't help my sense of dread. Reluctantly I walked over to the bed and shook Jessica awake. Her beautiful eyes shot open and met mine. It was a bit startling.

"Sorry to wake you." I said, a bit guilty. "Something's wrong with the door. I just had another dream, so maybe my head's just not on straight, but can you help me get some air?"

She looked at me blankly. "John?" Her voice sounded panicked, even as her face looked calm and collected.

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously. Something wasn't right.

"John?" she repeated in the same concerned voice. I backed away, now feeling more panicked, considering what might be wrong with my girlfriend.

"John!" She was yelling now, a distinct note of panic in her own voice. Her gaze was still empty though. Her eyes unmoving.

I backed toward the door to get some distance. I was confused at what was happening. What had happened to Jessica?

She stared at me for a long time. I didn't dare move.


It was my voice now. My voice was coming out of Jessica's mouth. The same voice I used in the dream. Was this just another nightmare?

"Jessica, If you're there, please answer!" Everything I had said in my dream was being played back to me through her mouth. The memory still haunts me to this day.

Jessica, or whatever had taken her place, got up and started walking towards me. Instinctively I pushed her away with every ounce of my strength.

I felt immediately sick as I watched her stumble backwards and trip, her head hitting the bedpost hard. It only took her a moment to get back up, but a gash on her cheek revealed a leathery blue texture underneath. She slowly lifted a hand to feel the damage.

She was staring directly at me as that sickening popping sound resounded from her body. The leathery blue something underneath her skin began to move and squirm. It was then that I noticed the dried blood staining her night gown.

The sound of flesh splitting is something I wish I could forget. Her body went limp as that disgusting blue monstrosity crawled out from her back. It looked down at her as her head fell to the side, it's legs still invading her body. As she slumped forward I could see the opening in her back where it had emerged. She had been hollowed out and preserved. The last thing I remember is the creature within her turning it's dark eyes towards me before I blacked out again.

When I awoke in the morning, Jessica wasn't there. I desperately hoped it was all a dream, but it's been five years and I still haven't found her. When I reported her missing the police were immediately suspicious of me, but of course there was no evidence of foul play.

I wish it was a dream, but I know better. I won't see Jessica again. If I do, I know it won't be her.


That was awesome! Pure lynchian horror.

Good Post keep it up.

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