Daily Horoscope #19 | 29 Apr 2018 | Sunday

in #horoscope6 years ago


aries.png ARIES

You're a fireball, as anyone who's known you for more than ten minutes will most certainly agree. So when you receive a note, call or meaningful glance from across the room, being who you are, you'll do what you do best: React impulsively. For most of us, that might mean a cautious, polite greeting -- or maybe a nice, discreet, handshake. Not you. You'll want to know what time you should pick them up tomorrow night -- and, as per, it will work like a charm.

Taurus-the-Bull.png TAURUS

If love isn't in the air now, it never will be. It's so very much in the air that within your circles, the extraordinary mood you're in will become common knowledge within hours. Pretend you know nothing about this, and when the calls for favors start coming in, don't give in as easily as you want to -- like The Don did on Connie's wedding day, that is.

gemini200.png GEMINI

Okay, so it's not common for you to open your fridge and find a full array of carefully prepared gourmet dishes. Who has time for that when high-end devices have already been invented? You can, however, use one of those devices to order up a buffet of home-cooked delights, and, you being you, there's no doubt that you won't be munching on this comfort-food feast alone.

cancer.jpg CANCER

All of us here on Planet Number Three are in the mood to make contact with someone from a far-off place - someone whose smile, wit or simple presence we've missed for far too long. You're no different, and you know exactly who you want to make that contact with, too. Why not do it now? You know they'll be delighted to hear your voice, too, and afterward, you may be able to rekindle the original fire.

Leo.png LEO

When you love someone, you put up with a thousand things you'd never tolerate from anyone else. So if you're in the company of the usual suspects, and a family member, partner or best friend happens to start retelling a story you know so well you could absolutely recite it in your sleep, just excuse yourself and let them have their fun -- just in case there are one or two tales you yourself may have told in front of them once or twice...

virgo.jpg VIRGO

Your sign is known for modesty, prudence, and discretion, so once you're gifted with a secret, keeping it is something you take very seriously -- and that goes double for confiding one. At the moment, however, you've been put in a position you're not fond of: You may need to tell someone something you never thought you'd utter to a single soul. There's only one thing to do, and it all comes down to what you know in your heart is right.

libra.jpg LIBRA

If anyone can keep a room full of people happy -- at least one roomful -- it's you. Truth be told, a roomful is nothing. You can bring up a subject at a conference of a thousand that will bring everyone together in a spirit of camaraderie so strong not one of them will be able to remember the last time they felt it. It's a gift, and you'll need to use it now. Just wait and see how well your gift makes a certain situation turn out.

scorpio-man.jpg SCORPIO

We all get chances to shine in the eyes of the authority figures whose decisions can either make or break our careers -- but those chances don't come along all that often. One of those rare opportunities is en route right now, so make sure those antennae of yours are operating on high and that you're not distracted by anyone or anything. That said, congratulations will soon be in order.

images.png SAGITTARIUS

Monotony, habit or anything that even remotely resembles routine will be absolutely intolerable to you now -- so intolerable that you'll take chances and risks, regardless of how iffy the odds are, just to do something new and different. Oddly enough, it's a memory from the past -- one that reminds you of how refreshing, exciting and spontaneous it was to do exactly what you wanted, regardless of the aftermath -- that will most likely inspire you to do all this.

Capricorn-300x300.png CAPRICORN

If anyone loves the ritual of making something official by gathering around a long glass conference table on the 87th floor to set down signatures on reams of paper with all parties concerned and their legal representatives in attendance ... well, let's face it, that would be you. So when that circumstance comes along, you'll be so darned tickled, you'll hardly be able to contain yourself.

aquarius-horoscope-2012.png AQUARIUS

Many of us find electronic devices annoying. Well, not all of them -- only the ones that ring, beep or vibrate at the exact wrong moment, specifically and intentionally to interrupt whatever we're doing. Yes, even you can even feel that way. Now, however? Every beep, vibe or ring will be welcome, because on the other end just might be the person you've been waiting to hear from -- or someone even better.

pisces.jpg PISCES

Meeting someone new always brings along a medley of feelings: apprehension, excitement, and anticipation, for starters. Most of those feelings are carryovers from the past, inspired by memories that were either very good or ... very not so good. At any rate, you're due for some of those to come along now -- of the entirely pleasant variety. Don't be surprised if this is the start of a new friendship that won't be going anywhere for a good, long while.

Have A Good Day


In Case If You MIssed

My Previous Post:-

Daily Horoscope #18 | 28 Apr 2018 | Saturday

Daily Horoscope #17 | 27 Apr 2018 | Friday

Daily Horoscope #16 | 25 Apr 2018 | Wednesday

Daily Horoscope #15 | 23 Apr 2018 | Monday

Daily Horoscope #14 || 22 Apr 2018 || sunday

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Daily Horoscope #10 | 16 Apr 2018 | Monday

Daily Horoscope #9 | 13 Apr 2018 | Friday

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Daily Horoscope #7 | 9 Apr 2018 | Monday

Daily Horoscope #6 | 8 Apr 2018 | Sunday

Daily Horoscope #5 | 7 Apr 2018 | Saturday

Daily Horoscope #4 | 6 Apr 2018 | Friday

Daily Horoscope #3 | 5 Apr 2018 | Thursday

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Daily Horoscope #1 | 3 Apr 2018 | Tuesday

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