Daily Horoscope #16 | 25 Apr 2018 | Wednesday

in #horoscope6 years ago


aries.png ARIES

The Moon is in your sign today, Aries! The vibe is tricky this morning, and unexpected feelings will pop up for you in the afternoon, but you'll feel more comfortable by early this evening. Money is on your mind. If you have broken the rules in some way now would be a good time to own up and make amends. You may be surprised to find that those you thought would be angry don't care about your transgression – but that is not an excuse to do again!

Taurus-the-Bull.png TAURUS

You're in a quiet mood today, but your psychic abilities are strong, so you'll be picking up on a whole lot of information. A new moon is coming soon, which means a major fresh start in your life. Life is good and getting better by the moment. Tomorrow's new moon in your sign will in some way or other put a smile on your face. What have you done to deserve being so fortunate? Who knows! Who cares! Just enjoy it!

gemini200.png GEMINI

There may be good reasons to keep your head down today but the planets promise you have precious little to be genuinely worried about. You can stay at home and lock the doors if you wish but there really is no need. Enjoy life, don't fear it. Solid energy will flow in your relationships early this evening, but don't make it a late night—the Moon will enter Taurus this evening, encouraging you to get some rest.

cancer.jpg CANCER

If you want to get the best out of the next few days you should spend as much time as you can with your friends. You may or may not be one of the most beautiful people but there are many beautiful individuals in your life. Shower them with love. You're rethinking some of your moves and having brilliant ideas about how you want to move forward.

Leo.png LEO

Not everyone is as ambitious as you, so make allowances for those who can't keep up. The upcoming new moon suggests it might be time to get a new partner, someone whose drive matches your own. Just make sure you drive in the same direction! The Moon is in fellow Fire sign today, illuminating the travel and learning sector of your chart—deep understandings about the world will take place for you today. Your focus shifts to career.

virgo.jpg VIRGO

The approaching new moon makes this one of those times that you don't want to end. You will get everything you can out of the next few days but it still won't be enough – you want more, more, more! The only success is excess! Unexpected emotional breakthroughs are happening. You're in a risk-taking mood tonight!

libra.jpg LIBRA

You need to let certain people know that you are the one who calls the shots. They can offer as much advice as they like but when it comes to making that final decision the buck stops with you – and that's how it is going to stay. Some feelings you've had for a long time are making sense now and are beginning to feel clearer—are you ready to talk about it? Intimacy is in the air tonight

scorpio-man.jpg SCORPIO

You will go out of your way to help people today – anyone who asks for your assistance will get it. The only danger is you might give so much away that you leave yourself short, but don't worry: Your needs, too, will be taken care of. You're hard at work today, Scorpio, and while some unexpected delays or scheduling issues may come up, some helpful solutions will, too. Your focus shifts to relationships.

images.png SAGITTARIUS

There is no point lamenting what might have been, not when so much is still possible. No matter your age or your current position you can make a success of your life – all you need do is believe in yourself and act on that belief. The Moon is in fellow sign for most of the day, sending you good vibes and bringing you unexpected fun. Reminder: stay responsible.

Capricorn-300x300.png CAPRICORN

The upcoming new moon will be hugely helpful, both in your personal affairs and in your work. Your natural confidence will help too. You know exactly what it is you want to accomplish and there is no doubt at all that you will succeed. There will be some unexpectedly mushy, nostalgic feelings! Don't hold your emotions in—supportive energy flows today around processing your emotions.

aquarius-horoscope-2012.png AQUARIUS

Anyone who thinks you have been taking it easy of late will be impressed by your energy and enthusiasm today. Both at home and at work you will be on top of events and ahead of the game. Then, of course, you must strive to stay ahead. Surprising messages will come your way this afternoon, Aquarius! You will be able to forge some solid social connections early this evening. However, you'll end up in a private, cozy mood tonight.

pisces.jpg PISCES

Others will make demands on your time and your energy today but you will ignore them all. You have an agenda of your own to follow and you have no intention of being sidetracked by needy people. It's your needs that count. The energy shifts this evening when the Moon enters Taurus and activates the communication sector of your chart: What do you have to get off your chest?

Have A Good Day


In Case If You MIssed

My Previous Post:-

Daily Horoscope #15 | 23 Apr 2018 | Monday

Daily Horoscope #14 || 22 Apr 2018 || sunday

Daily Horoscope #13 | 21 Apr 2018 | saturday

Daily Horoscope #12 | 18 Apr 2018 | Wednesday

Daily Horoscope #11 | 17 Apr 2018 | Tuesday

Daily Horoscope #10 | 16 Apr 2018 | Monday

Daily Horoscope #9 | 13 Apr 2018 | Friday

Daily Horoscope #8 | 10 Apr 2018 | Tuesday

Daily Horoscope #7 | 9 Apr 2018 | Monday

Daily Horoscope #6 | 8 Apr 2018 | Sunday

Daily Horoscope #5 | 7 Apr 2018 | Saturday

Daily Horoscope #4 | 6 Apr 2018 | Friday

Daily Horoscope #3 | 5 Apr 2018 | Thursday

Daily Horoscope #2 | 4 Apr 2018 | Wednesday

Daily Horoscope #1 | 3 Apr 2018 | Tuesday


Thanks, very interesting.

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