Daily Horoscope #18 | 28 Apr 2018 | Saturday

in #horoscope6 years ago


aries.png ARIES

Don't be surprised if you have a desire to redecorate. The celestial energies have put you in the mood to rearrange your house a bit. Take care to not go overboard, Aries. You have a tendency to turn little projects into big ones. For now, content yourself with buying some flowering plants and perhaps new area rugs and throw pillows. Leave the kitchen and bath renovations for later.

Taurus-the-Bull.png TAURUS

Be sure to answer all phone calls and open all letters and emails today, Taurus. You're likely to receive some interesting news. You might get word from a former boss that you'd be perfect for a new position opening up in his or her office. Or perhaps an old lover makes tentative inquiries about renewing old bonds. Your eyebrows will rise in surprise at least once during this day. Expect the unexpected!

gemini200.png GEMINI

Just as a watched pot never boils, so, too, do anxiously awaited checks or letters refuse to arrive in the mail, Gemini. Beyond double-checking that the person or company has your correct address, there isn't much you can do but continue to wait. Trust that it will arrive shortly, and then your financial difficulties will be behind you.

cancer.jpg CANCER

No doubt you're feeling attractive and passionate today, Cancer. Don't be surprised if a former lover gets in touch with you to try and rekindle the old flame. The attention is flattering, to be sure, but you're unlikely to have any desire to pursue the relationship. You're happy with what you have right now. And as they say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Leo.png LEO

As you get older, you're drawn more and more to spiritual matters, Leo. It isn't so much that you're embracing any particular religion, more that you're quite curious about the supernatural and some of the ancient arts. Take some time today to visit the library or bookstore and do some reading on the subject. You might want to form a study group with other like-minded individuals.

virgo.jpg VIRGO

Don't hesitate to try something new today, Virgo. If you've thought about joining a book club or taking a class, do it today! You're likely to meet some interesting people and enter a new social world. You might be tentative at first, but you'll find the group warm, friendly, and eager for your input. You'll talk like old friends by the end of the second meeting. This is just the infusion of fun you need!

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You're likely to feel optimistic and enthusiastic about life today, Libra. You might also feel especially sexy, a feeling you should definitely take advantage of! Why not plan a romantic evening with your loved one? Don't hesitate to talk about your travel dreams over dinner. You never know, he or she just might share your dream. Before you know it, the two of you could be winging your way to exotic lands.

scorpio-man.jpg SCORPIO

Today is full of possibilities, Scorpio. You could fall in love at first sight, or at least meet someone who captures your interest! You should be feeling especially loving, passionate, and eager to devote yourself to a worthy cause or creative activity. Don't expect everything to fall into place right away. You could hit a few obstacles, but the ultimate result will be worth the bumps along the way.

images.png SAGITTARIUS

You're looking beautiful and feeling passionate, Sagittarius. If only your passions could be reciprocated! Even though there may not be anyone special in your life right now, that's no reason to not treat yourself well. Go out for a nice meal or, better yet, order take-out and dine at home, complete with music, candles, and your finest china. You should appreciate yourself even if no one else does at the moment.

Capricorn-300x300.png CAPRICORN

This could be a frustrating day in the romance department, Capricorn. Communication is blocked at all levels. You're anxious to speak with your loved one, but simply can't reach him or her. Perhaps the phone system is malfunctioning or email is acting up. You feel as though the Universe is conspiring against you. Take heart. Your partner will contact you soon enough, and your reunion will be electric!

aquarius-horoscope-2012.png AQUARIUS

You have certainly felt better than you do today, Aquarius. We'll pause here while you go and fetch the aspirin. The stomachache and headache are simply the result of recent overindulgence. Don't worry - you'll be fit as a fiddle by tomorrow morning. Next time someone offers you multiple helpings of food or drink, however, you might want to consider politely declining!

pisces.jpg PISCES

You could be feeling playful today, Pisces. Your romantic partner will certainly appreciate your fun-loving mood. Why not plan a fun day together doing something other than your usual routine? Rather than dinner and a movie, how about lunch and a visit to a museum or art gallery? You have both been working very hard lately. Your relationship will benefit from an injection of spontaneity.

Have A Good Day


In Case If You MIssed

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