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RE: Homosexuality and energy blending; The consciousness behind our sexual orientation

in #homosexuality6 years ago

I am afraid this is a response coming from a POV of someone who has lived in Israel and has been exposed too often and too much to the fanatic and ignorant religious discussion. Been there myself, of course.

Not at all! It actually comes from years of reading articles about gay youths and pre-teen transgender people. Also, I've been watching the show "Masters of Sex" on Netflix and they delve into some interesting arguments about sex, sexuality and their impact on our lives. I strongly recommend you watch this show.

In this show, there is a character of a highly respected man, married and prominent in his world. He is battling himself, harming himself and living a miserable life because he prefers men, but the world forbids him. This battle causes suffering to all those around him and (spoiler) brings him to attempt suicide. Many do, especially young and inexperienced individuals who are told "you're gay because you're broken in some way or imbalanced and you have the power to change to be normal". It is horrible and dangerous. It's statements like this that drive transgender teens to suicide. According to statistics, MOST OF THEM attempt it. Why? Because we do not encourage people to accept themselves, but rather pressure them into finding a "balance" and changing internally and externally to cater to the demands of the masses, looking to normalize everyone into heterocis cookie-cutter humans. Gender is fluid, sex is a result of biological function. Sometimes trying to change what and who you are is far more damaging than accepting it.

I do believe we are born with certain pre-defined tastes. I, for example, cannot tolerate the taste of olives. I never did. The very smell makes me want to vomit. About a decade ago, I found out why - I am allergic to them. My body doesn't want them. I believe it is the same with attraction. We desire those who compliment us and "fit" the combination of our minds, spirits and bodies.

Sure, I can try and treat this allergy. Take pills of shots. But why should I? I don't like the smell or taste of olives, same as you are not attracted to men.


I love your comments, not for the sake of the argument, because there's none, (I second your words 100%), but for the benefit of the others who will stumble upon our discussion in the future.

Many do, especially young and inexperienced individuals who are told "you're gay because you're broken in some way or imbalanced and you have the power to change to be normal".

I hope it's clear that there's no judgment from my end or in my post. Straight or gray is equally Normal! And those who try to normalize other people, in every field of life, are ignorant. How did Yeshua put it? "forgive them father for they do not know".
My point to every human being remains the same -

It is OK to be who and whatever you choose! Seek no one's approval, especially about your sexuality.

I don't like the smell or taste of olives, same as you are not attracted to men.

And lastly, @techslut, comparing men to olives, made me think, because I love olives very much 😉😊

I love olives very much 😉😊

You pervert! :P

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