Why I am a Homesteader

in #homesteadingchallenge7 years ago (edited)

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Your reasons for homesteading are valid at any scale! Being in an apartment just means your homestead has a different look. You have your apartment -- and you have your entire region, whether you'vegot a community garden or forage around your region. My dad always says, "If you can't cultivate a garden, cultivate a friendship with a gardener!" Happy homesteading!

A-men! Cultivating friendships is probably most important, as you are bound to need the help of people with all kinds of expertise at some point. It's all about relationships.

I ❤️ this! I try to explain to city folk that it's TOTALLY possible to be a homesteader or gardener even if you live in an apartment! I love what you are doing! Keep getting the word out there for others to realize they to can do what you are doing. No balcony no problem get a couple grow lights put some plants in a corner BOOM your garden 👍🏻 Definitely resteeming!!! Great job!!!

Thank you! And sure, plants are great, but they are by no means the whole spectrum. There are so many things one can do that doesn't involve photosynthesis. Of course, if the conditions are right, all the better.

good thing to do

Great post, I hadnt seen this challenge!

Exactly one according to my taste. Kinda excited to see how it'll be.

Wonderful article! You have been entered into the challenge - thank you!

Thanks, looking forward to the next parts.

I am so sad Bill is gone. He was a funny old man. I watched quite a few of his permaculture courses when I was getting my Permaculture Design Certificate.

I think you're doing just fine being a homesteader in a city apartment without even a balcony (but omg, that does suck a big one, haha). You're doing it exactly right! Making value-added products is really the way to go!

You've got a PDC??? Why am not surprised? ;-) May I ask who your instructors were? Not that I would recognize all major (or minor) names in the world of Permaculture education, but I kinda hope it may ring a bell maybe. I took mine in the States as well, taught by Scott Pittman and Larry Santoyo, back in 2008.

I had to do it online. I got it with Through Oregon State University's program taught by Andrew Millison. :) He started out in Arizona.

Okay, his name does ring a bell, but a faint one. I guess I must have bumped into it online at some point. (Probably the university's online PDC program).

Probably so!

Wonderful. I am intrigued. Would you be so kind as to make a post about cultivating Spirulina. I purchased a bottle and drink it with Tomato juice. It is THE super food of the planet. From what I understand it is algae so it has to be spawn in water, but not too sure, would love to make my own. Do you have any experience with Macca Root? Thanks for sharing

Sorry, I missed your reply. Yes, I am going to make another instructional video (hopefully a bit better this time) about setting up spirulina cultivation at home. Did you see my video I posted a few days ago? That is just to show how to maintain it, harvest it, take care of it. Macca root? Sorry, we haven't had the pleasure. What is it, and what is it good for?

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