Off Grid Washing Machine Using Homemade Soap & More

in #homesteading7 years ago

We have a solar powered washing machine and use homemade soap for laundry detergent. And I finished my homemade reclaimed lumber end table.

We got a washing machine recently which we can run on solar power. It uses very little water and extremely little power to run this washing machine.

The wash cycle only uses 120 Watts and the spin cycle uses just double that. This means that we can wash our clothes with a single solar panel and still have power going into a backup battery when the sun is shining.

We shave off some of our homemade soap into the washing machine. This gives us a very clean batch of laundry. Homemade soap somehow gets clothes cleaner than commercial laundry detergents. And there is no residue and no perfumes to deal with.

I put hinges on the lid of my reclaimed lumber end table that I built and then put a chain on the lid to stop it from opening all the way. This keeps it from falling backward and stressing the hinges.

We also showered using the soap that we had just made and we both love it. Our homemade soap is good for your skin and hair plus it does not leave any residue behind. Since it is all natural, there are no harmful side effects of using our homemade soap.

You can watch the video here:

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Solar power is so wonderful. If only humans would use only it, we would have 100% clean Earth.

Tesla had his clean energy, but they got him down for his ideas and inventions.

It is nice to hear that your washing machine works on it now - Troy :)

Thanks. I love saving energy. For me its just fun and a challenge to see how much we can save each day.

Sad about Tesla. He wanted what was best for the people.

Good human being this gentleman Nicola Tesla - I have seing few documentaries and movies about him - great mind, and bid heart for humans and the Earth.

I enjoy watching your videos where you utilize some of his ideas.

Did getting energy from soil (earth, ground) with the 2 different metals nails worked in the end on bigger scale?

Yes he as a great man.

I only hope to one day reach a small portion of his accomplishments.

I did not yet go larger on the earth battery. But I do plan to put ground rods deep in the ground next year and do this again.

You Troy.

So far my Bedini motor is in its infant stages.

It is capable of so much more.

I am still learning although I already have much to share.

lol, I bet that bothers you.

I am going to make it look nice.

That will be the final step.

Then fine tuning and improving it.

This project would be most interesting for me and I bet for more other people - I would definitely resteem it and make a video on my channel recommending this project of yours with the link to it.

I am working up to it. I will put it on my electronic channel. Not sure if you saw that yet?

I have a YT electronics channel and a steemit electronics channel.

Tell him you have 4 channels. How do you do that?

I have seeing all your channels - all very good. Electronics, tr tech, family cooking :) .
I enjoy your activities, as I lack my own off-grid homestead. Maybe in near future I will have my own.

Should we hold our breath? You never finish anything you start. Chicken coop, greenhouse, dirt pit greenhouse, take shack and trailer off grid, insulate battery box, build appropriate housing for inverter, put in smaller woodstove that doesn't cook you in the little shack, etc etc. I'm not holding my breath but I wonder if the rods are so great why hasn't many others done it. We need more bedini motor videos

Funny you say that. On the video where I finished something.

Oh, and the Bedini motor(s) of which I have a few - working and finished.

But we should not expect better from a troll.

lets face it trog you had to finish the soap. Since you only have a few dozen soap making videos we can now say been there done that. Now the bedini motors are exciting. Most steemit viewers would watch a bedini motor video all day long. You just can't get enough info on bedini motors like I told you. You have any more bedini motor videos coming up? Even trolls like bedini motors. You should film nothing but bedini motors and tell your viewers to go fuck themselves if they don't like bedini motor videos. Luv me some bedini motors.

You still haven't finished it dick head. You told DrBill you have to finish it up and make it look nice. Stop bothering me on my comments.

no reid. youre just a cheap motherfucker. you want to keep every cent you can so you can spend it on yourself.

Well, what is wrong with saving money and reducing bills?

Why should it anger you that I live sparingly?

you don't live sparingly, you live like a pauper feeding your family rotten vegetables and deer corn and not allowing them the convenience of hot tap water. You don't save money you spend every cent you have on junk and toys.

I think you are not watching my videos.

It is clear on my videos that we are happy and comfortable.

They have stuff because of your viewers not because of you Troy. Look at your video where you had your viewers pay for her then pay to get her her (so romantic going to make a great story when Michelle gets older and ask how you two met) then had your viewers and family buy her clothes. Then BAM you had 2 mini kids bikes. Yep you provide

Oh, I get it, you are keeping Ming a Ling drugged up so she doesn't realize she has it so bad. Good thinking otherwise she will leave you and get child support like maybe half your bedini motors

It is sad that you cannot understand happiness.

You would rather dwell on hating others.

because your wife and child suffer because of your selfishness,thats why. cast your bread upon the waters asshole. this is not about you anymore. get a job besides screwing around on the internet all day along with all the failed projects you start and never finish. yull find you have more money to spend.

You have no right to tell me where to work.

I enjoy my job actually.

I would much more enjoy it if your friends stopped harassing us online and in the real world.

[-]troyreidlies (35) · 1 minute ago
I understand that I hate only one person on earth- you. I understand that the greatest happiness for me has been providing a great life for my family. I understand that its a man's duty to always try to improve upon the lives of the people that depend on them. I understand that I can hold my head up high anywhere I go. I understand that you are a mouse of a man that the internet has allowed you to beg for your livelihood from strangers believing you need their hard earned money more than they do. I understand that if you had to beg at walmart people would beat the shit out of you for being a leach on the ass of society. I most definitely do understand happiness and thank God for his blessings every day. Any questions- idiot

troy when you explained to us how to use steemit you kept saying but I'll get to that part later and lots of things you never got to. I liked the part where you said to get the phone numbers of friends along with their email and open accounts in their name but my question is when I'm on a site I really like and would like to upvote the creators work I worry I will use up all my steem and won't have enough to come to your site and downvote everything. How can I do both? I notice you are in command of the 4 sites you opened on steemit and often post under one name then upvote under your other names. Is this allowed or do we just not follow the rules and run steemit until they kick you out for not following the rules? Hurry I found a homesteading site I really like and want to give Doc some upvotes but then I'm afraid I won't have any steem to downvote everything you post.

Well, it is funny that you whine and complain about me upvoting myself when I have to battle your down voting.

Stop harassing me and I will be happy to go out into the community.

You have no intention of going out into the community for 2 reasons- you have not been a hit on steemit proven by the reaction you are getting from the steemit community. No one comes here to upvote you and second you have never done anything for anybody in your life and have no intention to start now.

Try me and see.

If all your friends stopped down voting me, I would be on the community voting on other sites.

But nobody gives me a chance. They just down vote all my work.

And whine and complain when I counter it with up votes of my own.

You have four other channels to go into the Community with Troy

'If all your friends stopped down voting me, I would be on the community voting on other sites.'

No your wouldn't. Your here for yourself. And for no other reason for what you think is an easy payout.

Four cents for this video. Wow that's impressive. Very good economics.

Instead of fighting trolls 12 hours a day why don't you actually work and build that greenhouse. You'd actually achieve something.

"Counter it with up votes of my own"? Are you really believing your own shit? You are using fraudulent votes dumass. Using the voting power of fraudulent accounts is fraud. Has nobody ever explained to you right from wrong?

I play by the rules. I only have one acct and only so much voting power so if you claim to be playing by the rules you should only downvote people with 4 accts to make it fair.

You and your army of friends.

What I dont get is how you guys all whine because I vote myself up to counter your hate war against me.

because its not right. I am an individual troll and have nothing to do with the other nice gentlemen trolls. They are fine people with good heads on their shoulders, able to sniff out lies and deceit better than most. We work individually and not as a team. But we would make a good team if need be. However none of them has ever made or wanted a bedini motor. Can you believe that? Not one. We need more bedini motor videos.

Anyone can see you worshiping at ryans feet over there.

You cannot lie about that.

The only lies are from you guys.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives.

While you try to tear our lives apart.

Harassing us online and in the real world is criminal.

@fingolfin, @thediyworld. @diywhat. @troyreidlies. NO Troy Reid @thediyworld, AGAIN YOU LIE!

Just yesterday, YOU UP VOTED the Cat Chasing a Laser Pointer blog on Your blogger101 page with 3 of Your accounts, along with your YouTube pals phillip20 and drbill!y
Again, YOU used 3 of Your Accounts!

The blog was NOT flagged or down voted by anyone!

YOU did this purely for money!

I think the whales need to be aware of your hypocritical criminal ethics.

@watertower. @originalworks @fixedbydoc

You guys are all worshiping ryan and voting him up so he can destroy me.

Ryan aka fixedbydoc chased off all my new viewers and down voted them to oblivion.

I do not thing that is fair to them.

Not cool at all.

So you are about 30 and I am one.

I have to make a living for my family.

Your friends have run my name through the mud.

Slandered me in town and all over the net.

Your friends have ensured I could not get a normal job now anyway.

So this is my last stand.

My last chance.

So I have some accounts to battle your group.

I think that is only fair.

Oh, but I see you guys over there posting filth and nasty comments.

I have to fight that filth dont I

I mean, its only fair that I am allowed to fight against 30 trolls harassing me - right?

Hate war? No it is people with a conscience and decency that are here to prevent you from swindling others. You are a liar scammer and con. Normal humans which you are not do not condone your activities.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

If you dont believe it is real - that is fine.

But harassing us online and in the real world is criminal.

type in Homesteading scammer in the steemit bar and see troy's videos pop up.

A reasonable person, not talking about you of course, would see that everyone gets a vote on each comment or post. If your vote cancels out mine that is fair and I don't see a problem with that. But when you go against the rules of steemit and open 3 more accounts to upvote your crap then I and everyone else has a problem. The world according to troy doesn't exist- we all must play by the rules or just go away. You need to just go away since you don't think the rules apply to you.

why didn't you google END TABLE to see how to build one? Does your computer not have google? No one would want a table that you have to clear the top to be able to get inside. Have you ever heard of a table with a drawer? Google is your friend and its free and keeps you from making stupid mistakes like building furniture meant to go inside your house out of crap with a top that you have to clear to get inside the storage compartment. Remember- GOOGLE.

Oh, I built what I wanted to build for myself.

I am happy with it and Melanie likes it too.

That is all that matters.

Its an eye sore and Ming Pling has no say in the matter or she wouldn't have let you run all those wires and not put them in conduit. Look at the wires on your monitor setup. Disgusting mess. Not one piece of furniture or drapery in the shack is less than 50 years old and when you are talking cheap crap it never becomes a prized antique. Look at the carpet- 50 years old, can you imagine whats living in that nest? Not something you want to bring a baby into. Ming Pling is just a prop and a slave with no say in anything.

Well, your opinion is noted.

We happen to like our home.

another lie. You are living there because mommy got it for you and it was one step up from the homeless shelter.

did troy tell you they use cloth diapers for the kid and he wants us to believe they use that tiny play toy to wash clothes. He has a full size washer and dryer that they use and often you can hear it in the background of his videos. He is a liar and extremely deceptive.

Oh now that is interesting. So you are saying that you can hear the washing working in the mobile home when we are in the chalet?


And that after we abandoned the trailer and winterized it?

Wow again.

Boy you guys would say deny anything we do.

I watched you watch your mommy make salsa and ketchup in the old trailer house so I guess you still use it. Makes more sense than to admit you make your slave/wife use this piece of crap to wash the amount of things involved in the daily care of an infant.

I dont understand your point really.

Many off grid homes use this exact same machine and love it.

We love it.

Sure beats the laundromat during winter when the trailer is closed down.

Yes I see, no point in giving Ming Pling the basics every other woman in America has when she can use the toy washer and just make 10 loads instead of one in a normal machine. You don't see that you are doing everything in your power to run her off once she gets her green card. Then you will be back begging for money to go buy another slave/wife and paying child support at the same time. Never heard of a man taking conveniences away from the woman he loves instead of always trying to provide more.

I do believe a washing machine in the house is way better than leaving to a laundromat all the time.

I find it so ironic that you guys complained when we lived in a house that I built.

Complained that we needed a real home.

Now we have two real homes.

And you complain.

Thats a troll for you.

A shack and a trailer. You call these real homes? Oh I forgot, in your family everyone lives in trailers. I guess when you never achieve success in lie you are forced to live in old run down trailers

If Troy would only use solar power too. He claims to be 95% off-grid, but he's not. His computer monitor, refrigerator, freezer, kitchen appliances, house lights, and so much more is still on the grid. About the only thing he uses it for is to charge his laptop batteries, cell phone, etc. He pretends he's off-grid because it's good for views (it's all he really cares about...integrity means nothing), but he's not. Hasn't been since he moved to Michigan.

then on top of that he is stupid enough to video the proof he is not anywhere near 95% off grid in fact he is probably not even 1% off grid. Small electronic use so little power he is not saving 10 cents a month

Oh really???

Interesting. Have you been here?

Inside my home?

Have you looked at the wiring. The batteries. The portable devices we use?

Have you watched how we use power each day?

Or are you lying again just trying to turn people away from us?

Yeah, thats is right.

We see what's plugged into your "solar generator." We see when your project is finished. We know you refused to know your electric bills or any details on the components of your system this summer. We also know how much your batteries hold in the cold and compare it to the needs of your entire electrical budget. This is not complicated, Troy. All of that combined with your affinity for not telling the truth is enough circumstantial evidence to know you're not really using that much solar energy.

SoFuckinWhat drbill? He is a fucking liar but then again from your comment I doubt anyone would confuse you for a Pillar of the Community.


Well said!!!

I gave you a full up vote for your words.

They cannot be more true.

I am actually sad for them sometimes.

They are so filled with hate.

It must be destroying their lives.

Eating them up inside.

They are wasting away.

Most likely tearing up their relationships.

Very sad.

The only one tearing up a relationship is you, Troy. You are a 50-year old adult taking advantage of your parents in their senior years, you do not provide adequately for your wife as you live in abject squalor, and you clearly are not bonding with your own daughter. How many times have you held her, Troy? Why are you never seen on camera holding her? You have shown more affection to a laptop gifted to you than your own daughter.

Repost after a visit from a Turd!

YES i was featured in this awesome short film ! ! !

troy forgets it is the little people that keep his channel running and give him the money he needs to live... Too bad Reid doesn't use solar. He has a five year history of having props for his show but never actually succeeding.

He's been saying all year his houses are 95% Off Grid, but hes still putting together some uninsulated outdoor battery box and inverter type thing with the wires going through the wall of the cottage.
The charge controller and a power meter is screwed to the inside wall, just high enough for the baby to grab when it starts crawling.
He showed two days ago a small outlet box to charge his cell phone with.
And he calls this monstrosity his "PORTABLE generator".
Spoiler Alert: there's Nothing portable about it.

Everything else is On Grid.

Don't let him fool you.

Repost after a visit from a Turd!

watertower (18) · 1 hour ago Too bad Reid doesn't use solar. He has a five year history of having props for his show but never actually succeeding.

He's been saying all year his houses are 95% Off Grid, but hes still putting together some uninsulated outdoor battery box and inverter type thing with the wires going through the wall of the cottage.
The charge controller and a power meter is screwed to the inside wall, just high enough for the baby to grab when it starts crawling.
He showed two days ago a small outlet box to charge his cell phone with.
And he calls this monstrosity his "PORTABLE generator".
Spoiler Alert: there's Nothing portable about it.

Everything else is On Grid.

Don't let him fool you.

More garbage from a trolls's mouth.

One thing you are proving to the world is:

A: you are quite demented to think we dont really live here when its all on video.

B: you reveal your determination to destroy my live online and in the real world.

If you DO live there then you and Melanie are horrible house cleaners. Perhaps you should get off the Internet for 20 minutes each week, help your wife out, and dust a little in the house. The place is filthy.

We tried giving you the benefit of doubt but after all these months it's hard to believe any woman would put up with the living conditions you provide for her. The filth is probably because she is depressed about the horrible turn her life has taken and how much better she had it in the third world country where you bought her. If it was me I would never want people to think this is the best I can provide for my family even with my mommy's help being almost fifty years old. No one is trying to destroy your life but its our mission to make sure your 10 viewers know the lies and deceit you are shoving down their throats. Looks like the steemit community had your number very quickly and don't want anything to do with you. You owe your trolls a major thank you for sticking with you when no one else has.

@thedarkdestroyer. Thanks for reposting that!

I had a feeling Reid would do that.

He hates the truth getting out.

Anyone wonder how much they paid to hire that kid on today’s video before it went back to its real mum.
That’s a new brat, not the same a recently featured, that kid was way ugly!

This looks so cool! Resteemed!

Thank you! We both love this machine!!

you speak for Ming Sput so much I'm beginning to doubt you. What woman would prefer to do 10 loads of laundry in the little Barbie doll toy than just make one load in an adult washer?

Hey Troy, long time watcher from YouTube, are you aware of the "mute" button on steem? I've just noticed it myself. Maybe a tip to making the trolls talk to themselves. It's not a block button but if all viewers want to remove troll comments from their screens, it's an idea.

Keep strong and keep up the great videos. Some people just way too much time on their hands.

If I mute them, then they can continue to spread their lies about me and I cannot tell my side of the story.

They are converting people to join them.

My silence helps them win.

I dont dare not answer.

I tried that for a while and the steemit community was believing them and not me.

Silence is a bad thing on the internet.

Thank you

OOH Troy tell us the story how you where ebegging for money to bring your mail order bride to America while earning $3400 a month from YoutTube, Then tell us the story how you were begging for money to cloth her and decided to buy a minibike for yourself instead.

True, but for us visitors it's an excellent way for us to stop seeing the repetitive nonsense. You don't have to remain silent. While I have seen their activity over the years, it's even more blatant to see since your move to steem, they offer nothing but harassment and speculation upon minor things. I mute them knowing they are not "the good guy". If they were, they wouldn't have to resort to the tactics they see fit to push their opinion. Obsession isn't healthy nor persuasive. Willing to bet their channels have something to offer and I might even like. But because this is the route they choose to take I don't watch. Honey>vinegar

@antith Exposing a blatant liar and scammer is not harassment, it’s a community service.

You keep saying that, but you never have anything to offer. Would the 8 of you needed to continuously profess he is a liar and scam artist? He even believes you have converted people or, as I'm guessing, have you just harassed them so much that they decide on the continuing communication from obsessive lunatics or watch troy videos on his garden that froze, he got 30 eggs today, he made an badini motor, etc. Seriously, what makes him such a monster to warrant the endless hours of your time?

You do get that if he listened to you guys and quit yt, all of this, got a job, etc, you guys would have a gaping hole in your day? Congrats you proved to the internet a random guy and his family did what they could to make ends meet and made videos on YouTube. The horror. You see how childish this is?

If it was something legitimate you would post it all day other than general statements "he's a liar, a scam artist". Trust me, there are other people on YouTube that far exceed your expectations of a "scam artist" that surprisingly you stay quiet on.

@antinth...............have you tried using the STEEM SEARCH BAR , and typing in homesteading scammers ???? TRY IT .


Why then does his Youtube channel have a forum devoted to his activities. I know of no other person that as this accolade. I think that says alot about this individual.

And yes, your point about the viewers muting them is a very good one.

I will put that on another video soon and post it here on steemit.

That is very helpful.

Thank you.

Same old story, Troy vrs the truth.

Thank you.

Your words got a full up vote from me.

You said it very well.

All these years they just throw out empty accusations with no backing.

Sadly some people believed them and have joined them. That is how they have the numbers they have today.

It is good to hear from people who have not fallen for their lies.

Thank you.

I have heard your side of the story and I have to tell you there are some things I have to believe because ya cannot fake ah DD-214. BTW what was the RE Code on your DD-214? Troy? I am not a troll Troy but I do feel like I've been pushed aside. Ya know what I mean? So I have been Taking in what others have to say too. FixedByDoc gave you a clear way you could get Him off your back, why would a person not want 1 more off their back forever whether or not what he says is true you were given a chance to get rid of ah terrible threat. How does Melanie feel about maybe loosing her child to CPS? You know those people will make stuff up to get another child.

I am sorry. I had to take a few days off and clear my head.

I will tell you one thing.

I have NEVER did anything to any one of these people.

It is sad that more people believe the lies and eventually turn over to them.

I wrote you an email with some advice. I hope you got that. I am trying to help you.

Doc wants me to admit to his outrageous claims and apologize to him for things he says I did.

Since I have not done a single thing to him - ever - how can I admit to those things?

All I ever did to him was to block him on YouTube many years ago for spamming my channel.

After that, he turned on me but I had no idea. YouTube turned "block" into "mute". He was harassing me and my subs but I could not see a thing.

It sickens me that people believe his lies.

Nobody ever believes the victim of harassment.

I don't think anyone believes that all this negative attention is because someone got blocked on YouTube years ago.

Oh? Really?

So please do tell me what I did to you personally?

What have I done to you personally to cause you to hate me and harass me so badly.

Please because I have no idea at all.

And no empty junk like the usual "you are a scammer"

What have I done to hurt you personally?????

I got blocked on YouTube... years ago.

Five times ;)

About as believable as the accusations that a troll snuck onto his property reached into his truck to pop the hood latch and pour motor oil into his coolant reservoir. The big foot sightings could be real but we are all still waiting now for 4 years for the plaster cast of the foot imprints. T-liar said he was going to do a video on it but like always he let us down. Who is techman2015? T-liar got a 100,000 sub YouTube silver play button that sat Techman2015 on it?

No. Its not about getting blocked. Its about fraud and lying the poor me. Ppl sent him gifts, FOOD, $ because he cried poor!!! A week or 2 ago he posted he was bringing in $3700 A MONTH yet was lying he was poor n low in food!!!! He scammed money out of people yet had $900 a WEEK plus change????!!!!!! Took our money and ran!! Yet you ask questions n blocked on y.t to silence you so he can keep the scam going. Liar and THIEF!!!

where did trog get the idea that we hate him because he blocked us? He never blocked me. I just saw through his lies and scams and deceit to get strangers to send him money and gifts just to keep from getting a job.

I am a victim of your harassment and not happy about it. You have decided that the safety of your family whether the conceived threat were true or not is not worth ending the feud. Tells a lot about you as a father and husband. You now innocently claim all you did was block him. No mention of all those videos taunting him and saying he is lying? Someone has a bad memory and zero brain power.

Hey Troy it's your buddy me Timcat100. How's it going buddy old pal?
I'm not a big fan of Doc but heck he sure is whooping you here on steemit.

No one is harassing your subs. I'm here to expose your activities.


Since I have exposed my own activities each day on our daily homesteading videos.

Its quite clear for all to see.

Sorry readers. I'll rephrase by comment.

I'm here to expose your frauds, deceptions, ebegging, dangerous work practices, animal cruelty. And the worse one, an association with a convicted sex offender, that you transported across state lines. Probably an offense in itself.

And wasn't there another one? Wasn't one of your friends arrested for manufacturing explosive devices?

Like all criminals, Troy says he is being harassed because call are made to the authorities about him. He wants to be left alone to conduct his con games. Like Al Capone, Troy claims if what he's doing was illegal, he would be in jail. Troy likes to operate in legal gray areas so the law won't come after him. He likes to PM solicitations to people for money. claiming he can't afford things he needs. The end result is that Troy gets social pressure to behave properly. He calls it harassment. He knows it would all stop if he got off of the internet. Troy reveals his own location so people can send him gifts but complain when people also sent the authorities.

@drbill you can see all the things troy has done to people by visiting the .sucks forum where they have it all laid out plain as day. troy wouldn't have 1000's of enemies if he didn't do something wrong to begin with. my statement to troy about him giving me a sincere apology for his slander and libel of me all these years was an honest way for him to end this feud between he and i but you clearly can see how he refuses to do so. just as you apologized and i immediately undid my flags on you as promised and started asking people to not harass you. i kept my word. troy will never admit his wrong doings to anyone and thus he will never know peace. he prefers the drama for some reason. he certainly cant profit off it any more.

Actually Troy can fake a DD-214. He can find the forms on the internet, he can scan and edit legitimate DD-214. He has only shown images of his paper work and he hides as much as he can get away with. He didn't have a vet status in New York, but gets it in MI which has lesser standards. His claim to not be in violation of "stoen valo" laws only applies as long as he doesn't try to get financial benefits. Ever wonder why he has no VA benefits?

@antinth, If Dick Head mutes the "Trolls" he would not be able to backpedal and try to to deflect from his lies. Bad business for a Scammer.


@thediyworld just a heads up troy they are coming. they want to ask you a few questions about your living situation and ability to support your family... just be honest and everything should turn out the way it should for the betterment of everyone involved...






where in that comment does it say that i called anyone?
where in that comment does it say the authorities are on their way?
where in that comment does it say anything about the real world?

they can also mean your trolls and that they are coming to your social media to ask you honest questions!

why do you always jump to FALSE conclusions???

and yes troy reid you can see all the proof and evidence of you attacking me regularly over on the sucks forum!

so you think steemit is the real world?
you think informing you that people are coming here to ask you honest questions is harassment?
you think concerned steemians asking you questions is attacking you?

i feel it has gotten to the point that you need some serious mental help troy reid.

with all these false accusations being thrown around by troy about me i guess it is time for me to post the link to where at least i will be able to profit off troys false accusations of me and his miscomprehension of everything.

lol. hope springs eternal doc.

which one doc? or all of em?

im sure we will hear from troy soon enough about who... IF troy tells the truth about it... or if he can even comprehend it...

Not a chance in hell you didn't use your electric water heater to shower. Where in the world did you get the notion that homemade soap cleans clothes better than commercial soap? Can you back that up? I use homemade soap to bathe my dogs but thats it. You act like you invented home made soap. Its only been around for many centuries. I am a chemist and can tell you all commercial soap is not bad for the environment and your callas statement is just wrong.

Why on earth would we want to waste energy when we have free wood stove heat for our hot water?

And why would you ever think anything other than what we show on our daily videos?

I never claimed to invent soap. I do claim to love it though.

And, since you are a chemist, then you know that anything you put on your skin is absorbed into your body.

@thediyworld. BUT BUT in Your YT DIY video today You said you only "warm things" on that stove.

More Lies?

Hot process soap making only requires 100 degrees F.


and a crock pot tied to the grid. Not fooling anyone there Einstein

During peak solar power production I have 1,600 watts of solar power on the homestead.

No you don't solar retard, with 1600 watts rated times 60% = 960 watts or about 1000 watts max. You never get rated cause rated is at 1000m2 sunlight which never happens. Average yield is 60% rated. After 5 years you would think you would have the slightest clue about solar and why your batteries are always ruined and dead. LYING FRAUD pretending to know something.

Troy why do you bother with these contentious tards?

I know your a supporter of his. I'm not. But Troy doesn't take advice from anyone. Neither friend or foe.

Not using it in the shack. You are counting most of it being 200 yds away in the spank shack. You did not use the generator box in the soap video.

Troy you are using half truths to lie again. you have NO single power system with 1600 watts. You have several different clusters of power that might total 1600 but that's it. Quit lying and maybe you could have somethings you never had , credibility.

I wonder why Troy said "even my church thinks I am lying" Bugger of Hell said so right on one of his Youtube videos.

@thediyworld, You pretended to make soap on the wood stove.
It was made on the electric stove.
There was no fire burning in that wood stove that day.

Your recent Solar Fraud Updates video today proves you don't heat with wood.
It was filmed to show a fire, first time used.

Just props.

did you notice the look that baby had for trog? She looked like she was scared of him. Babies that age smile and laugh and get all excited when people they love talk to them. I hope he hasn't been hurting her.

I think the reason for CPS to send a home nurse is getting clear. They usually try to keep the child with the parents even when reports of abuse have taken place. The look that kid had on her face was saddening thinking what must be going through her mind. Hope CPS gets off their asses and does something about this.

Troy's interaction with that child is pretty clear:

  1. poke r her like some animal in a pet store.
  2. yell at Mel to put that baby in the car so he can shoot his his video in peace.
    He shows more affection to the cats than he does to Michelle.

And there you go with your smear campaign.

What you are doing is criminal.

Unless you have hardcore proof of what you state, then you are criminal.

Harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal.

Actually troy you would come across better if you told people you heated with propane than the story you want told which is you live in the extreme cold of northern Michigan and being about the poorest man on earth you heat entirely with wood and you ran out mid December. Sounds like an idiot if that's what you want people to believe. Then there is the fact you have commented that you wood stove is much too large for the little shack and you bought a much smaller one which would be much safer than you know- waking up dead, but no you have not installed the small one that I several times mentioned was in the video but not hooked up. Lazy and taking a big chance on burning your families shack down but you can always go back to the third world country and buy another wife/slave

Troy: "And why would you ever think anything other than what we show on our daily videos?"

Because you have a long track record of lying. Would you like a long list of confirmed lies?

a short list would be what has trog said that was the truth?

Boy your a great hunter there Troy. I don't know how you can hunt and be online not stop

he waits in his recliner for a buck to knock on the door. Thus far no luck but he refuses to give up though normally his game plan is to knock out a flimsy little video then abandon the idea altogether but not this time, he will sit in his recliner with his laptop on that piece of raw unfinished plywood and moan and groan in comments on steemit with his coffee and wait for the deer to come knocking. Then he will look for his gun and slippers and shells and get another cup of coffee then say damnit, I almost had him.

Now that sure would be nice.

Nearly happened the other day when the deer was in my yard.

This is what Trog means when he says he hunting D-e-e-r.
Nearest he's ever going to get!

SHHHHHHHUUUUUSSSSSHHH. Its a secret. He doesn't hunt because after the wasp sting almost killed him he is afraid to go outside. Plus the recoil on the gun hurts his shoulders and besides its too cold outside.

Its brittle bone disease that he got from driving tanks remember

He is on one of his Re-hydration breaks. The Re-hydration break that goes from 6:30AM-11:59PM.

Well, a person should drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day.

Most people are under hydrated.

Doctor troy doesn't realize that the average person just takes a water bottle with them and carries out their chores, he on the other hand shuts everything down and announces to the world he is taking a re hydration break. Reminds me of the toddler announcing in a crowd they need to potty.

Most people have a real job and do not live in squalor.

i think you missed comprehended the point of the comment troy reid.

You do realize they make containers to carry water in so you don't have to keep stopping what you're doing going all the way back home to rehydrate.

Oh, I do well enough for myself. The idea is to know the deer's routines.

@thediyworld ................. well then i guess you could say that is like the trolls know your routines , and they are troy hunting . NASTY TROLLS , THEY SHOULD BE ARRESSTED FRO HUNTING WITHOUT A LICENSE, EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S ALWAYS .......... TROY SEASON .

And the caliber of your muzzleloader. What is the caliber of your muzzleloader?

on the private land hunting are you just hunting on your 16 acres? sounds dangerous knowing you have a wife/slave and kid in a thin walled shack so close by. Ricocheting off trees in such a small area can be deadly. For someone that knows the deer's routine you act as though you don't. Putting an electric wire on a 5 ft fence to keep deer out of the garden and from eating your fruit trees didn't work in the junkyard in Pine Bush and now you are trying the same thing in NY. The deer are smarter than you except for the little one they called Bambi which you showed on video. That was so sad to see a tiny deer dead at your hands.


Just shows that American women have standards so he had to buy one from a third world country. Bet lots of women threatened legal action if he touched them. I have a hard time understanding a man that can't find a woman in the US. 300 million people, half of them women and all of them won't let troy touch them.

@troyreidlies. Too bad the dating website wasn't around two years ago.
Reid could have posed as a farmer to snatch a hard working American farm girl.

It's all for the better though.
If he did happen to find a match, she would not get past the Skype phase and dump his ass once his deviant true colors shine!

since he likes to touch so much id like to see him hold his daughter for the first time and bond,love and actually BE a father to that innocent baby. my 3 yo granddaughter was in my lap the other day,stood up,turned around and gave me a hug and in her little voice said to me "i love you grampa" . talk about melting my heart! you dont know what your missing reid. you callous prick you!

As I said in another thread: "What kind of world do you live in? One for psychiatrists I feel."

when are we going to rollout the new video site? I will invite a lot of my friends to help us make a go of it. Did you finally get your act together and get firewood or are you going to just use electric heat this winter? How many deer have you killed this hunting season? Why don't you keep your car in the garage instead of under several feet of snow out front? Are the rotten vegetables starting to stink yet? Those cast offs from the grocery store are usually hauled off by pig farmers but I guess when you are desperate for food you will eat anything. Don't you just love steemit? I watch a lot of Fixed by Doc's homesteading videos and get lots of ideas from him, do you watch him a lot? You could learn a lot from him. Why does your living area in the little shack look like a 70's drug den?

This video is about using a washing machine on solar power and making an end table.

You are way off topic here.

PLEASE please please, we want more bedini motor videos. All the best homesteading sites are showing bedini motor videos nonstop 24/7. You don't show nearly enough bedini videos. Get with the program

while the bedini vids are truly riveting,i think ill just go out and buy a battery charger with a desulfate function instead. after all,once a batterys shot you usually cant bring it back but id rather trust what engineers design to desulfate batts rather than reids cuz hes been tryin to desulfate batts for 5 yrs with no luck.

I just realized my battery charger has a desulfate button. But I just can't get enough bedini. Its tough but now I can't go 1 hour without a bedini fix. I need more bedini.

since you need a bedini fix here you go x's 2:

bedini 1:

bedini 2:

Thanks Doc, I think I was listening to the wrong music while trying to do this.

Not interested in yet ANOTHER soap making video and I see no one else is either but its not like you do this for a living, wait- nevermind. The washing machine if actually used is sad to see a woman with an infant that claims to use cloth diapers has to use this piece of crap. How many loads a day- 10? And anything you claim is using solar power is usually a lie. Noticed not one thing plugged into the 110v receptacle on you PORTABLE ( you have got to be kidding, unplug it for us and lets see how portable that it) generator. Now the end table is such crap I can't believe Ming Sling allows that in her shack. I don't think she has much pull around there for you to drag that crap inside. What about you using the family dining table as a workbench when you have a monthly note on a shack outside with propane heat you could have used. You really mostly show how to treat a woman from a third world country like a slave. That is what you teach on your site, nothing more.

Oh. Just more empty words from a troll. The "lies" in your name sure fits you though.

Yes, I know. When I have to give my name out in public it hurts like hell, from being associated with you. I always wanted to change my name legally but troysucksdick is just too long to remember so I just keep the one I have.

@thediyworld troy reid can you please point out where my donate button is that you continuously accuse me of having?


if you are going to continue making accusations about me please back them up and prove them.

damit doc, he had you over a barrel or so he thought. This isn't the truth channel and here you come dragging in the truth. It makes trog look bad when you speak the truth about him.

Go away Ryan!!!

Leave my blog alone

Nobody wants you here!!!

You are not helping yourself here

Everyone can see what you are doing

You are harassing me and I have never done anything to you!!

Troy, you've done plenty!

Moving on, will the Youtube award be an Ebay sale or a Craigslist listing? I feel it will be an ebay sale. I ask this as you have a tendency to sell any gifts your recieve. After the unboxing we never see those gifts again.

Feel free to flag this post. We all know you hide the truth.

I'm sure some kind soul will do a repost though!


Go away Ryan.

I am talking about YouTube.

And I do NOT want you posting more links on my blog.

Go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i know you were talking about youtube troy and i showed picture of my youtube page PROVING there is NO donate button on my youtube page! so again i ask you to show where this so called DONATE button is or STOP MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS ABOUT ME!

Go away Ryan. You are not wanted here.

Stop harassing me

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