This Blog is an Inspirational Gem~ @bobydimitrov & @bghandmade My Entry to Qurator Membership Contest by @mountainjewel


In beautiful Bulgaria this hard-working couple @bobydimitrov & his wife @bghandmade and their two children have moved from the city to a homestead and made it their own. Their love and appreciation of beauty and harmony permeates from their blog posts... When I read their blog and see their pictures I am truly, deeply moved and inspired! These are just the type of Steemians that bring color and quality to this platform!


Not only are they avid gardeners and passionately growing much of their own food, but they seem to value beauty in life and don't waste any precious moment:

I have vowed years ago to never be in such a rush that I miss a moment or a piece of beauty! @bobydimitrov

They layer their garden beds with native Bermuda grass which is abundant, utilizing nature's gifts of organic matter- materials found right on their farm- to nourish the soil and their plants.


Being that they are both Bulgarian I enjoy reading about their recipes and culture in a place I have never been before, so far away.

I have enjoyed finding common ground with these people on the other side of the world- They have some of the same wonderful wild weeds and edible mushrooms growing on their farm as we do here! Such as: Yellow Dock, Dandelions, Mint, Wild Carrot and Chicory... @bghandmade shares this dish with me:

...dock leaves with rice and fairy ring mushrooms and spearmint and green garlic and onions is traditional side dish for the Easter lamb dishes. @bghandmade

mmmm. Doesn't that sounds simply delicious!

Their kids in the garden are nothing short of charming and as a mother, being able to
understand their humor about child-rearing is a treat!

A garden offers endless opportunities for games and lessons as well. We used every moment we could to teach the kids about plants, animals, life cycles, seasons, food, nature... It started with the all-important stepping on shovel lesson. @bobydimitrov

bgh kid water.jpeg

They are also artists and make exquisite paper and these beautiful lanterns:


ALL PHOTOS property of @bobydimitrov & @bghandmade

Here are a few of my favorite posts by @bobydimitrov and his wife @bghandmade:

Please go check out and follow @bobydimitrov and his wife @bghandmade and you will be rewarded with bright inspirational posts about their homesteading life in Bulgaria!

Thank you To @bobydimitrov & @bghandmade for letting me feature you in this post/ contest entry!

This post is my entry to a contest for a @qurator membership that is being held by @mountainjewel. You can find the original post for the contest here:

I must say she is magical, that @mountainjewel, because doing this little sharing project post- finding and sorting and choosing someone else's blog to feature and highlight- brought me a really amazing feeling. It has felt so good to share these folk's blog, and I could see myself really getting into doing things like this regularly- @qurator position, or not :-)

And now I am sure you can see why I couldn't feature one of these bloggers without the other :-)


Those Bulgarians are a soft bunch, my gardening career as a kid started with the all-important "stepping on a rake which is lying on the ground the wrong way with the forks pointing upwards and awaken your Ajna-chakra with the handle lesson. 😂

oh you @likedeeler, always making me laugh!!! My eldest son learned the rake lesson just a couple of weeks ago, and he got it good, poor guy. Now he can join my team as we continue to request that Papa please put the rake away properly!!

What a beautiful post! So much love from all of you @schoonercreek, @bobydimitrov and @bghandmade! I do love the approach to gardening using bermuda grass which many gardeners consider a pain in the butt, as a beautiful asset and ally :) I also love dock leaves in my stir fries, curries and chilis. What a jaw dropping view!!

I agree- @bobydimitrov and @bghandmade seem to have such a positive attitude about gardening and about life, and it's contagious! I especially love their photo of the view with the woman harvesting something from the field, I wonder what she was picking there?

Thanks for reading! Im glad you liked the post!

Haha, oh you guys are making me blush (us! shouts the wife from the table)!

@schoonercreek, on that photo is Gerry, collecting fairy ring mushrooms (wikipedia tells me another name is "Scotch bonnet", Marasmius oreades). It's for a traditional Easter lamb recipe that Gerry says wrote you about! What's interesting is those mushrooms usually grow were there's also wild thyme, which wonderfully complements the flavor of the whole dish!

Sometimes I wonder if the people from times long past knew much more than we do...

Yes, that sounds wonderful. We have fairy ring mushrooms here too! i will have to ask my husband if the species name is the same. The dish does sound tasty! And yes I do think ancestors had a vast knowledge of these things and it is time for us to tap into the ancestral memory and keep the knowledge alive!

I've been instructed to add a photo of said gathered mushrooms!

(it also features a field mushroom - Agaricus campestris)

Oh!!! okay!! Nice! That is helpful.. Going to show my husband now. Those are beautiful.. haha I think mushrooms could "save the world"...

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