Our Adult Chickens and Future Breeding Plans

in #homesteading7 years ago

I haven't shared an update on our adult chickens lately. They hate to be photographed and when the camera comes out they like to run the other way. I took a few shots this morning to share with you guys. The first photo featured is of our black star rooster. This is a cross between a rhode island red rooster and barred rock female. Unfortunately we lost our 2 barred rocks hens last year to predators. We recently purchased some barred rock pullets which we are raising with our current chicks to create more black star hybrids.


This photo features our rhode island red rooster. He is kind of small, but is well mannered and great with the hens. He likes to chase our dogs when they go outside so this is funny to watch. It's funny watching a 5 lb rooster chasing 40 lb dogs. We breed him with our ameraucanas currently to make the easter egger hybrid. We should be making some more interesting hybrids with this breed when our new pullets come of age.


This is our duck Mr. Quackers. He doesn't really contribute much, but he is fun to watch. We have a small kiddie pool in the backyard that he likes to get in and splash around. He likes to watch after the hens and doesn't fight with any of the chickens. I think the rooster thinks he's a hen because he will try and mount him sometimes.


This is one of our ameraucana hens. They can be crossed with any of our roosters to create the easter egger hybrid. We will probably be purchasing some more in the future.


Well there you have it, that's most of our adult chickens. We will be growing exponentially as we continue to breed and hatch out more eggs. Thanks for following along with my blog and see you on the next one.

vet tag.png


Good looking flock! I'm looking forward to eventually getting some more space and getting some hens myself sometime in the future. Fresh eggs are hard to beat...

Thanks buddy. Fresh eggs are a huge difference from store bought.

Great photos! You captured the moment well. I loved petting Mr. Quakers today, he is so soft and cute!

Greetings from a fellow veteran! I love reading about homesteading and living off the land, etc. @sgt-dan pimped your post today and I never would have found out about it otherwise! You've got a new follower, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your posts!

Thanks, @sargento for sharing this post on Pimp Your Post Thursday on Discord.

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Your hen is good. This is a pet hen. excellent shot

I can't wait until my coop is finished and I am able to get some hens. We have the run completed but they need protection from the elements so, darn it I need to get that coop done!

Look at all that wonderful space for them! I cannot wait to give my chickens lots of green pasture to run around and scratch in. I particularly like that barred rock cockerel - lovely.

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