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RE: It's Garden Time!

in #homesteading6 years ago

Yeah, I got a batch of black Pusa Asita last year that they recalled and replaced because they weren’t true. I guess one of the contracted seed harvesters let them cross. It wasn’t time for them to go into the ground yet, so no harm, no foul. I’ve had good luck with atomic reds also. My atomic reds seeds are some I harvested a couple years ago.

Your rubbery carrots, were they rubbery as soon as they were taken from the ground? Usually soaking them in some water will crisp them right back up. If they became rubbery quickly, it may be that the greens weren’t trimmed of soon enough, and water usually crisps those up too. When I’ve got carrots that I just insist on being rubbery, they become stew or candied carrots! They’ll can up well too!


candied carrots??? Tell me more. BTW If you had not read, I challenged you in #loveitshoveit. Last year was only the third time I had grown carrots with the intent of having a "crop", but my 'Scarlet Nantes' which were grown in the same bed on the opposite side were just fine, in fact they were perfect. So, i am not sure of the reasons, this year I have a huge crop already planted, I will be reading up on all the tips and tricks.

Equal parts butter, brown sugar and honey. Melt together in a pan and simmer so it thickens up a little. Dump your carrots in and let them simmer in the glaze for 5 or 10 minutes. I boil the carrots for a few minutes first, but not too long. I like them to be a little crispy. You can boil them longer if you want them softer. I like to leave the thin carrots whole, thicker ones I cut in half long ways so they cook evenly. I guess you could cut them up any way you like. You can add aome orange zest or a tiny bit of cayenne to change it up a little. It's my favorite way to have carrots.

mmm with the orange zest sounds just awesome!

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