It's Garden Time!

in #homesteading6 years ago

Finally Putting Plants In The Garden!

I'm planning some mad companion planting this year.

In this corner of the garden, the headliner will be cabbage.


That kalibos cabbage is a ridiculous keeper. We just used the last head from last year's harvest in February!

Supporting cast for the cabbage: carrots (atomic red and yellows, black Pusa Asita, cosmic purples and Danver's halflongs), parsnips, turnips for the root veggies. Sage and rosemary, very effective at deterring cabbage moths. Brussels sprouts. Camomile, it enhances the flavor of cabbage with sulfer, potassium and calcium. Yarrow, because it improves soil condition, will most likely be planted around the edges, here and there.

I've already planted a couple of parsley and dill plants among the cabbage.


I know, it's a little early, but I can not wait any longer and the weather has been too perfect.

I've also got the root vegetable's seeds here and there. I laid the seed tape I made directly on the soil surface and sprinkled on some straw.


They need to be watched pretty closely for the next week or so to make sure they don't dry out.

I've got plenty of seed and lots of seedlings just in case a hateful freeze takes what's in the ground.

What Will Not Be Going In The Ground Around The Cabbage

Tomatoes, peppers, and mustard are combative with cabbage. Strawberries will compare their growth. I'll also keep the beans away from the cabbage.

So that's what I've got goin' on today. What have you been up to?


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Yay spring/garden time! May I link this article and feature your username @powellx5 in the next issue of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter? Let me know, thanks!

The only thing I really know about companion planting is alliums usually help deter the flying pests, but don't put them with legumes. I struggle to retain anything else in my puny little mind...

I don't remember things any more, lol. I write it all down.

Happy Sunday! This comment is to inform you that your article has been linked and featured in the most recent Weekly Homesteading Newsletter! Thank you and have a great day!

Get after it! I loved reading about your excitement!

Ugh, I’m so excited this time of year that I can hardly fall asleep and when I wake up I’m already thinking about being outside!

Haha are you able to keep that excitement all through summer too?

Yeah, there's something new to be excited about all through the summer. Planting and harvesting and foraging and learning and seed saving. It's always felt like magic to me, since I was a little girl and Gram was teaching me and showing me how it all worked together. God just has this perfect plan that plays out like an amazing fairy tale for me to watch every year. It starts with impossibly tiny seeds that have everything they need, right inside, to become plants, sometimes huge plants, in just a few weeks. And those plants, from a hand full of seeds, provide food that fills my pantry and freezer and piles up high on my counter. The sun and the rain and all the pollinators and the soil, all provided for me. So many miracles taking place to make it all happen with very little assistance from me. What's not to be excited about? 🌱☔🌿🌞🌻🐝🍎💚😎

This is so inspiring. I'm a winter woman...and that's when I feel the most alive! So, to think of summer and all it brings as a fairy tale is fantastic!

Oh, when winter comes, it'll be my favorite too. lol lots of time for reading and reflecting. A throw blanket in the arm of every piece of furniture. All those ridiculous fuzzy socks that Gram gets for all the girls in the family finally get worn. And best of all, no matter how humble your home is, no matter what needs fixed or painted or updated, there's not a more comfortable place in the world. How could anyone feel ungrateful or lacking if they have a hot meal and a safe, dry, warm place to be when it's wet and cold and blowing outside? Winter makes me feel rich. 😁

Goodness @powellx5! Tell me why you love fall! I'm so inspired!

Careful of those baker creek black and red carrots, last year the black ones did not produce at all, and the red ones were small and rubbery. I wound up getting an email from them about the black carrots saying they were sorry and refunded me the seed cost.. .WHAT ABOUT MY TIME AND SPACE that could have been used with plants that work. Now I would not have been so mad but they laid claim to the awesomeness of those seeds. When i emailed them back about the red carrots, I never even got a response. Switched to Southern Exposure and Strictly Medicinal.

Yeah, I got a batch of black Pusa Asita last year that they recalled and replaced because they weren’t true. I guess one of the contracted seed harvesters let them cross. It wasn’t time for them to go into the ground yet, so no harm, no foul. I’ve had good luck with atomic reds also. My atomic reds seeds are some I harvested a couple years ago.

Your rubbery carrots, were they rubbery as soon as they were taken from the ground? Usually soaking them in some water will crisp them right back up. If they became rubbery quickly, it may be that the greens weren’t trimmed of soon enough, and water usually crisps those up too. When I’ve got carrots that I just insist on being rubbery, they become stew or candied carrots! They’ll can up well too!

candied carrots??? Tell me more. BTW If you had not read, I challenged you in #loveitshoveit. Last year was only the third time I had grown carrots with the intent of having a "crop", but my 'Scarlet Nantes' which were grown in the same bed on the opposite side were just fine, in fact they were perfect. So, i am not sure of the reasons, this year I have a huge crop already planted, I will be reading up on all the tips and tricks.

Equal parts butter, brown sugar and honey. Melt together in a pan and simmer so it thickens up a little. Dump your carrots in and let them simmer in the glaze for 5 or 10 minutes. I boil the carrots for a few minutes first, but not too long. I like them to be a little crispy. You can boil them longer if you want them softer. I like to leave the thin carrots whole, thicker ones I cut in half long ways so they cook evenly. I guess you could cut them up any way you like. You can add aome orange zest or a tiny bit of cayenne to change it up a little. It's my favorite way to have carrots.

mmm with the orange zest sounds just awesome!

I don't dare plant out, it's still March! I won't dare plant anything til the 3rd week of April.

Today I continued the spring cleaning and the bathroom was the lucky recipient. I am running out of days for this, as the weather is to turn nice next week.

I always plan to wait. I never do. lol
I’ve got a pretty good success rate with early planting some things. But, I always start at least twice as many as I need, just in case!
I usually do my spring cleaning in the fall, so I can get it all fresh before we’re stuck inside for months. But I did some late winter cleaning out of things, so I think I’m okay there. :)
I can’t wait to see your spring planting posts start! I’ll be watching for them.

In the fall I'm too busy with butchering and putting the gardens to bed. I aim to finish before Thanksgiving because the day after Thanksgiving and until Jan. 1, is my time off. So in January, once seed orders are done, end of year farm stats finished, bulk order for amendments calculated and ordered, then spring cleaning starts.

just look at all that green! I am jealous :)

companion planting is so awesome, it makes the garden so much more interesting as well!

I’ve done a little companion planting in the past, but I’ve been reading more about it this winter, and I’m more excited about it this year. We’ll see how it goes! :)

It sure sounds like you have it all worked out. I find it all so interesting! I plant earlier than I should as well. I am a rule breaker by nature :)

Exciting! I've been planting early as well. I always have way more seed to use up, so why not? I haven't gotten into companion planting. I took a few notes on how to deter cabbage pests. Thanks!

I’m glad I could help. Maybe you’ll do a little companion planting this year then?
I’ve got plenty of back up seeds and plants, just in case. But I hope I don’t need them and I can just gift them!

Yay for getting off to a strong start! Fingers crossed the weather decides to go easy on you...

Yeah, I've glued my husband and kids' fingers crossed! It looks like we're safe for the next week at least, but the weather here changes on a dime. In 2013 we had a beautiful spring, and then it snowed on May 11th. So, ya never know.

The trick is being prepared to deal with the late season threats. You've got some measures in place to handle it, if needed.

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