Retirement Countdown

Anyone that tells you retiring is a joyful time to look forward to is not being realistic. Sure, there is a part of me looking forward to more free time to finish projects left undone, since working generally wipes me out.


My list includes finishing the interior of the shed.

Plant a fall garden

Move the chicken coop

Create some walking paths through the woods


Planting’s to attract a hidden butterfly area

Taking a road trip to Montana or the west in general

Devoting time to reading and writing

Becoming more human again

You might laugh at the last item on my list. It should be at the very top. It’s hard to admit that work takes such a big part of my energy. Sometimes, I feel like it cuts me off from my true emotions. Special times, like birthdays or anniversaries, or just getting together with loved ones takes a back seat to work. Maybe, it’s my inability to multi task. Or perhaps it is self protection to compartmentalize those parts of myself in order to focus on the job.

Whatever it is..... provokes anxiety and stunts my ability to properly interact with other humans.

Now, looking forward, my mind turns with endless loops of questions. Will I be employable should there be a need for it? Can we make it on a much smaller income. Steemit not included.
In my mind I still have passion for so many things, yet the body does not always want to cooperate. This year has seen me temporarily mess up my back and hands. Enough is enough. It may take me a little longer, but I still have a lot of work left to do here on this earth.

When one door closes , another door opens.


I love your list! I hope you get to do all of them! I also love that you say you have a lot of work left to do on earth! Great attitude! Sign me up to visit your hidden butterfly area! 😃

You will be the first to know. Thanks for the the resteem. 🐓🐓

By the way, if you do have to work for someone you can go remote work - contract type or part-time.

Do you have Discord? Mine's lovenfreedom#5290

Wow! When you're counting down, take the time to change the "nervous" feeling to excitement. I don't know about

a joyful time to look forward to

but what's realistic is it's coming for you and I hope it does't stress you out. I've seen some coworkers nearing retirement and I understand their worries.

I'm still working but we're working on "retiring" early. Hopefully before I turn 40.

It's true, work can take so much from you. I'm blessed to be able to work remotely most days and have to go to the office some days. And every time I have to get up to go to the office is a motivation to get off corporate work.

I'd be excited for you. Maybe you can finally listen to the natural clock instead of having to check the clock for time and the calendar for when to switch to Daylight savings! Sleep as much as your body needs, find your passion and if traveling is that, it's about time!!

Wishing you the best on your retirement. I am not sure that exists.
Many people do it, not sure what it means.
I want yours to be the best retirement, more fun than you ever expected. :)

Awe! Thanks. You are sweet. 🐓🐓

here is a chicken to get you started. 🐓

I pray God will give you the health and the happiness for your retirement years to be the best years of your life!

Thank you so much. I am just very nervous going through this process. Once I get there, it will probably be a lot less stressful. 🐓🐓

I'm convinced of it.

That's a good list. You'll grow into it - I'm only 49 but I feel like I have retired and I'm loving it. I have figured out ways to make being at home pay long-term

I’m working on that plan too. 🐓🐓

howdy @mother2chicks! well it's good to see that you haven't lost your motivation, that's quite a list! would put most 30 year olds to shame, they can't even get motivated to get out of their parent's basement!

With your abilities, desire, motivation, stubbornness and God's guidance and blessings I have faith that you're going to make that list happen.
God bless you and yours!
(I'm sorry my vote is shot, I'm recharging)

Haha! Motivation Is no problem. Willingness can be. Thanks for the well wishes. 🐓🐓

howdy today @mother2chicks! hope it's drying out there. ya know we're going to be watching you complete that list!

Well you should have been here today as I mowed my way through some of this overgrown vinery to make one of my many trails. There is plenty to keep me busy for sure. It was actually a pretty nice day out for this time of year. 🐓🐓

howdy there @mother2chicks the rain let up?
what part of the state are you in because it sounds like a jungle there! lol.
you're in Florida right? did you cut the vinery with a lawn mower?

This looks like a good plan to look forward to.

I work for myself running a small business, so retirement is a bit more of an abstract concept. Hopefully one day...

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Thanks @pennsif. I hope to make a little loot along the way. 🐓🐓

Hi dear, yeah, you're correct. I don't own a family or even a girlfriend yet, but I don't think I'm looking forward to retirement. It's so far away and aside the perks of free time, I'm pretty sure it gets very lonely.

There are a couple of things I could borrow from your list though. Since I've been on steemit, I really haven't read any new books or travelled to a new place. I hardly hang out with friends. Just glued to the PC. I guess I need to get a life too.

I see your notifications quite often on GINA. sometimes I'm too busy I forget to check. I'm sorry about that.
I came bearing gifts

Always glad to see you. Yes, there is life away from the pc although there are days that’s all I want to do. If you don’t get out there and go places get a girlfriend and have some fun, you will never notice when retirement comes at you. Lol. 🐓🐓

one of these days though. I'll try

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