Can you really harness your intuition with your diet?

Over the past year, I've became increasingly spiritual and in-tune with my intuition. I've developed it through practices such as meditation and journaling, that allow my mind to slow down and tap into my inner voice.

Well, my inner voice has been pretty disgusted by meat, is craving fresh food, and wondering if grains and dairy are contributing to my exhaustion and overall lack of energy. I am still eating my normal diet, but can see myself cutting out meat and dairy eventually.

I have found myself questioning my current diet and with this questioning, I've come across literature and podcasts that discuss the link between increased spirituality and your bodies need for dietary changes to increase your vibration. Are you wondering, what does it even mean to raise your vibration?

I have come across podcasts that discuss the link between not eating meat and harnessing your intuition. Apparently, “the purer the food you eat, the better your intuitive ‘connection'”. In fact, it's known that meat, cheeses, and starches actually ground you when you want less intuitive input.

The reason I find all of this so fascinating is because I was my most intuitive when I was pregnant with my son. My intuition led me to deeper spirituality and within that I was led to natural living, attachment parenting, hypnosis, and a home-birth. You know what I hated eating? Meat.

Anyone else on the spiritual path? Have you noticed your diet changing? Comment below!

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well done my dear friend, very nice article.

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Excellent content for this kind of things I would never leave page thanks for sharing greetings and my respects.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have changed my diet for this reason. I do better with high fat, organ meat, bone broth, fish, and lots of greens and veggies. I do poorly on refined carbs, dairy, fruit, nightshades, and anything poison such as gmos, colors, flavors, pesticides etc. I sometimes follow a diet called aip, which is paleo on steroids.

I followed vegetarian ways for many years as my son popped out of the womb vegetarian and would never eat meat if I did not hide it. It was just easier for me to eat like him than to try to keep two diets going. But I was really weak and sicker that way.

I'm not sure how this works for my intuition. I do not think I am very intuitive at all. I'm more concerned with being able to walk without pain and grasp things with my hands. If I go on a bone broth diet for a few weeks, life becomes infinitely better for me.

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