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RE: Zombie Invasion Challenge – Win SBD & More!

in #homesteading7 years ago

I really need to get a sword and think it should be part of every survivor type's home. It is especially good in a zombie invasion. But you got to keep it sharp so you can slice and dice a dozen zombies with one quick swing, lol. But seriously, I want to get a katana. I don't think I could handle a broad sword or anything heavy. A Katana seems like the perfect grandma sword. Not saying anyone who uses one is a grandma, just that it is probably the best long sword available for us.



Butterfly swords, big knives but not as long or heavy as swords, nice for close range and can take on two zombies at a time :) good weapons for the ladies too

With my short little arms, I am afraid any half way competent zombie could reach out and scratch me before I could cut him up with them, lol.

Well it does depend on the strain of zombie.. the original can only infect by bite, a scratch might be ok.. if that’s the worst you receive and you are worried you could just lob off the infected arm before it spreads using ... wait For it now.. a butterfly knife. But please sanitize it first, no point cutting off the arm if the blade is still covered in zombie.. so many people make that mistake 🙄

You are correct on that point. I think I have one of those grandma moments and forgot about it.

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