The case of the Over Large Quail Egg or Who done laid this one!

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the Quail mystery hour.


Readers will recall last time we had an incident with a mysterious purple egg. Though never finding the culprit who laid that egg another mystery was afoot.

The mystery of the Oversize Quail Egg


Having gone out to feed, water, and gather the morning eggs I was confronted with this monstrosity in the nest box. My mine reeled. The camera angled zoomed in and out and I felt like I was standing stock still whilst the egg image flashed backward down a long hall. Also a bit of the trippy bit from Vertigo.

I was feeling all sorts of emotions. But, then I just gathered the eggs and went inside. It really is amazing when you see it next to our chicken egg.

(regular quail egg, mysterious monster egg, chicken egg)

A great side comparison, look at it with it's smaller brethren.


Now something fowl was a foot (you see what I did there) for upon entering the kitchen later that day I found THIS: (Dungh dungh duuuungh)

jan31eggs4 (1).jpg

And then saw THIS:


Was someone trying to doctor a regular chicken's egg to look like the mysterious oversized quail egg! Who could it be, what fowl creature (it really just doesn't get old does it) could stoop to such lengths.

Security camera footage reveals some interesting things.


Here we see the possible culprit looking to see if the coast is clear:


Caught, red handed! Or Fur handed, or fowl handed...I think I lost my Pun thread.


Later, in the confessional, we found out that Puss was framed and that actually I might have inadvertently eaten the mysterious large quail egg and was also surprised to find it not just a double yoker but a triple! You can see how tiny the quail egg yolks are compared to a chicken egg, in the same bowl.


So, maybe it wasn't so much a mystery as a cool egg I found in our quails nest box and an excuse for me to draw a quail in fancy dress as Sherlock Holmes...Quail Holmes?


I hope your day is filled with edible mysteries and easy to frame house cats.

If you like my work and my odd view of the world please upvote, resteem, and by all means comment, I love comments!



I oppose Sherlock quails findings on a technicality of opposable thumbs. Felines, albeit wily, are incapable of forgery requiring writing utensils. If it had been a stamp pad present, it would be an open shut case, but your honour, if the kit' mit' don't fit you must acquit. 😺😸

Ok, that is good...just pure genius. You are going up top of my comments ;)

It's getting COLD in here! Let's turn up the STEEMIT love & HEAT! Your post has been chosen to receive some January (Into February) THAWing! Please accept this special surprise on behalf of @goldendawne, the Stewards Of Gondor and @fulltimegeek's delegation! Please check your wallet for a HOT tip!

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Oh wow, wonderful. I don't completely understand what this means, but a tip is so kind! Aw poor snowman...but I want some thawing and tips so YAY!

Love your creativity and storytelling skills.
Of course it was the cat... he's lucky he's cute though

It's always easier to blame poor Puss ;) She is an easy target.

A triple yoker?? WOW! That one must have hurt a little. Could you imagine actually hatching triplet chicks? They'd probably be even smaller than quail already are!
Also, your Blue Willow dish is gorgeous. Do you collect?

I know, I considered saving it for incubator, but couldn't wait. I do collect it, most of it was my Mothers.

OOOh I wish I could upvote this!

WOw!! I'd say defintely breed that quail, you might be on to something, and whaaaa!? a triple yoker to boot? To cool!

Poor Puss, at the wrong place with the wrong marker at the wrong time. But I got quite a chuckle at her expense. Please don't tell her I said that.
(Stinky the Cat gets blamed for a lot around these parts too. So convenient when they can't talk back. At least in a language I can understand).

And I'm still voting on the bird beings from elsewhere as the culprits here. That triple yolk thing is just a thin ruse. We on Steemit just hope you don't do TOO good a job at this whole Quail raising thing, as you might get taken up in a beam of yolk-colored light some late night, and we will miss your posts and grandly fun take on life. Thanks for the daily mirth, and fun look in on 'As The Birds Turns'. Your life is never boring, that's for sure.
I love your Quail Holmes, the spats make him SO dapper, and very intellectual looking, like he could solve any kittycrime that comes along.

I knew if any other Steemitian, Stemmiter (whatever it is that we are called here on Steem would enjoy my mystery) it'd be you. :)

Maybe I have already come down from a yolk coloured light in the night sky and am looking to spread my feathered agenda amongst the feeble humans. Don't look to close or you might see some feathers sticking out of my 'human suit'.


I have to admit, it was pretty easy to frame the cat ;)

Beautiful capture

"Capture"? Like that I 'captured' my quail? I 'captured' my cat in the act? shrugs ;)

Triple yoker that is impressive. What r u feeding them quail?;)

organic game feed from Tractor Supply (which I eventually don't want to use at all) and vegetable kitchen scraps ( I eat a big salad everyday so they cut cuke peelings carrot scrapings etc) My next plan is to start growing meal worms as that is such a great source of protein for they and the chickens.

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