The Case of the Purple Egg or Which Quail Did it

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

I thought that sounded like a great title for a mystery novel. And a mystery was indeed what I found this morning when I went out to feed and water my Quail: A mysterious purple egg...ish


Honestly, this photograph of the purple egg to the right next to the normal coloured egg to the right doesn't do it justice. I even upped the saturation a bit, and it really does look more purple in person.

Here is it as I found it with its fellow 'normal' eggs.


It is always fun finding the eggs. These few are good enough to lay in this same place in the nest box, but many of the other quail just lay wherever, so I find them in the run or near their feeder. It's like an Easter egg hunt every morning. Especially when the egg is purple!

I have a sneeking suspicion it's this little lady right here.


Actually, that's a lie. I haven't ANY idea who laid the purple egg, only this is Heloise, the only quail I can tell apart from the others. And how I can tell her apart is she is always the first to come up to the door when I open it. She looks at me, will step into my hand, let's me pet her.

Sometimes she will hop down out of the coop to my feet. The first time she did this I panicked, as I have seen quail fly, and they take off like a rocket! But, no, Heloise is not like that. She hops down has a couple little pecks at the ground looks around and then I scoop her up, pet her and put her back in. And in all honesty she might even be a Harold. I sort of have the idea of telling male Cortinex quail from female, but it's a pretty close comparrison. But, to me she is a She and a layer of purple eggs.

I guess since I won't know who laid the purple egg nor if it will happen again, I'll just make up the little story that Heloise, in her love for me, felt she needed to do that 'something special' for her momma. I mean I did hatch her out of an egg myself (Well I had an incubator help me out a bit) so maybe she is just repaying the favour.

I wonder... there is such a think as a "Crazy Cat Lady" could there be a "Crazy Quail Lady"...nah, I'm fine. I'm sure people talk to their quail and thank them for the purple eggs all the time, right?

I also had another mystery with a quail egg, but that will have to wait for another be continued (isn't that what a good mystery series does? keeps you hanging on the edge of your seat?)

If you would like to read more about my quail here are some posts. There may be some cuteness and a bit of sadness in there, you never know.

I hope your day is filled with colourful eggs and happy pets.



So cute how Heloise has adopted you, and likes to get petted. (Pet?, pet'd??) And I certainly wouldn't say Crazy. Though at times Quaizzy Quail Lady might be whispered now and then in the hardware store or hair salon now and then, as you bike or drive on by downtown. But no worries, they are all just jealous, of all the fun you are having with your little winged charges. Which is, of course, wonderful.

And though the purple one probably DID come from Heloise, my very first thought was, "uh oh, dropped off from OFF planet, by a small craft piloted by some very smart boids, probably from planet Q. COULD happen.

The alien egg is coming to get me to return me to my home planet of coo coo crazy, it's just past Orien, yonder. ;)

I really thought my Heloise would have taken off for good the first time she did this. But, she is really in love with me, and I like to think: She comes to me for food and water, but stays for the pets (pats petted?) ;)

That IS purple! Crazy! I love your quail sagas. Keeps me going until I can get my own in spring...or whenever we get the new chicken coop built. Anyway, keep it up! :)

You are gonna have so much FUN with them. I swear they are a miracle. I still can't believe how quickly they are mature enough to lay and how MANY eggs they lay! I can't wait for you to get yours either. I really like @lyndsaybowes #walkwithme tag maybe I should do a #quailwithme or #poultrywithme tag ;)

Right?? Haha!! I do a #chickenshitsunday tag. But I'm totally willing to include other bird shit if you have some to share! Hahaha!

LOL if you need bird shit I have plenty of it... Haha =) (almost 70 fancy and mixed breed chickens and a few guinea hens.... Lot's of shit!)

I should have said "photos" of shit. Haha! If you post photos of your chickens' shits and tag #chickenshitsunday, I'll include your post! It isn't super popular or anything, but it's fun!

Whoa! That is a LOT of chickens. I always consider guinea hen but worry about the noise? Does the noise bother you? And Oh yeah I have my fair share of sh*t, though not as much as you must have :)

Lol ...loved this story and sadly never had quail eggs! We do have some chicken ...but ours sorta roam freely .... and the foxes love that fact. :/

I used to let mine roam, but then two of my favourite hens were 'foxed' so no dice, now they have a run. I might make them a chicken tractor though, so they can have more fresh food in the Summer.

LOL, well I know there is such a thing as a Crazy Chicken Lady now... SO... yes I think Crazy Quail Lady might work in your case :) I very much enjoyed your story, and it made me feel like I could have written it about my chickens and guinea hens! Haha! I look forward to seeing more of your stories :)

I have to check out your stuff, I just followed you. Good to know another artist/poultry fancier :)

All those eggs are beautiful, and it is quite normal to be a quail whisperer who gets purple eggs as a reward!

Ooh, I like that, my reward for my intimate understanding of Quailese (quail language) is rewarded in colourful eggs, I'll take it!

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