2018 Homesteading Resolutions

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

My Challenge

For the last few years, I have been thinking about what I can do to generate income from my current or future homestead to enable me to walk away from my day job. To be prepared, I have been exploring and learning new skills, and experiencing different areas of homesteading including permaculture, gardening, raising farm animals, selling locally and online. However, even though I can make some money here and there, it's a long way to go for me to walk away from my day job.

My Day Job

To make a living, I write computer programs, specializing in computer database language SQL. I can write very complex programs to navigate computer databases and find information stored in the databases. However, even though I am very good at it, it's not where my heart is. Granted, it brings the money home to make my family happy. But there is not much fulfillment in my heart. It's more of a trading hours for dollars kind of deal for me.

Where My Heart Is

Seeing a plant growing healthy and thriving brings much more joy to my heart than writing a computer program. My heart's desire is to work with nature to produce my own food in a sustainable way and to help others do the same, so that together, we make this earth a better place not only for ourselves but also for our children and their children to live in and to enjoy.

And Finally ... Eureka ... I Have Found A Way

It's Steemit. There is a huge potential here from what I see since I signed up two and half months ago. I am just going to treat this as a project in 2018 and really work on it.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

  • Specific - accumulating vests in Steemit
  • Measurable - 5k SBD
  • Actionable - keep sharing my knowledge and experience through blogging and networking through commenting
  • Realistic - at least 2.5k SBD
  • Timed - by the end of 2018


Thank you @kiaraantonoviche for sponsoring this homesteading challenge.


Transferred Reply from Personal Journey from Consumption to Production:

What an impressive post my old friend @cheneats

I've not been active posting but I've came by to see what you've been up too and I'm so glad I did.

Your writing and blogs has improved. Definitely more engaging, good background coverage, and very helpful.

Well Done!

This one is even better! Solid great formatting, easy fast breezy read, great goals too. I am certain you will achieve it. Steem on my dear Steemian friend!

Kindest Regards,

It's nice to hear you again my friend @drsinmongwong! Thank you for your encouragement and gracious comment. I'll do what I can to achieve my goal. By the way, I do miss reading your posts. Please take care of yourself and stay in touch. :-)

First off, I am a new follower. I found you in @lyndsaybowes comments, a great place I Find some wonderful people, so thank you agian lyndsay. I love the specific goals. I love the 1/2 dolphin concept, hmmm maybe a drawing for me in that? But, I also love sustainable things as well. I keep chickens and am now keeping quail (Which I whole heartedly recommend!) I love gardening and as we live on the water, am thinking of doing some sea farming (maybe oyster/shellfish seeding) I am looking forward to 2018 as well and really think we are going to see an amazing year for Steemit and crypto. I am glad to add you to my list of people I'll be following along with on this journey. Isn't this a great community!

Thank you for your introduction and following! I am a big fan of @lyndsaybowes's daily walk. She is so kind and draws many people to her.

We kept quails before. They don't take much space and are very easy to care for. Please let me know how your oyster/shellfish seeding goes. I harvest wild ones regularly.

Wish you the best of 2018 as you make your goal!

Excellent, thank you for including the SMART goal specification too! Best of luck with you resolution! You've been entered into the challenge, thank you!

This is an awesome goal! I too come from tech world (web design and programming) and then decided to switch it up and get into permaculture and homesteading. I've now been happily unemployed for 2 years as I volunteer on farms to gain experience! Now I am also appreciating steemit for opening new doors for 2018 :)

Happy unemployment! I guess you don't miss the tech world at all. :-) There is so much life in working with nature which makes us come alive. Kudos to you for your choice! May the year 2018 be the greatest year ever be for you!

Nope not at all! I also don't miss having a boss! I agree about loving working in nature and that playing a part in my experiencing freedom. Likewise I wish you an amazing 2018!

Yes to people full timing it on the land! I'm also gainfully self(un)employed! and it's so nice to note have a boss, be self directed, do things every day that i full heartedly believe in and share the goodness! Seriously, y'all are awesome and I'm happy to have met you on steemit. Yay permaculture, soil building, homesteading, farm and garden :D XO

Yay to funemployment!!

Fabulous one!!!

It's definetly a smart goal! Wish you the best on your way there. I'm following with interest!

Thanks for upvote.

Thank you for participating in the most recent #homesteadingchallenge! This comment is to inform you that the winner and a few honorable mentions have just been announced! I hope to see you in future contests!

Thank you for the Honorable Mentions. ;-)

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