Nicaragua Update 16

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)

Saturday, June 2nd, 2018

Warning! This Post Contains Very Disturbing Images! Not for Children!

This post is one of the most difficult I have had to write. Violence here is escalating and has reached the point of no return.

We are afraid that they have overstepped the bounds for peaceful dialogue and we will be in an all-out war. Not just Nicas against the government, but I believe the United States will be involved very shortly.

The news I woke up to this morning is nothing short of appalling. The messages were out o FB, Youtube and 100%Noticias the force of the government censored the news getting out. I doubt that it has hit any of the main international news outlets.

In early hours of Saturday morning, an American was ambushed in his car on the highway, forcible removed, stripped of his clothes, tortured and shot in the head.

The car was torched as was a second car following the first. No one knows what happened to the people in the second car. They are missing.

First reports were that it was an employee of the American Embassy, a marine in civilian clothes. Another man in the car with him was injured but taken to hospital on the back of a motorcycle being driven by a woman.

The American Embassy released at statement via Twitter, saying that it was an American citizen and they would be aiding the family. That was all the information given other than this is a very worrying occurrence.

Local news outlets, owned by the government said the it was a local bar owner that was killed by militant students. He was apparently called, told that his friend was in trouble and needed him.

There are conflicting reports as to who is responsible and the news has been buried in the local news.

Warning! The following photos contain graphic content!

American tortured an murdered.png

While this was happening in Managua, more violence was occurring in Masaya. Snipers were photographed in Masaya leaving injured and 1 dead in their wake.

sniper in masaya.png

Sniper in Masaya

body in masaya.png

Death From Sniper

This is an everyday occurrence in Nicaragua now. My family has been sequestered in our compound for the last month as has my son's family in Managua. The streets are not safe day or night.

Two years ago Nicaragua was a peaceful country. Then Ortega appointed his wife as vice-president. We have been on a slippery slope since.


Oh dear, Ceci, I am so sorry to hear that the situation is detiorating so badly.

If you and/or Chris feel like you would like to give another update on the situation on my show on Friday just let me know.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Things are not very good here at the moment. I will be posting more. Apparently, the US is downplaying what happened. We don't know what is going to happen next. Neither family have left our houses. It is not safe to do so. If we still have communications on Friday we would be pleased to come on the show to give an update.

I do hope it doesn't get any worse. I hope you can make it to the show on Friday.

I was chatting with Chris. As long as we have internet we will be there on Friday. He just heard from people in Managua that a rumour is being passed along that Nicaragua is on the list for UN peacekeeping intervention. That may be the best we can hope for.

That will be good. UN Peacekeepers sounds like a positive development.

If they let them in. They didn't want the Human Rights people. This man is a guerilla and still fights like one. He will not relinquish power willingly or peacefully. I think he may want to go out in a blaze of glory. Heaven help us.

Ah right, I hadn't thought of that option of the peacekeepers not being allowed in...

I thought when the UN ordered something that they could go in by force if need be...I need to check this out. Never needed the information before :{

This is very disturbing. I'm just knowing about this. So many things go on in different countries which the government try hard to ensure it doesn't get to the international media.
In your case, what do you think is the cause of the insecurity?

Whoa. Why have I not heard of this? How is this not made the rounds? Are we really that partitioned away?

The government of Nicaragua has been good at keeping a lid on things here. Not much has gotten out to the international news outlets. They need to pay attention to what is going on here. This is a tinder box waiting to explode.

((Big Hugs)) I am so worried for you and your family and I hope you can stay safe while this plays out. What is going on is devastating, sad and just awful.

No one should have to live in a state of war, especially when its coming from their own government.

My heart goes out to you all. ((Big Hugs))

Thank you, @debralee! It is difficult to live while you are waiting for the other shoe to drop, second guessing if your area will be next on the list for mindless killing and violence.


Stay safe!

We are doing the best we can under the circumstances. :{

My family and I will pray for you - starting now. I had absolutely no idea

Most people don't until they read my posts. The news is not making out to mainstream media. He's pretty effective at blocking it. We think it is his wife's doing as she is very media savvy.

THIS is the post I was hoping to Never get! I am so glad you are on full lock down! 24/7 guards, as well armed as you can manage! If you had time to make the anti personell spikes tha look like jacks, now is the time to put them out on the trails to your compound (covered with leaves)! Any camo you can do one the compound is a good idea!

I am SO Sorry you are at risk! I would ration the food, to make it last. :(

I pray you, and yours, are such a small fish, they ignore you! I will resteem and facebook this!

Thank you, @smithlabs. This is just the beginning. I would assume the American forces will begin arriving soon. I would just hope that the Russian don't join the party like last time.

The Russians may not be able to afford it these days, Hope they can't! Please stay low, and keep your lights off when possible! That helps you go unnoticed.

Do you still have power? I have asked peope here to pray for your safety!

Thank you, @smithlabs. We do stay really low. We have power but are under blackout conditions at night. We haven't left the compound in over a month.

It is probably damp enough there for a Malitov coctail to be safely usable. I am so glad you locked down and blacked out! Do you have direct communications with your Son, or is it internet only?

We are praying for his safety too, that Angels are kept around both places!

You will let us know if we can do anything to help? BE SAFE!

We only have cell phones and internet. They cut our power we have nothing. No power, no water and no communications. We can not think of anything tangible at the moment but down the road, we may need help and we will take you up on your offer.

Any chance on the radio? Get it going and I can keep you on steemit, etc. Cell phones are too fragile, systemically. Do you have back up power? You can charge things from cars.

I assumed since you are so close to a river you had a well? Store rainwater. There is water in the hot water tank. If you get water back, even for a short time, fill the bathtub. Leave that faucet on (WITH THE DRAIN PLUGGED), so you know if the water pressure returns.

Ask, and we will do what we can! :(

We have no bathtubs in Central Aerica, just cold showers and sometimes a Kamikaze shower. There are no water heaters either. We are very primitive where we are. We are near the ocean and have two wells but they are salt water. I have two large water tanks, one 10,000 litres (approx. 2642 gallons) and a second one 2500 litres (approx. 661 gallons) of potable water plus another 200 gallons in the 5-gallon water jugs.

No luck on the radio equipment. Parts or old radios. Rainwater is not a problem at the moment. It is rainy season and it rains every day. Food may be a problem in future. We are feeding a lot of people right now. 21 people so far have taken refuge behind our walls...

Thank you, @smithlabs. This is just the beginning. I would assume the American forces will begin arriving soon. I would just hope that the Russian don't join the party like last time.

These are horrific times.....all I ever ask myself is "what is wrong with these people"....don't they respect life? Apparently not.

I'm glad your family is with you. Stay safe.

These are horrific times.....all I ever ask myself is "what is wrong with these people"....don't they respect life? Apparently not.

I'm glad your family is with you. Stay safe.

This is going to get really messy before it gets better. They have absolutely no respect for life.

We have been friends now on steem for quite some time now. I haven’t much steem, but would gladly delegate you every bit if only it would solve the problem. Please tell me and the rest of us what can we do beside prayers. Anything tangible? Phone calls on your behalf? Please do not hesitate to ask. Will do what is possible from my end. With much Love and many prayers.❤️🐓🐓

Thank you so much, @mother2chicks! Your support means a lot to me. Right now there really anything tangible that you can do. That may change in the future and I may need to call all my friends for help. But I like to reserve that in case of dire need.

You merely have to ask. Be well and keep us posted. ❤️🐓🐓

Thank you, my friend. I will keep everyone posted the best I can.

I'm so sorry to hear this, but the fact that they're suppressing the truth about it isn't surprising at all. We can't trust the media or our governments anymore. They all lie.
Praying for the safety of you and your family my lovely lady.
God bless the innocents caught in the middle of this unrest in your country.
God bless you and your family my friend. :D

Thank you, my friend, for your support. We are now in a war. There is no turning back. I would think that the American forces will be arriving sooner rather than later.

You're welcome lovely lady. :D I'll keep praying for you all. :D
God bless you and your family my friend. :D

The prayers are really appreciated. I keep praying for a peaceful solution but I think we are now long past dialogue...

This is terrible, and again so sorry that you and your family and all the innocent people of Nicaragua have to go through this and praying that this will end soon and that you and your family will be all safe.

We are safe for the moment, but we go from day today. I don't believe it will end anytime soon. We have passed the point of no return. War is here.

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