DIY Baby Powder Recipe

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)

With our skin being our largest organ, and our soft armor against the world, we ought to be mindful about what we allow to come into contact with it. I used to grab products off the shelf for their beauty claims, beautiful packaging or great price, completely unaware of toxic contents they contained. Over the years, however, I began to discover questionable ingredients in the products I was using which convinced me to change my attitude and really tune into what I was putting in and on my body.


So often the messages we receive about these toxins is, just a little bit won't hurt. But what happens when the little bits begin to add up and we're subjecting ourselves to harmful chemicals for decades? I decided I didn't want to find out. Our bodies are made up of intricate and interconnected systems and for me, the time had come to start respecting this vessel I was given. I began taking more care with which products I was using, and even made a few of my own.

Naturally, when our twins arrived, Matthew and I knew that we would have to scrutinize every product we used. While we had to nix a few of our ideas, simply because they were not feasible with twins in a tiny house, we made a concerted effort to keep our babies exposure to toxins as minimal as we possibly could.

Sometimes, we stumble onto really great products only to discover later that they were even better than we imagined. A friend of mine had given me a natural baby powder while casually mentioning how she had discovered the dangers of using talc baby powder. I was completely oblivious, but when I dug a little deeper I learned that long-term exposure to talc could put you at risk for for both lung and ovarian cancer. I was in shock but felt slightly vindicated for being hyper vigilant about baby products.

LavenderPhoto by Marco Secchi on Unsplash

When the powder ran out, I searched for it high and low but couldn't find it anywhere. I settled for another natural product but found that the ingredients were more slippery and slid straight off their skin and into the diaper. I felt like I was shaking dollar signs out of the bottle instead of baby powder; baby boutiques have learned they can charge premium prices for even the simplest products. So I decided I would make it myself instead.

I compared the ingredients of the two natural powders and discovered that the one I liked had simple and easy-to-find ingredients. All I needed to do was figure out the quantity of each ingredient I needed combine. As I searched for a recipe to create the perfect blend I discovered that these ingredients were even better than I imagined.

Powder IngredientsThese are all of the ingredients I used. I saved the shaker from the last baby powder I had bought and reused it.

Baby Powder Recipe

  • 1/2 cup Arrowroot Powder
  • 1/2 cup Tapioca Starch
  • 5 Tbsp Kaoline Clay
  • 12 drops infused Lavender Oil

So what makes these simple ingredients so good? Well, let me tell you! Also keep in mind that these are just a few of the benefits I found along the way:

Arrowroot Powder

This naturally absorbs moisture which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. Arrowroot is also anti-inflammatory in addition to being an immunity booster. Ingesting arrowroot can help aid in curing bladder inflections which makes me believe that it's healing properties would also be beneficial when used topically as a diaper powder. It's ability to sooth pain is why you will find arrowroot cookies advertised for teething babies. Traditionally, arrowroot came by it's name for it's use in healing wounds caused by poison arrows.

Tapioca Starch

Tapioca starch is derived from the cassava plant which has a long history of medicinal uses, in addition to it's culinary applications. This natural starch has absorbent qualities which make it ideal for keeping moisture away from skin. The root was given as a treatment for bladder inflections and applied directly to the skin by folk healers to speed up healing wounds and sores. The properties of cassava also promote skin health and help boost the immune system.

Kaolin Clay

Possesses absorbency properties which are known to soak up excess oil and moisture. The beauty industry also utilizes kaolin clay in facial masks for detoxifying skin and keeping pores clear. White clays are known for being suitable for sensitive skin, aiding in soothing rashes, redness, and irritated skin. The texture of kaolin is very silky smooth as well.


In addition to smelling wonderful, lavender has been used to treat anxiety, fungal infections, and wounds. Other notable benefits of using lavender oil are as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Studies have also seen rapid healing effects from using lavender oil to treat wounds.

With each ingredient being loaded with healing and preventive properties I felt good about combining these elements for bum care. We had experienced a few incidents of irritation on their sensitive skin and in one case little H had such bad diaper burn we chose to wash his bum under a tap and gently pat dry at each change. His skin had become so raw that the act of wiping would send him into heavy sobs. Penaten was recommended to us but not only would it cover the irritation poorly, it was also inhibiting the skin from being able to properly breathe and dry out which in turn prolonged the healing process. We switched to powder and saw a drastic improvement with in a few short days.

Baby Powder Test

When I mixed the powders together I would apply some to my wrist and rub to see how it felt. I wanted to make sure the combination was smooth enough not to cause irritation but not so slippery that it wouldn't adhere to their skin. I adjusted the kaolin clay to add some softness to the application. If you want to make your own powder I would suggest testing the powder on your own skin to make sure you are satisfied with the application.

Lavender Cotton Ball

Some recipes recommended using a blender to break up the lavender oil clumps but that felt like it was going to be way too much work and clean up for me. Instead, I put 12 drops of lavender oil on a cotton ball and stuck it in a jar with the bulk of the powder. Before I transferred the powder to the shaker bottle I removed the cotton ball and shook it up. The powder smelled great. I am keeping the lavender cotton ball in with the bulk powder in the meantime.

Dry Shampoo: An Unexpected Benefit

One of my secrets to keeping my hair healthy is to only wash it every 3 to 4 days. When I initially started doing this my hair would become oily very quickly and I would remedy the greasy appearance by adding some hair spray and back combing (before I was more considerate of my beauty products). After a while though, my hair began to adapt and wouldn't become oily until the third or fourth day without a wash.

When you wash your hair often your scalp begins to produce excess oil in desperation to coat the strands of your hair from root to tip. When you give your hair the oil it needs by combing it through each day, your scalp will slow down the oil production. My hair dressers often compliment me on the health of my locks.

One day I was getting ready to head out when I realized I was on day four and oil had accumulated at my roots. I looked like a real greaser. There was no way I would have time to shower before heading out so I took a chance and shook some baby powder into the roots of my hair. I let the powder sit for about 5 minutes before running a brush through my hair and giving it a good shake over the tub. Magic! It worked, and my hair looked refreshed and had a lovely scent too.

Some beauty sites recommend using white powders for lighter hair and cocoa powder for darker hair. I found the baby powder shook out well enough that you couldn't spot any noticeable remnants but I may try to cocoa powder in the future.

Have you made any DIY baby or beauty products? How did they work for you?

Please keep in mind that information given here is intended for research purposes only and that you should always do your own research before using any products for medicinal purposes.


Unless otherwise stated, all photos are the original work of Mrs. Canadian Renegade.


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This post is full of healthy homedness!!!

It has earned the #healthy-home seal of approval!!

Keep sharing amazing information and life experiences with us!


Thank you! -Aimee

I love this and the great alternative hair use! I will be sure and share this recipe.

Sadly, I have no head hair.... And no baby bottoms in need of freshening at the moment. :-P

Ha ha ha! We'll, you could always make your head as smooth as a baby's bum... 🤷

Please do share the recipe, I hope someone finds it useful. -Aimee

Soft Armor. I like that. It is pretty odd when your tooth paste has poison control information on it incase you swallow it even though it is supposed to have been made to go into your mouth or how your deodorant that goes on the most absorbent parts of your skin have heavy metals in them. I will have to try this baby power out. Thanks for another great article.

I am glad to hear you're enjoying the content. We have the same feelings about toothpaste and deodorant too. I was making our own toothpaste for a while but just couldn't find the time when the twins arrived. I found a great brand called Nelson Naturals which includes colloidal silver. It's a product I would like to start making myself again, but until then this brand is a excellent choice. I have trouble with the natural deodorants, though I read a steemit article that suggested just making a paste with baking soda and water. It has worked well for me but it is a bit flaky and abrasive so I am still on the hunt for something better. If you do try the powder, be sure to drop by and let me know how you like it. -Aimee

I read that u can use coconut oil mix with a drop of essential oil, tea tree for anti bacteria and a scent u like (thats what I use) or use a solid coconut bar like a roll on. I used to use a so called 'natural deodorant' but found out it has aluminium In the ingredient, so sometimes can't even trust the health store. Check everything vigilantly

I have tried some coconut oil based products and they did work well but they ended up ruining my clothes with oil stains. I have heard that beeswax based bars are just as good and don't have the oil stains problem but I have been too nervous about ruining more clothes. -Aimee

interesting, i guess beeswax isnt strictly vegan friendly so i probs wont try it. i never noticed a problem with the coconut oil stains myself, but i just use my own coconut oil not sure if it makes a difference. to tell u the truth i dont really wear 'deodorant'(coconut oil) that much like i used to have to, maybe its the change in diet to plant based i think has alot to do with it, i notice hormonal changes do affect smells, i just change my t-shirts during the day if i sweat alot!

Oh yeah, I guess beeswax wouldn't be vegan. I thought the first batch I used didn't give the oil stains so maybe it was another fragrance oil in the second one I tried. Either way, I didn't want to risk more clothes. I haven't been eating as well as I used to and I think you're right, diet and hormones definitely play a role in body odour. Nothing wrong with just changing a shirt either! -Aimee

Interesting post @canadianrenegade! It sounds like such an improvement to use natural ingredients, for sure. Valuable info for everyone!

Thank you -Aimee

our families are living in a shortage of money, so we use more natural products for us and our children, until now we are accustomed to natural products, let alone the problem of drugs, we rarely use chemical drugs,
I congratulate you on your achievement taking care of your children well, I can feel, because I am also a mother

You sound like you're doing an excellent job as a mother as well, making the decision to use natural products. We are also hesitant to use pharmaceutical intervention. While we believe that medicine has a place, the earth has so much to offer us to keep us well. I am glad to hear you can relate. - Aimee

I am glad to share your experience with you, as our fellow mother is certainly a lot of story, but I am not at all good at cooking ,, ha ha ha ,,

I strongly agree with you, when my child is sick I also very rarely give medicine from pharmacies, because I am very horrified to imagine the chemical effects, when my child fever or itching I apply the flour that I made myself,
the ingredients are a piece of raw yam then finely grated, stirred with a little water and then filtered, after a few hours silence sticks will settle down, the precipitate juice is very good for lowering fever or as anti-septic powder ,,
good luck
and thank you also for your recipe

You're welcome. Yes, I am also hesitant when it comes to using pharmaceutical products. While I believe that medicine has a place, I also believe that we have so many natural alternatives we should look to first. Thank you for sharing your fever recipe, I will have to look more into the medicinal properties of yams. ☺️ -Aimee

I also often drink warm water that I put some lemon slices into it, I see very good to normalize my cholesterol, by chance our backyard there are some lemon trees

I hadn't heard of hot lemon water normalizing cholesterol, thank you for sharing. We like to drink hot lemon water with honey when we are feeling a cold beginning to invade. How wonderful that you have lemon trees growing in your back yard. Our weather is too cold for lemon trees, unless you have an indoor space or greenhouse to keep them. -Aimee

actually a lot of fruit and leaves in our place that can be as a cholesterol drug, but I do not know what to call it by name,
but I mostly use lemon

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Thank you. -Aimee

Thank you for the link. I am actually aware of the claims against lavendar oil being an endocrine disrupter. I too was concerned about the negative effects of using the oil but the deeper I dug the more I discovered that the study that condemned the oil was flawed. The researcher did not take several factors such as quality of oil, herbacide contamination, and the use of phalate containing equipment in the lab. Other studies have since been done to refute this allegation as well.

I feel comfortable with the lavendar in this recipe, especially since it is lightly infused through a cotton ball and not directly mixed into the powder. That being said, anyone who chooses to use lavender, or any other natural product for that matter, should conduct their own research first and assess their comfort level before using such products. -Aimee

Lol I used to do that same thing with baby powder for the hair but like u said I threw the baby powder out when I became aware of all the nasty ingredients. Good work on making ur own

I am picturing you tossing it into a garbage can with a mini basketball net on it and I don't know why. Ha ha ha! I love dual purpose products and when making them actually turns out to be both easy and affordable. -Aimee

Happy Sunday! This comment is to inform you that your article has been linked/featured in the most recent issue of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter! Thank you and have a great day!

Thank YOU! That's one beefy newsletter and it looks like you put a lot of effort into sharing quality content. I am looking forward to reading the other featured articles. -Aimee

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