Homesteading / Self Reliance / Off Grid Lifestyle: Tip of the Week | The GRID Fights to Keep You in The Matrix for 2 Reasons Only By & Large: E.8

in #homesteading7 years ago

OffGrid Life.


You have to wonder, why does the GRID and the GOV'T want all of us connected soooo badly??? Right???

-- Take a sec. Ponder that.

Why do they fight every single person so hard who wants to live a simple life??? Hmmm?

....PROFIT.... TAXES..... you are a file to them, that they need to squeeze for more money.

No more, no less.

It is politics as usual.

Tip of the Week is always down a few lines

Little House on the Prairie types back in the day did not have these problems!

Being out off the grid is one way to develop more Self Reliance skills, as well as disconnect from "The Grid" --- and just immerse yourself in some nature, and the peace and quiet that goes along with it.

There are PROVEN health benefits from doing this for 2-5 days at a time, work your way up to it -- but why not try it??

Many of us want to live this way but if you cannot -- a couple days at a time is a good start for peace and your health.

Quick Tip of the Week:

Water Intake Day to Day / On and Off Grid:


1/ Drink more water before meals and FIRST thing when you wake up for the day, get the water in you.

2/ The best water bottle is the one inside you -- get that water inside you. I always remember Dave Canterbury saying that, the legendary outdoorsman (Pathfinder School, Self Reliance Outfitters)

3/ Try to keep a mental record of your fluid intake. Most people are under hydrated day to day and worse when outside, in the woods, or during activities/tasks.

4/ Consider your exertion levels put into any task you have planned.

5/ Monitor/ check the colour of your urine. Too yellow/bright usually means not enough water but can mean nutrients or vitamins flowing out after consumption which is normal, be aware of these timelines for excretion. Nice boring more clear/colourless urine is the target with enough water in you.

6/ Avoid alcohol when possible -- it dries you out.

7/ Use a bit of salt/sugar or electrolyte powder/drinks as needed if recovering from dehydration or after a day of activity sweating all that out of your system.

Main Images Today: Barry Dutton / Balance: Listed / Courtesy PixaBay where images are free to use to help you out!
Super Easy/Fast Picture Editing, Effects and Resizing at: and also
Water Image

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

PixaBay has tons of free pictures for us all to use!!!

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:


Most stock Images / Gif's day to day usually via , ImgFlip, Funny or,, PixaBay unless otherwise noted, with thanks.
Sources usually on image or credited if I cannot find it on an image, but sometimes I forget, sorry if this bothers anyone.

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.



It's amazing how much better I feel when I drink about a hundred ounces of water in a day. We may think we are getting enough water and are drinking what we need, but almost always isn't the case. Even though I'm pretty conscious about my water consumption, I still I have days where I am dehydrated.

Thanks for the friendly reminder, this does make a huge difference!

I am so encouraged when I see people understanding like you here, how sneaky and important dehydration is.

-- comment UV!

You will want to check my contest post going up in a few mins!

its too good post.

keep it up

Thank you

Wow. beautifull place. i like & resteemid this post!

Fantastic post.
you have a great essay.

Love the pics,so beautiful!!

It is one of my dreams to have a mountain view and live in the middle of where!

Crowded area just seem to be a magnet for gangs, violence, and the government spending way too much to keep an “eye” on its citizens.

It is planned, it is part of the Herd Mentality encouraged by the gov'ts and Agenda 21/ 2130 -- aka the pack em and stack em plans of the UN, first ratified quietly at the Rio meetings many meany years ago, easily found by searching

" Rio Agenda 21 United Nations "

Stuff like this is why I am on the gov't hit list. They despise awake people spreading awareness for the good of all.

Oh, you saw my reply last nite to you right / wallet wise?

You will want to check my contest post going up in a few mins!

Great advice and I love the concept of your blog. Off to drink a glass of water!

LOL, right?


You will want to check my contest post going up in a few mins!

We both are nature lovers <3

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