✿ ✾ Greenhouse update! Things are growing! ✾ ✿

I may have it mentioned before, but this year I don't have time for an actual garden. This is the year of the Bucket-Garden in the Greenhouse!

Last time I photographed inside the greenhouse, things were going pretty well! I was quite hopeful that I would actually be able to EAT something from there eventually!

Here's whats going on now:

First off, the tomatoes are TAKING THEIR SWEET TIME in growing any fruit!! This, my friends, is the first semi-ripe tomato so far! These are yellow pear tomatoes. They are small and sweet. Think cherry tomatoes, but yellow and pear shaped! Super yummy!


The tomato plants are growing REALLY well. I am actually remembering to fertilize them occasionally, and most of them are taller than me!! (And I'm no shorty!)


There is some evidence of it getting too hot in there though; the leaves are burning in some areas. This is no shocker, since I already knew the greenhouse was too hot. Overall, though, I think they will be okay, burnt leaves and all. Next year, we will probably convert the greenhouse into a shade house, since the broiling sun here in south GA turns a greenhouse into an OVEN OF DEATH.
You think I'm exaggerating?! Go in there and NOT die! I DARE you!


So many greenies in here, I just CAN'T WAIT to eat some fresh tomatoes!


Alright, tearing myself away from these tomatoes now!!

Next we have kimchi peppers! It has been my goal to grow my own kimchi peppers to use in my homemade kimchi, and it's looking like I may succeed! The only problem is I NEED to transplant this plant into a bucket! Poor thing is in a small pot now, but trying it's darndest to grow peppers anyway!


I am also growing some kimchi cabbage! I believe this variety was called napa cabbage, but I don't have the seed packet around to verify. I need to transplant these as well!


Do you remember our 'mango madness'?

Well, here's an update on the mango seeds! The seeds that I cut open went ahead and grew! The ones that I only snipped the ends of never came up. I am planning on gently digging them up and searching for signs of life soon...


I am happy to say my herbs are doing great! I have lots of basil, mint, and oregano. A fair amount of stevia is ready and even my baby sage is growing. (I love fresh sage!) The plants look pretty picked over because I am harvesting lots to use in the house, AND on top of that, the herbs are great health-boosters for livestock, so I pick a handful for my beloved goaties every day as well.


Here's a cayenne pepper growing. I love these things. I think this year I will dry it and make my own pepper flakes!


A few weeks ago, I found a sad-looking spider plant on clearance at Walmart. I felt bad for the poor, overwatered thing, and brought it home. It is thriving now! It loves the heat of the greenhouse! Here is one of its baby 'spiders' growing nicely!


I'll end this with yet another tomato picture. Seriously, these tomatoes need to hurry it up!! I am drooling in anticipation here!!!



Thanks for reading! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! ♥

Drop a comment with what kind of veggies you are growing this year! If you aren't growing anything, let us know what you would like to grow if you could!


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EVERYTHING looks so healthy, green and lush!!
Great job saving that spider plant... every plant needs a good home and you made it SOOO HAPPY!

Thanks! I love spider plants, since, as a child, my Mom and Grandma used to grow so many of them all over the place. Ive been wanting one of my own. Id rather have it in the house where I can see it all day, but I have a feeling it will do much better out in the heat and sunshine...

Lovely bucket garden!

I didnt have time this year either :/

My oldest scattered some old Kale seeds in a dirt patch in the yard... So shes been tending it and has a nice little Kale crop!20180614_134125.jpg

Oh how cute is that?! Good for her! Kale is super healthy too!
I have a few kale plants in buckets, and I mean to eat them... but I keep on feeding the leaves to the goats. I need to find a good kale recipe!

My tomatoes have never gotten that big. Probably because I don’t fertilize them... I just put them in containers in front of my house, give them water and blow them kisses every time I walk by them.

I lol’s at your spider plant. We bought a tiny tomato plant that already had tomatoes on it but was I my 6 inches tall because my daughter wants a puppy.

Happy to visit you and get a visual treat.

Thanks!! ♥
Haha, I hear ya with the giving water and blowing kisses! That's what I usually do.. but this year I want some actual veggies! Im fertilizing like a pro now! I think my ratios may be off though, cause I seem to be getting more leafy growth than veggie, but its early in the season yet...

Thanks for dropping by! ♥

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