#WalkWithMe in my greenhouse and see what is growing! ♥

in #homesteadersonline6 years ago (edited)

Good morning all!


Today I thought I would give you a peek inside the greenhouse and show you what is going on. I am SUPER excited about my tomatoes! When I was growing up, my grandfather had a tomato farm, and I was SPOILED with fresh tomatoes all the time! Now, grocery store tomatoes taste like styrofoam to me, and I just do NOT like them at all. Last year, I had issues, and didn't end up with any homegrown tomatoes at all, but this year, I am doing tomatoes in buckets and they are blooming like crazy!!


Look at the beautiful blooms, and not a tomato worm to be found! (I hope I didn't just jinx myself!)

I even found a tiny, pea-sized tomato yesterday, but for the life of me, I could not find it this morning when I had my camera out! Was it shy? Am I going blind? Did I imagine it?! Who knows...

Anyway, lots of things are growing and doing well. I am growing several varieties of peppers this year. Unfortunately, the tags I used to SO carefully label them, so I don't mix sweet and spicy, faded away, so it will be a surprise what we end up with! Yay. They are blooming as well and I can't wait to have fresh peppers!

Pepper flowers. ♥

I also have herbs growing! Mint I have shown you already, there is also stevia, sage, thyme and oregano!

Here is the oregano, it has really taken off!

Here is the baby sage! It's kind of floppy and spindly now, but I can't wait to have fresh sage again! Won't be too much longer...

And here is just one of my aloe plants! Long ago, I bought one small aloe from a vendor in a flea market, now I have zillions of aloes all over the place! This big one was moved to the greenhouse because I ran out of space in my bedrooom. It got a little pale at first from too much sun, but has recovered and has lots of new growth.


Last, but not least, I'd like to mention some new additions. These are marigolds! I found some straggly ones on clearance a couple weeks ago, and picked up a few packs. After popping off all the blooms and buds on them, (to make them focus on root growth rather than blooming, to help them get established), I planted them with the tomatoes. They are excellent companions to tomatoes because their care is about the same, and they repel white flies, spider mites, and other pests. They are doing quite well and are blooming again already!


I hope you have enjoyed peeking around in my greenhouse! It's early in the season yet, but I have high hopes to actually harvest some veggies this year! Maybe next year we will have time and energy to start an actual garden again, but for now, my bucket-garden will have to do!


Thanks for reading! As always, have a lovely day!! ♥ Feel free to drop a comment and let me know what is growing in your garden so far!


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Creative Commons License
This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


WOW, it is beautiful inside your greenhouse! Did you know that once upon a time, I planted tomatoes and zucchini and four grape vines in my backyard, and also fruit trees. I will try to look for old photos, and should I find some in my photo files, I shall do a new friend gift post for you! Thank you for showing us your greenhouse. Your photos are so calming!

Thank you!
I would love to see your pictures!
Yes, I enjoy taking plant photos. Plants are so considerate. Unlike children and animals, they dont really move around, so it is fairly simple to get a nice shot of them. ;)

I may move my Aloe outside also... I bought two small plants about three months ago and potted them together... just Monday I transplanted both into their own LARGER pots. They are GROWING monstrous!

You've captured some nice shades of green 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Mine are growing nonstop as well! The more I ignore/forget about them, the better they like it, it seems. ;) More than I can use for sure. May need to start putting aloe in my smoothies or something!

Lush green garden you have there... I must confess that you are doing well!

Thanks! I am trying!

Love your greenhouse veggies and how everything is blooming and looks so nice!

And herbs as well! We never had aloe vera but this just reminded me I should look for some.

I also make garden update posts every now and then since we have quite a few veggies and fruits planted. Can't wait to pick some fresh veggies! :)

Happy harvesting and it's great to connect with you here on Steemit!

Thanks so much!
Great to connect with you too! Gotta love gardening! ♥

We're growing tomatoes as well. We LOVE garden fresh tomatoes so much! My husband planted 80 plants last time and they all flourished and we STILL only had like one batch of salsa to freeze because we just kept eating them fresh off the vine. We can't get enough!

We can't seem to get much of anything else to grow reliably, though. We get a few peppers and some chives, but everything else seems to fail miserably. I'd love to have some fresh aloe again!

I LOVE fresh tomatoes too! We eat them like apples! ♥
I am hoping to make some fresh salsa this year too! Hopefully with fresh herbs and peppers too!

Oh, I just know aloe would get pale because too much sun... I have a lot of this plant in my yard.

Yes, it was in the shade in my house, so the greenhouse sun was a bit much for it. It is used to it now though. :D

Your tomatoes and peppers are already in bloom! That's great! I have, also, in my garden all sort of greens, but because they are under the open sky, they need a little more time to bloom.
Oregano grew as crazy this year. wish you good luck with your greenhous and on steemit as well.

Thank you!
Yes, already blooming and well along, mainly because we are in the south and our growing season starts super early here. Our neighbors have tomatoes growing outside and theirs are blooming as well. Ilove the long growing season, but the challenge is keeping things cool enough in the summer!

Good luck with your garden too!! ♥

Great plants. Question ...do you have holes in bottom of tomato buckets and what fertilizer do you use. Trying to make my thumb green. :-)


Yes! I use a medium size drill bit and just drill a bunch of holes in the bottom for drainage.

Right now I don't have a specific fertilizer. My husband has accumulated a bunch of different things, fish meal, bone meal, blood meal, etc. I have been alternating between quite a few different things in an effort to use them up. After that, Ill have to see what I can find that is a balance between quality and price, haha.

Thanks for the info. ... Kitten-Playing-With-Butterflies-Icon.png

Everything looks very happy and healthy! Good about the tomatoes!

Thanks!! I am thrilled with everything so far!

Beautiful plants you have going on in there! I lol'd when you talked about the hiding baby tomato, it's happened to me before too :) :) :)

That was SO frustrating! I wanted to take a picture of it! I found it again finally yesterday, with a few more tiny tomatoes coming on. Of course, I did not have my camera with me...

Ba hahhaha! Well I'm following you now so I'll be sure to see that little guy sooner or later lol!

Great, haha! Ill be sure to take pictures of it soon, now that it can't hide from me anymore!
(I hope I didnt jinx myself!)

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