Golden D Homestead's Goals For 2018 Plus 2017 Skills In Review


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Before I get into my new goals for 2018, I wanted to share some of my personal and homesteading skill accomplishments from 2017.

2017 In Review


This had been a skill I had wanted to learn for years; and it wasn't until my husband's first wife (who I am friends with- we text each other and share recipes and are constantly chatting) sent me some of her own homemade soap months ago. She gave me the recipe and I made my first batch of the hot process soap. IT WAS an eye-opening experience and I realized I could do this!

Well, this past week I ventured into the melt and pour based soaps. I made two varieties and actually used one of them today and it was SO LUXURIOUS and creamy! Plus the simplicity of the recipe was one that made me wonder I had never attempted this before.



Now this one had me a little hesitant. I can't quite say why, but it did.
But still, I wanted to expand my homesteading skills and needed to conquer another way of preserving.

So I started with a basic wine making kit.


And now, I just racked the wine this morning, I will have red grape and blackberry wine in about 6-8 weeks.

I also made garlic honey, after hearing so many wonderful health benefits to this fermented beverage.


Garden & Herbs

What started out as a little but here and a little bit there.. turned into a front yard herb garden, a greenhouse and more plants and seeds than I had room for.



Next year will be so much better planned and the garden will be full of a great harvest!!

2018 Additions, Goals And Expansions ##


I ordered some kefir starter grains and found some scoby (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast) locally through a neighbor, so now I can make kefir milk and kombucha. I have been hearing some inspirational things about both and since I have a sensitive stomach and abdomen issues, I think these may help. But if not, at least I will have healthy options and will have learned yet another new skill.

I have been seeing some GREAT fermenting posts almost daily on steemit and I have been bookmarking them and adding to my notebook of skills.


I have seen a few posts on steemit about candle-making and the process, but this is one thing I really want to learn how to do.

I have looked at the ingredients and supplies online and at the craft store; plus have researched endlessly recently. So all I need to do is take the final plunge and just do it. I figure winter time is the perfect time to experiment since I am unable to get outside in the garden and greenhouse. I can work at my own pace and learn.


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Garden, Greenhouse, Herbs & Preserving The Bounty

Basically these are the things I want to add to my gardening supplies:

  • Pressure canner for preserving and canning options
  • Bigger and more permanent greenhouse
  • Another indoor grow tent and lighting set up
  • More herbs (my gardening list will be coming soon- after all my first seed delivery already came in the mail the other day)
  • More containers and buckets for certain vegetables since my space is limited

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Candle making sounds like something I would love to do too! I managed to convince the Hubster to let me have a go with his beer brewing kit too, so when it comes out of the loft, I will be blogging about that too! :D I love this post, it is inspiring!

Oh you got the beer making kit!!!! AWESOME!!!

Yes I am thinking candle making will be my next BIG venture of skill development.

Can't wait to see you beer post!!!

I'd like to get more into fermenting as well this year. I have a kraut making tool that I haven't used yet, and also make my own kombucha. Time to ramp those up this year!

~ Kevin

Sauerkraut is one I remember watching my grandma make; I even have her old crock.

I agree! RAMPING up here too. I have more thoughts of what I'd like to attempt but this post has the general ones I've been wanting to try for quite a while. I'm sure I'll add more as the ideas come to me.

oh god that interesting all the things that you do, it even causes me to make them

Believe it or not, most of these skills are so easy. I was intimidated at first but now... now things are easier and I have more confidence.

Wow you are killing it @goldendawne! Look forward to seeing all your accomplishments this year!

I am trying! I wil be the first to admit, I am proud of myself.
It's kind of funny, the other day before I whipped up the soaking mustard seeds to make my mustard, my husband pointed to the jar and said "whatcha got there now?".. he knows me so well!

He never knows when he comes home from work what I'll be making or doing. He's kind of my personal guinea pig!

Lol! You keep things interesting and that is great! Keep expanding and growing! :)

How ambitious!
That pink wine looks good!
I used to make wine but I have not done it in forever...
Life is SO busy sometimes!
Good luck with your goals!!

Thank you!! I'll be sure to keep posts coming with updates.
It's just so exciting to learn new skills and things!

wife and i want to try to make homegrown alcohols this year. maybe something with our wild grapes and berries.

I highly recommend it. It really is easy...once you get passed the fear. Well, at least I had fear of messing it up. But so far, so good.

im sure my wife will do it perfectly as she loves the chemistry of it. im looking forward to the medicine versions.

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Okay, so your accomplishments in 2017 and your goals for 2018 are all pretty much my life goals - LOL! I really need to stop wishing I knew how to do all this, knuckle down, and start doing it. Thanks for the inspiration, @goldendawne!

Great minds thinking alike!!!

I'll have to watch for your posts this coming year!!

Coolness! 😊

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