Old School Wine Making And How To Make Freshwater From SeawatersteemCreated with Sketch.

The lengths to which humans will go to get intoxicated has always fascinated me. All throughout history altering our consciousness has been a big part of our evolution as a species, propelling our ingenuity and sparking creativity along the journey.

While the technology developed to get high and the substances may have changed the innate desire and drive to alter our consciousness has remained the same.

I often wonder about those brave pioneers trying experimental doses of some new plant or substance for the first time and what was going through there minds when they sipped that first brew or ate that strange mushroom, their desire to discover new frontiers of existence stronger than their desire of self-preservation. Those who took that chance for the rest of us we owe much appreciation.

You can read more about our history with psychedelic plants in Psychedelic Plants Links To Our Past And Potential To Shape Future Society

There is much to be learned from indigenous cultures who still practice the craft of making intoxicants in the old school ways, skills we should never lose from our collective memory.

For example, here's a video of a man making wine in a very old school fashion I think you'll enjoy. After all the work he did to make this wine I really appreciated the look of satisfaction on his face when he took that first sip as much as I now have a new appreciation for being able to so easily buy a bottle at the store.

How To Make Grape Red Wine With Grapevine Natural Recipe By Ancient Skills

I've had the opportunity to make and use cob as he did in this video while living in Mexico. It's amazingly strong and long-lasting material and simple to make. Just mud and straw combined creates a surprisingly strong building material that I helped friends build a house in Tulum.

Using the same primitive technology as depicted in this video, a still can be made to turn seawater into fresh water. It actually produces fresh water and salt. If you're even deserted on an island without fresh water this knowledge could save your life. Freshwater is obviously needed for survival but so is salt. The body needs salt to function and our bodies don't produce its own, plus salt can preserve food for extended periods.

Salt was a necessary commodity since ancient times and a currency used in trade. The word salary comes from the word salt. You can read more about salt in The War On Salt And Why You Need It

In this video from Primitive Technology, you can see how to turn seawater into fresh drinking water.

Primitive Technology :Get Fresh Water And Salt From Sea Water

Watching these men practice what we in the modern world call "primitive skills" makes me wonder who would be the survivors in s SHTF situation and how our first world problems have no real significance in the grand scheme of things.

I think it's a good idea to no stray too far away from the basic skills needed to survive in this world as you never know what could happen If history has taught us anything it's that everything could change at any time. Knowing a few basic things like making pure water out of seawater is a good skill to have and a few jugs of wine could never hurt.

You can solve all the world's problems in a garden

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