
I cannot say if what you are writing is true - but it is in any case an interesting perspective. Articles like this are one of the reasons why I like steemit - there is no way articles like this are censored.

In Germany, we now have a new law, which requires social media companies to delete posts if they are against the law. Nothing wrong you might think, but the problem is who is judging on what is against the law? Newest articles show that they are using very cheap labour and mostly not very well educated people now decide on what to to delete and what not. As the fines are very high the policy is clear - if there is any doubt, just delete it. This can never happen to steemit!

Shit cat.jpe

nice one ;-)

Great take. As someone who has been in the industry for over a decade and attended every film festival around the World - most times the content we were acquiring and selling around the World was to make a buck. We (especially during the DVD age) were slapping lipstick on a pig. And one of the MAIN reasons I left was this ridiculous dogma that persists.

One show you missed (and I only watch it because I am a huge comic book nerd and have 2K+ comic books in my Dad's basement) is the Punisher (on Netflix) which exemplified the nefarious ways of the CIA. A "win at all costs" scenario for our country.

I think overall that people who come here have their hearts in the right place. I know as a young man from Chicago with my business partner starting Olive Branch Productions - we certainly did. But the entrenched institutions and after-all it being show BUSINESS meant that important stories weren't marketed nor even mentioned to the general public.

Positively though, I believe we are back to an age where content is King. And hopefully the content most people want to consume is for the betterment of society.

for 3 years now i just cant go to the cinemas anymore.

What do you thinK? could we, internet kids, establish something called "Cryptowood"? A blockchain funded movie Studio? We hire over the internet paying in crypto. Doing it world wide. Maybe Etherum blockchain could make Quality checks etc.

I would love to see a new version of 1984, brave new world or Fahrenheit 451!!!

I'd love to see that happen! Considering the versatility of cryptocurrency (and the fact that even companies like Kodak are going for it), I wouldn't be surprised if demand for this rose in the coming years. Great idea!

A movie about Japanese Internment Camps in ww2 would be interesting. From a perspective of an American Japanese of course.

I think this exists:

FLiK is developing a world-class video streaming platform that gives creatives the ability to self-distribute their film or television show to a global audience. ​We eliminate the cumbersome traditional distribution models, and put the earnings power directly into the hands of the creators. We allow creatives to earn the lion's share of the profits; up to 98%.

Isn't it bad ass how fast blockchain technology is snowballing? A lot of the ideas I came up with for blockchain technology already exist as well. 2018 is going to be awesome.


Haha nice, "Cryptowood".

well, most remakes are garbage so... better start with new content ^^

"Hollywood", in the ancient days like the days of Merlin, it was innerstood that a Magic Wand was made of wood. The wood came from the "Holly" tree. Thus "Hollywood", a band of witches and warlocks performing their black magic upon the masses. I have become aware that it is the language we speak that navigates us to the fact of what really is. I am glad I found this article of yours. Most of all you. Another Awakened. Thank you and keep it going. Upvoted and followed friend.

Glad you liked it! Hollywood has been of particular interest to me for a long time because I was born and raised here and because mass media has such a monumental effect on public opinion.

while I agree w/ most of what you say,I do believe that "they" are trying to create a civil war to use the UN troops ,and declare marshal law. They have long term multifaceted plans.
How many apples can one bad one spoil? ... easier to destroy than build.
we have an organized agenda from ruling class,and no organization ,and diverse division among the common people.
So who wins? those who work and plan together...

We have to learn the language of the sea, Maritime Law. It is what the courts use. It is the language of Corporations. Maritime Law, International Law and The Use of our Language are our Navigation tools to claim our Name's. This is all a game of Language's. I am in the process of learning it now. It all is beginning to make sense now.
And yes, those who plan and work together...

The US marches towards marshal law because the economic reliance on the defense industry. If the defense industry went into a contraction, so would 1/2 of the US economy. It can easily be argued that the US needs to maintain military supremacy to thwart evil, but it becomes a tough argument when the evil being faught are victims of ideologies that we perpetuate in our own society.

Perhaps (we are) the world is just waking up to how fast we communicate (real-time) our problems and ambitions along with our misconceptions; and therein lies the rub.

As well as 50% non voters! 35% divided between twoparty same bird ,15% trying to change it...majority rule...
Those who print $ for nothing are making rule we live by. make us wage slaves, chained to gas chains ,food chains and power grid chains,job chains...
We are decent people who follow rules and they follow their own rules.Have plans and agenda,while we are to tired, distracted to organize...
All the weapons are useless if no-one would wield them for "them".

Namaste! I do believe divide and conquer is a longstanding tactic of the ruling class. I think I just believe that when it comes to Hollywood, a lot of the executives, celebrities, screenwriters (etc) are victims of that mentality, as well. I think the news media is more adept than Hollywood at intentionally intentionally sowing division.

Television is pretty much a dictator's wet dream. It is the most fantastic mass brainwashing tool that has ever existed. On top of that, we've even been duped into paying for our own brainwashing with our hard earned wages. If you control the primary sources of what the people see and hear ( TV, movies, netflix, radio, newspapers ), you control their thoughts.
Gotta love steemit, I don't see these posts anywhere else! Good job @careywedler

yes, 100 times this. Hollywood and their clique have become a seething hotbed of decadence and sleaze. Apologists for rape and pedophilia, sycophants and self-serving, virtue signalling psychopaths. And all the while they attempt to browbeat us with their faux phony "liberalism".

good article - thx
stoped watching "the movies" few years ago.
could always sens somthings fishy - now that we know
keep it up!

Good for you! Vote with your currency... the industry is getting the message. :)

im from former Yugoslavia, and here we had so called Partizan movies about communist ww2 heroes.

they were all like / partizan hero, dying for comrade Tito with smile on their faces, killing thousands of germans single handed..

like terribly low/funny level of statist propaganda. commies style.

Hollywood is quite same ^

only difference, we had our propaganda 30,40, 50 yrs ago.
they have it now. and its 2018.

i reccomend korean, german and even russian newer movies for fun.

hollywood aint even funny anymore, seems they have to push too hard to meet demands.

JuddApatow Judd Apatow tweeted @ 21 Sep 2016 - 02:17 UTC

I am voting for @HillaryClinton. I met @timkaine today at an event and he was very impressive. A former civil rig……

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