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RE: The "truth" about Hollywood's pro-government, pro-war propaganda

in #hollywood7 years ago

Great take. As someone who has been in the industry for over a decade and attended every film festival around the World - most times the content we were acquiring and selling around the World was to make a buck. We (especially during the DVD age) were slapping lipstick on a pig. And one of the MAIN reasons I left was this ridiculous dogma that persists.

One show you missed (and I only watch it because I am a huge comic book nerd and have 2K+ comic books in my Dad's basement) is the Punisher (on Netflix) which exemplified the nefarious ways of the CIA. A "win at all costs" scenario for our country.

I think overall that people who come here have their hearts in the right place. I know as a young man from Chicago with my business partner starting Olive Branch Productions - we certainly did. But the entrenched institutions and after-all it being show BUSINESS meant that important stories weren't marketed nor even mentioned to the general public.

Positively though, I believe we are back to an age where content is King. And hopefully the content most people want to consume is for the betterment of society.

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