[ENG/中文/日本語] My thoughts on the first HKJPSG cross cultural challenge/我对第一届HKJPSG跨文化挑战的看法/最初のHKJPSGの異文化チャレンジに対する私の考え

in #hkjpsg6 years ago (edited)

(All Japanese translations are done with Google translate. So it may come across as inaccurate or misleading. I apologize in advance for that.)

Hey Steemians! As you might have known, the first HKJPSG cross cultural challenge had been running for a week and it has finally come to an end. A full summary can be found in this post by @orientalhub. I am heartened to see the level of participation and interaction among the three communities. In the next phase, there will be another round of judging to select the top 3 entries from each community. I am honored to be the judge from Singapore, and it is now the time for me to be busy!

各位Steemians你好! 你或许已经知道第一届的HKJPSG跨文化挑战在进行了一周后,已圆满结束。@orientalhub这文章里叙述了这一次挑战的概要。许多人参与了这一周的挑战,同时我也看到这三个团体有很高程度的互动。这让我感到十分欣慰。接下来还有一轮的评选以选出各个团体里三个最佳的文章。我很荣幸能担当新加坡的评选员。大家都忙过了,现在轮到我了!

ちょっとSteemians!ご存知のように、最初のHKJPSGの異文化チャレンジは1週間続いていましたが、ついにそれが終わりました。完全な概要は、@orientalhubによってこの[post](https://steemit.com/hkjpsg/@orientalhub/eng-hkjpsg-cultrual-challenge-has-come-to-an-end-hkjpsg-hkjpsg)にあります。 。私は、3つのコミュニティ間の参加と交流のレベルを見ることに勇気付けられています。次のフェーズでは、各コミュニティからトップ3のエントリーを選択するもう1つのラウンドの審査が行われます。私はシンガポールの裁判官になることを光栄に思っています。今は私が忙しい時です!

Before I start, here are the 8 posts from #TeamSingapore. Do let me know if any of your posts is missing.

以下是八篇来自新加坡 #TeamSingapore 的参与文章。在我评选之前,请各位帮忙查看我是否有漏掉你的文章:


As this is a cultural challenge, the main judging criteria will be focused on culture.

  • What cultural aspect is being discussed?
  • Why is it chosen and what is the significance?
  • The depth on the topic


  • 文章里讨论了团体文化的哪方面?
  • 为何选择讨论这个文化题材?它有什么象征意义?
  • 文章内容的深度


  • どのような文化的側面が議論されていますか?
  • なぜそれが選ばれ、重要なのは何ですか?
  • トピックの深さ

At this juncture, allow me to share some short views on the culture of the three different communities. Starting with Japan. Among the three communities, the Japanese have the longest history and therefore the most influential culture. I think they have a strong sense of professionalism and pride in whatever they do. They are also very patriotic and supportive of the products from their country.


この時、私は3つの異なるコミュニティの文化についていくつかの短い見解を共有することができます。日本から始まった。 3つのコミュニティの中で、日本人は最も長い歴史を持ち、それゆえに最も影響力のある文化を持っています。彼らはプロフェッショナリズムと誇りを持っていると思います。彼らはまた、非常に愛国的で、自国の製品を支持しています。

Hong Kong, being once a British colony, has a similar history like Singapore. It is a bustling cosmopolitan city with a culture which is both influenced by China and UK. As such, it is a natural communications hub between China and other western countries. Having a fast pace in life, I think the people there are direct and pragmatic.



Last but not least, the place where I am from, Singapore. Singapore is a multi-cultural city with cultural influences of Chinese, Malay, Indian and Western origins. We have our own ever-evolving language, Singlish, and we developed cuisines that are only found in Singapore. For the past few decades, we manage to assimilate the essence of all these different cultures and developed our own unique "rojak" culture.



At the end of this post, I will like to take the opportunity to thank the organizers and supporters of this challenge. Special thanks to the #hk, #japanese, #TeamSingapore and #teammalaysia communities for making this a success.

文章的最后,我要借这个机会感谢所有参与这个挑战的人。特别感谢各个团体 #hk, #japanese, #TeamSingapore and #teammalaysia 的支持才能让这一次的挑战成功落幕。




thank you very much @culgin for writing this post with Japanese too.
It was so fun and exciting to me to communicate with everyone from SG and HK...
I leaned a lot and I was very surprised many participant write about Japanese culture... I really appreciate that for everyone.
But instead we Jpns write about our culture include me, of course there's a little handicap of "language" problem, I mean easier for us to explain about our culture more than your or HK culture. But this is only the first time of this kind of challenge, and I think we/Jpns just started to start writing article in English as a second language, so let's see... ;)
Thanks alot again and I wish we will keep touching each other from now on🌼

Thanks @yo-yo for all your contributions to this challenge was well! It is really cool to see a community write about the culture of another community. I find it especially satisfying to read articles where the Japanese or the Hong Kong community talk about Singapore's culture!




fixed. an unintended fault. sorry about that.

Sure thing. No worries on that.

您好 @culgin ,評審工作,辛苦您了。








It is your showtime as a judge!

Haha... thanks! Not going to be easy



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