HKCEXP Mascot Design Contest | 900 STEEM & $1,500 worth of GCX Price Pool

in #hkcexp-contest6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,


CrypToast has brought to you another challenge, and the prizes are awesome! This time it’s all about art and design. Let’s design a pair of lovely mascots for HKCEXP.

HKCEXP stands for Hong Kong Crypto Exchange Platform. It’s a Hong Kong-based exchange and the exchange will go live in December.

“Hong Kong Crypto Exchange Platform” combines traditional trading and blockchain technology to serve Southeast Asian and even European digital currency investors; and ensures transaction anonymity and data security, allowing users to conduct anytime, anywhere in the world the online crypto trading. We are registered with Malta and have a strong professional team in different sectors, including ibank, financial elites, specializing in exchange operations and promotion, as well as cryptography and blockchain technology expertise. The goal is to create a convenient and reliable Crypto Exchange.
In the near future, the “Hong Kong Crypto Exchange Platform” will become one of the world’s major digital banks and exchanges. Each of our members has a vision: to truly promote the fourth generation of finance – digital finance. Blockchain is the machine that creates trust. It is the second era of the Internet. Let the blockchain and digital currency make you rich.

What is GCX?

GCX is based on the standard of Ethereum erc20, which can achieve substantial asset transfer. The cross-border nature of the point-to-point transmission network, the instantaneous arrival of the transfer, and the low cost of the procedure are all conveniences that the legal currency cannot achieve.

Users who hold GCX also enjoy a variety of benefits, including:
Priority subscription rights:
Holders of GCX tokens can prioritize new listing projects shares by our platform incubation program. The higher the number of GCX held, the higher the priority amount.
Transaction fee:
GCX can be used as a handling fee for various transactions and will be given a discount.
Repurchase mechanism:
Each quarter, we repurchase GCX with 20% of net profit and destroy it directly.
Offline consumption:
GCX can be used directly for all types of consumption, such as travel, dining, and fashion products. Project companies that work with us also offer discounts on a regular basis.


Thanks for HKCEXP’s sponsorship for the contest. Let’s have some fun and show your creativity!
Let me announce the details regarding the prizes and rules here:

1st Prize: 200 STEEM + $250 worth of GCX

2nd Prize: 100 STEEM + $150 worth of GCX

3rd Prize: 80 STEEM+ $100 worth of GCX

4th Prize: 60 STEEM + $60 worth of GCX

5th Prize: 40 STEEM + $40 worth of GCX

Merit Prizes x 30: 10 STEEM + $20 worth of GCX


  • Theme: horses
  • A pair of male and female mascots, using burgundy or gold as the main color
  • Write a new post about your entry and the drawing process
  • You can submit multiple entries but only ONE will be eligible for winning the prizes
  • One of the tag MUST BE #hkcexp-contest for your entry post
  • Reply to this post with the link to your entry to submit
  • Your drawing must include your own Steemit id to prove that it’s your original work
  • Drawings are not limited to: sketch, color pencil, watercolor, oil painting, ink painting, computer drawing
  • The deadline of submission is November 30
  • HKCEXP logo must appear on the Mascot (logo is provided above)
  • You need to follow us @cryptoast in order to be eligible for the prizes
  • You need to resteem this post in order to be eligible for the prizes
  • The winners will be selected by HKCEXP team
  • To be eligible to receive the GCX tokens, you have to register an account on the platform
  • You can get extra 4 STEEM and $10 worth of GCX for taking a selfie with your work(30 quotas), you may check out this photo as a reference:


For the winners, please note that your work may be used in the future HKCEXP promotional materials.

Look forward to see your design :)



於不久的將來,「香港虛擬貨幣交易所」將會成為全球主要數字銀行和交易所之一,我們每一個成員都有一個願景:真正推動第四代金融 – 數字金融。區塊鏈是製造信任的機器,是互聯網第二個時代,讓區塊鏈和數字貨幣,為你帶來致富的夢想。


我們的平台代幣 GCX 是基於以太坊 erc20 的標準代幣,可以做到實質上的資產轉移。點對點傳輸網絡的跨國界性,轉帳的瞬間到達,手續費用低廉,這些都是法定貨幣沒有辦法能夠達到的便利性。

GCX 代幣的持有用戶,可以對由我們平台孵化項目的新產品份額,進行優先認購。持有的數量越多優先認購額度越高。
GCX 可以作為各種交易的手續費,並會給予一定的折扣。
每個季度,我們會用純利的 20% 回購 GCX,並直接銷毀。
GCX 可以直接用於各類消費,例如旅遊、餐飲、時尚產品等。與我們合作的項目企業也會定期推出優惠。


第一名: 200 STEEM + $250 worth of GCX

第二名: 100 STEEM + $150 worth of GCX

第三名: 80 STEEM + $100 worth of GCX

第四名: 60 STEEM + $60 worth of GCX

第五名: 40 STEEM + $40 worth of GCX

優異奬 x 30: 10 STEEM + $20 worth of GCX


  • 吉祥物身上需要有能被清楚看見的HKCEXP標誌 (標誌請見上文)
  • 每人只可以提交最多三個參賽作品,只有一個作品有資格獲得奬勵
  • 截止日期:11月30日
  • 參賽者需發佈一個新帖子詳細描述繪畫流程(以防抄襲和造假)
  • 參賽者需回復比賽帖子來提交參賽作品,回復中請附上比賽帖子的鏈接
  • 繪畫形式不限於:素描,彩色鉛筆,水彩畫,油畫,水墨畫,電腦繪畫
  • 吉祥物需為馬的樣式,為一對情侶,參賽者需設計䧳雄吉祥物各一,並以金色和棗紅色為主色。
  • 參賽作品上需要清楚顯示你的Steemit id(沒有可用微信id或提交作品的電郵地址代替)
  • 參賽帖子需要使用 #hkcexp-contest標簽(該標簽不需要放在第一位)
  • 你需要關注我們@cryptoast,才可獲得獎品
  • 你需要轉發這篇文章,才可獲得獎品
  • 你需要註冊一個交易所帳戶來取得GCX tokens
  • 參賽者可與作品合照,獲取額外4 STEEM的特別奬勵,合照可參考下圖:



期待你們的作品。 :)


HKCEXP Mascot Design Contest (Horses)-Bidesign Entry #1
HKCEXP Mascot Design Contest
This is my design for "Horses" themed HKCEXP Mascot Design Contest. I did my design totally vectoral with Adobe Illustrator. I choose colors as contest rules desired. I designed them as a little cartoonish because of what i understood from mascot.
You can see my designing process from below gif.
This is me @bidesign who prepare these. I tried to sign up exchange @HKCEXP but still it was in construction.bidesign_hkcexp_horse_mee.jpg
Hope you enjoyed and liked the design. Hope you reach the design you want. Waiting for your coments.
Thanks for interest.
Good Luck
Best Regards

I didn't understand pretty well, you mean they MUST BE horses? 🐴 Could they be unicorns or pegasus? 🦄

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi friend. Horses are the best, and unicorns are still acceptable but no pegasus.

This pic is so cute




Posted using Partiko Android

牛哄哄的活动啊🐮 羡慕绘画的人才😍


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