[ENG/DEU/ESP] Competition series | Thinking of you | Ich denke an dich | Truco o trato

in Steem Germany3 years ago

Bitte die Regeln durchlesen und kommentiert auch andere Beiträge.

Bekanntgabe des Gewinners Kurz und Schmerzlos | Süßes oder Saures & Beschreibung des neuen Wettbewerbs

Neue Regel - der Gewinner dem vorherigen Wettbewerb in diesem Fall der @mami0306 entscheidet, wer diesen Wettbewerb gewinnt

Bekanntgabe des Gewinners aus diesem Wettbewerb ist am 3. November 14 Uhr Zeitzone MESZ | https://www.timeanddate.de/uhrzeit/ |

Der Gewinner aus dem Wettbewerb Süßes oder Saures und einziger Juror bei diesem Wettbewerb - ist - @mami0306 mit seinem Kommentar Saludos a la comunidad de Steem Fun & Games

Hier findet ihr eine kleine Reihe von Wettbewerben die immer nur 3 Tage laufen. Hier müssen auch keine extra Beiträge geschrieben werden, sondern, man kann im Kommentarfeld unter dem Beitrag teilnehmen.

Heute machen wir hier einen kleinen Wettbewerb, in dem @mami0306 bestimmt, wer gewinnt.

Auf Wunsch von @greece-lover ist das Thema von diesem Wettbewerb

Ich denke an dich

Heute kannst du ein Bild von jemanden veröffentlichen, an den du gerne zurückdenkst. Egal, ob es sich um jemanden aus deiner Familie handelt oder ein enger Freund, der verstorben ist. Teile mit uns deine Erinnerung an ihm, schreibe vielleicht eine kleine Geschichte dazu - denn so lebt ein Teil dessen was er oder sie war in uns allen weiter

Und auch diesmal geht das locker vom Hocker, ohne aufzustehen :)

Bei diesem Wettbewerb (so wie bei einem weiteren pro Woche) übernimmt @steemchiller die Patenschaft und der Gewinner bekommt ein 100 % Vote ( ca. 1,5 STU $ !)von ihm. Vielen Dank dafür !

Es wird ab jetzt hier jede Woche mehrere kleine Wettbewerbe geben, wo ihr im Kommentarfeld einfach mitmachen könnt. Ich werde einige Sponsoren auftreiben die dann immer in Form von Vote den Gewinner belohnen. Sicherlich wird der ein oder andere dann auch einmal ein höheres Vote bekommen.

Ich hoffe, euch macht diese kleine Wettbewerbsreihe viel Freude und es nehmen auch einige von euch daran Teil. Gerne könnt auch ihr einen Wettbewerb vorschlagen, den ich dann gerne hier für euch einstelle


Please read the rules and comment on other entries

Announcement of the winner Short and Painless | Trick-or-Treat & description of the new competition.

New rule - the winner of the previous competition in this case the @mami0306 decides who wins this competition

Announcement of the winner from this competition will be on 6 November 2pm CEST time zone | https://www.timeanddate.de/uhrzeit/ |

The winner from the Trick or Treat competition and the only judge in this competition - is - @mami0306 with his comment Saludos a la comunidad de Steem Fun & Games

Here you will find a small series of competitions that only run for 3 days. Here you don't have to write extra posts, but you can participate in the comment field below the post

Today we're doing a little competition here where @mami0306 decides who wins.

At the request of @greece-lover, the theme of this competition is.

I'm thinking of you

Today you can post a picture of someone you think back to fondly. Whether it's someone in your family or a close friend who has passed away. Share with us your memories of them, maybe write a little story about them - because that's how a part of what he or she was lives on in all of us

And this time, too, you can do it easily without getting up :)

For this contest (as well as one other per week) @steemchiller is sponsoring and the winner will get a 100% vote ( about 1,5 STU $ !)from him. Thanks a lot for that !

From now on there will be several small competitions every week, where you can simply join in in the comment field. I will find some sponsors who will then always reward the winner in the form of a vote. Surely one or the other will get a higher vote

I hope you will enjoy this little competition series and that some of you will take part in it. You are also welcome to suggest a competition, which I will then post here for you.


Por favor, lee las reglas y comenta las otras entradas

Anuncio del ganador Corto e indoloro | Trick-or-Treat y descripción del nuevo concurso.

Nueva regla - El ganador del concurso anterior en este caso el @mami0306 decide quien gana este concurso*

El anuncio del ganador de este concurso será el 6 de noviembre a las 14:00 horas Horario CEST | https://www.timeanddate.de/uhrzeit/ |

El ganador del concurso Trick or Treat y el único juez de este concurso - es - @mami0306 con su comentario Saludos a la comunidad de Steem Fun & Games

Aquí encontrará una pequeña serie de concursos que sólo duran 3 días. Aquí no tienes que escribir posts adicionales, pero puedes participar en el campo de comentarios debajo del post

Hoy hacemos un pequeño concurso aquí donde @mami0306 decide quién gana.

A petición de @greece-lover, el tema de este concurso es.

Estoy pensando en ti...

Hoy puedes publicar una foto de alguien a quien recuerdes con cariño. Ya sea alguien de su familia o un amigo cercano que haya fallecido. Comparta con nosotros sus recuerdos de ellos, tal vez escriba una pequeña historia sobre ellos - porque así es como una parte de lo que él o ella era vive en todos nosotros

Y esta vez, además, puedes hacerlo fácilmente, sin levantarte :)

Para este concurso (así como otro por semana) @steemchiller está patrocinando y el ganador obtendrá un voto del 100% (¡alrededor de 1,5 STU $!) de él. Muchas gracias por ello

*A partir de ahora habrá varios concursos pequeños cada semana, en los que simplemente puedes participar en el campo de comentarios. Encontraré algunos patrocinadores que luego premiarán siempre al ganador en forma de voto. Seguramente uno u otro obtendrá un mayor número de votos.

Espero que disfruten de esta pequeña serie de concursos y que algunos de ustedes participen en ella. También puede proponer un concurso, que yo publicaré aquí para usted.


Saludos a la comunidad de Steem Fun & Games y a @greece-lover...


Mi amor eterno, es lo que pienso cuando observo tu foto.
Eres y serás quien me impulsa a pensar que soy una mujer que todo lo puede, y que siempre debo esforzarme por ser FELIZ, además, soy tu sangre ...

La foto del clavel extraída de pixabay.com, edición de la imagen en PowerPoint

Hermoso detalle linda...

gracias,realmente este hombre fue maravilloso....lo extraño

Hermosas palabras a tu padre...

muchas gracias..este es un ser que fue un ejemplo para mi....lo extraño.

Our dearest grandfather, who just passed this year, March of 2021, which we did not all saw coming. It was all a big shock to our family and really was the biggest loss we had.

He has been part or of our life for so long. Lots of occasions, holidays, celebration celebrated with him. You won't even see him feeling weak. He moves all the time, work on things he found time to spear and clean if he saw something to clean. He talked to us mostly and does not felt distant. He was our last grandfather who lived and now he joins his beloved on heaven and may they truly rest in love and peace.


auf immer und ewig

ich denk an dich

liebe dich bis zum himmel und zurück

es vergeht kein tag ohne an dich zu denken und das weißt du auch

weisst du noch schelli,als du sagtest,du würdest es nicht verkraften wenn ich mal nicht mehr da wäre
ich sei stärker als du

ach schelli,
ich wollt mit dir zusammen alt werden
du bist die liebe meines lebens

ich liebe dich

schelli 3.jpg

love 19.JPG

ja, ich wusste irgendwie, dass du deine Schwerster hier erwähnst. Es ist schön, wenn man Erinnerungen dann gemeinsam mit anderen teilen kann.

Hi everyone, Thanks so much to the organizers of this wonderful contest.
Too sad 😭😭:

Just recently we lost one of our Junior in our former School.
Rest In Peace to all the gone souls!!!
He was One of the 2021 WASSCE candidates .
His name was ABDUL RASHID , the assistant S.P of TAMALE ISLAMIC SHS.


May ALLAH forgive him all the sins he has commited and grant him JANNAH. AMEN!

We love you but the Almighty God loves you more😭.

May he rest well 😭

This is my cousin who died last year.

Hello good afternoon, hope you all are doing good. Thank you @fun-games for this contest.



This is my late grandpa 👴 he died 8years ago. He died on Monday, 17th of November 2013. I was too young because I was 13 years by then. I used to stay with him in his room morning till evening. He was soo kind and friendly. He used to call me his wife and don’t allow anyone including my mother to touch me in the house. When he was alive, I used to do what ever thing I want in our house. He is still in my mind and heart and I will never forget him in my life. Grandpa Rest well and May jannah be your final destination 🤲

Hello everyone. One person i have lost is my grandfather recently. He was my dad's father. Even though we didn't live together but we have been visiting each him very often. He lived in the northern part of ghana and my parents and i live in the southern part. He was a kind hearted man.
He was loved by many people around him. He aslo loved them. I always stick or get closer to him when ever we visit him. I really love being with him. He talks to me about his life style at times.


May his soul Rest In Peace 🤲😭

Hy everyone 🖐️
I would like to begin by thanking the organizers of this amazing contest
When I saw the title alone, it made think of my friend whom I have always thought about ever since she left this world ..I have still not got to terms that she is nolonger here...I had known her 16 years that's almost all my life because am 20 now..we met in kindergarten, we were so much alike and we bacame friends instantly..we shared our break( what our parents could pack for us) and we would walk together to the bus when it was time to go home...
We went to the same schools for primary and secondary and nothing ever changed, our love just grew deeper...
Then 2 years back while we were preparing to join University, we were so happy and excited about our new journey.. little did we know that she wouldn't be part of the journey 😭😭( may her soul RIP)

One day which happened to be a Saturday, we decided to go for swimming not knowing that's where her life would end, we reached the pool dressed in our very nice costumes however wen we entered the pool, sadly she didn't make it out alive.. she drowned ..😭😭it was the most horrific moment of my life...a friend that I loved dearly died before me..we did all the first aids we could, rushed her to the hospital but nothing could bring her back...

She was so beautiful, so full of life so jolly, sadly the universe snatched her away en only left us with very beautiful memories of her....she will forever stay in our hearts 🌹

🌹🌹❤️❤️❣️ iam glad I had chance to get to know her. May she rest well with the angels..

thats so sad

Hello everyone, good afternoon. A great and sad contest as well with title:Am thinking of you.Thank you @fun-games for this contest.


             THINKING OF YOU

He was my friend back at the university. His death touched all of us😭May Jannah be his final destination. Am still thinking of him. I can’t forget him in my life. He was soo friendly and I can’t forget our fun time and the things we did together during those days.

We even took this picture in the varenda, outside our class room. He was soo fun and friendly not to forget the things we did together. I promise he will forever stay on my heart 😭and I will always pray for him. Rest well best friend. Till we meet and may u rest well and May the Almighty Allah grant you jannah. Ameen🤲😭.

May jannah be his final destination 😭

Hi there I’m happy to be part of this contest and thanks to the organizer so of this contest THINKING OF YOU

When I first saw the topic I wasn’t moved to be part of this competition because it reminds of a great day and also an unforgettable moment in My life

Im gonna talk about the greatest moment which is about my life and how it came into existence, this part goes directly to the woman I love so much and THE ONE I CAN CALL THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, she’s my legend, rare gem 💎 of which I can can’t compare her to anyone else in this life, she’s been there for me during hardships and always giving her best both academically, financially and emotionally with good advise, she actually took the pains of carrying me in her womb for 9 good months and still taking it as a responsibility to make sure I live the best life with a securing future.
Without her I sure would have not been among the people of this world because she brought me to life and existential.
She calls me baby’jay and that’s why she can’t stop taking taking care for her baby boy.

I’m talking about my mother, my love and my everything..
She makes it surprising that even my friends get so jealous about her unending love for me, I cherish her so much and I’m sharing this to appreciate her for her love and care

Thanks so much mom...... I LOVE YOU MOM ❤️

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