Biology Lessons|Season One :Week Two|| Animal Nutrition by @starshipsfly

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago

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Greetings to all great students and teachers of steem skilshare. Welcome to yet another biology lesson today. We will be discussing Animal nutrition

Food is needed by all living things for survival and to carry out daily activities. All living things have their own mode of nutrition. Animals are heterotrophs because unlike plants, they are not capable of manufacturing thier food, they depend on plants directly or indirectly for food.

Classification of Animals based on their nutrition.

They are classified into three groups.
Carnivorous animals: these are animals that feed on only flesh from other animals. Animal like,lion, tiger etc.
Herbivorous Animals: these are animals that feed on only plants. Examples are sheep, cattle, goat,etc.
Omnivorous Animals: these types of animals feed on both animals and plants. Examples are Man, pig etc.

Classification of food substances.

All food substances eaten by animals are classified into seven different groups. Six which is commonly known to us.
They are

  • Carbohydrates
  • Protien
  • Fats and oils
  • Vitamin
  • Mineral salts
  • Water
  • Roughages

Carbohydrates: it is usually present in solid starchy foods. Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. That's is why the general formula if carbohydrate is Cx(H20)y.

Sources of carbohydrates:

carbohydrate is present in foods like, yam, maize,Millet, Guinea corn, potatoes etc they are a rich source of carbohydrates.

Types of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are classified into three major types

  • Monosaccharides: they are also called simple sugars as they have only one unit of simple sugars. They have a general formula of C6H12O6.
    Examples are: glucose galactose and fractose

  • Disaccharides: they are also known as reducing sugars as they contain two units of simple sugars. They a general formula of C12H22O11
    Examples are: lactose, maltose, sucrose.

  • Polysaccharides : the consists of more than two simple sugars all they are made up of several simple sugars that are joined together. It is represented by the general formula in brackets (C6H10O5n) where n represents a large number of simple sugars. Examples are starch, chitin, glycogen and cellulose.
    Excess carbohydrate is stored in the body in form of glycogen and it can be recovered to glucose during starvation they are stored especially in the muscles and liver.

Importance of carbohydrates

  • Carbohydrates is a great source of energy to animals that is needed to carry out their daily activities.
  • During the oxydation of carbohydrates, heat is generated and this helps in the regulation of body temperature.
  • Carbohydrates are essential to help build up certain body parts like the exoskeleton of arthropods which is made up of chitin.


These are complex molecules that comprised of smaller units called amino acids that are comprised of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen with traces of phosphorus abd sulphur. Protenous foods have to go through various process to become amino acids before they are absorbed in the body of animals. First, protein is enjested then it is converted to peptones, peptones are theb converted to polypeptides which is in turn converted to amino acids. This final product is then absorbed by the body.

Sources of protein: plants like beans, groundnut and soyabean etc are goods sources of protein. Protein is also sources from dairy products from animals like cheese, milk, beef and chicken etc

Importance of protein

  • Protein is essential for the growth of young animals.
  • It helps reproduction.
  • It is essential for the Formation of cells and tissues and also helps repair of worn out cells abd tissues in the body.
  • It is important in the production of hormones.

Fats and oils

Fats and oils made up of of carbon, hydrogen and little oxygen. They are also known as lipids.fat lipids are solids when kept at room temperature while oils are liquids at room temperature. Fats and oils go through a process known as hydrolysis during digestion to produce glycerol and fatty acids which are essential in the lymphatic system. ### Sources of fats and oils - Fats and oils are a good source of energy to animals. - They provide fat soluble vitamins to the body - They aid in the regulation of body temperature. - Fats provide fatty acids to animals.

Mineral salts

Mineral salts are important for the metabolic processes in the body of animals.minerals are usually taken in the body in minute quantities through the food we eat, excluding sodium chloride which is table salt and other medicines like iron tablets which are consumed directly by man. Minerals are very important in animal Nutrition.

Classes of mineral salts and functions

There are different types of minerals and their functions

  • Calcium: it helps in bone and teeth formation

  • Phosphorus helps in the formation of DNA and RNA and is important for respiration

  • Magnesium is good for the muscles, teeth and bones.

  • Pottasuim helps transmit impulses in nerves.

  • Sodium and chlorine is important for the maintenance of osmotic Ballance of cells.

  • Iron is essential for the formation of haemoglobin.

And other minerals like
Iodine, manganese, copper etc.


Vitamins are organic food substances essential for the normal growth and healthy development in man and is needed only in small amounts.
Vitamins are grouped into two classes
Fat soluble vitamins: these are vitamins that are only soluble in fats. Examples are vitamins A,D,E,and K.
Water soluble vitamins: these are vitamins that are only soluble in water.
Example, vitamin C and vitamin B-complex. It also includes the members of the vitamin B-complex, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and folic acid.


Water is comprised of hydrogen and oxygen only. The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 2:3 which leaves you with the general formula H2O
Importance of water

  • Water is essential for digestion of foods and for metabolic processes in the body.
  • It helps in regulating body temperature.
  • It is a great solvent for food substances
  • It is a medium of transportation of nutrients in animals


They made up of fibrous materials gotten from vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates and protien.lack of roughages in animal diet causes constipation.

Balanced diet

It's a diet that contains the all the six classes of food and in the right proportion. It must contain, 60% of carbohydrates, 15% of protein, 15% of fats and oils, 10% of minerals, vitamins and water.
Importance of balanced diet

  • It encourages growth and development of the body.
  • It prevents malnutrition and other nutritional diseases.
  • It provides the energy needed for carrying out daily activities.

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