Biology Lessons|| Season One: week one by @starshipsfly

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago


Greetings to all great students and teachers of steem skillshare. I am really glad to share my Biology Lessons with everyone here today.

This is the very first class I am am holding and today lesson is about the human respiratory system.


The human respiratory system is the process by which special organs and tissues meant for respiratory functions, helps us breath. This process insures that oxygen is inhaled into the body and carbon dioxide is exhaled. This organs are like a network in the body, working hand in hand in other to aid breathing.

The oxygen that is inhaled into the body, helps in breaking down food substances in other to provide energy, water and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide which is a waste product of this process is exhaled too.

The Mechanism of respiration in humans.

Two stages are involved during the mechanism of respiration in the human body. External respiration and cellular respiration.External respiration involves inhalation and exhalation.

Inhalation : For this to occur, there has to be an exchange of gasses between the environment and the respiratory organs of the body. In this process, air or oxygen bus breathed in or inhaled into the lungs.
Exhalation: This is process of breathing out or exhaling carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The process of inhalation in the human body

The following are the process involved during inhalation

  • The volume of the thoracic cavity is increases.

  • Air from outside is induced into the lungs through the nose,trachea,bronchus and bronchioles which results to an increase in the size of the lungs.

  • The diaphragm becomes contracted and flattens.

  • The intercostal muscles contract

  • Then the sternum is moved forward.

  • Then there is a decrease in the pressure of the thoracic cavity as a result of it's increase in volume.

Following the inspiration of air, oxygen is then diffused into the blood capillaries of alveoli, while carbon dioxide and water diffuse out. This is then followed by the Expiration process.

The expiration process in the human body.

  • The volume of the thoracic cavity decreases.
  • The diaphragm becomes relaxed .
  • The intercostal muscles also relax.
  • The sternum now moves inwards.
  • There is an increase in the pressure of the thoracic cavity due to its decrease in volume.
  • The air that is in the lungs and alveoli which contains carbon dioxide and water vapour are forced out through the bronchioles,bronchi,trachea and finally through the nose.

Cellular respiration.

This is a process by which glucose is broken down to release energy. This released energy is stored inform of Adenosine trisphosphate (ATP) which aids in the metabolic processes in the body.

There are two main types of cellular respiration.
Aerobic respiration: this is the type of respiration tht involves the break down of glucose into water, carbon dioxide and energy in the presence of oxygen.

Anaerobic Respiration:
This is a type of respiration that does not require the presence of oxygen in the breaking down of glucose to provide energy.

The process of breathing.

Breathing starts from the nostrils or mouth, which inhale air. This inhaled air then travels down the throat through the larynx,leading to the windpipe or trachea. The trachea has two branches which is the bronchi, and the air passes through the bronchi into the lungs where it branches into small tubes called bronchioles which leads to numerous air sacs called alveoli. The oxygen which is now in the lungs is used during the oxygenation process of blood, then the waste produce which is carbon dioxide and water vapour then travels through the, bronchioles,bronchi, trachea, larynx and is finally exhaled from the nostrils.

Organs that make up the respiratory system.

  • The mouth and nose: these are openings that helps in the breathing in of air in to the body.

  • Sinuses: this are hollow areas in the bones in the head that aids the regulation of humidity And temperature if the air that is inhaled.

  • The pharynx: these are tubes that transport air from the nose or mouth through the larynx down the trachea.

  • The larynx: this is the voice box.

  • The trachea: this connects the throat to the lungs.

  • The bronchial tubes: this are tubes that connect to the lubgs. The large air way is called the brochi which leads to the bronchioles.

  • The lungs: they are two organs that diffuses oxygen from air which is used in oxygenating blood.

  • Diaphragm

  • Alveoli

Functions of the respiratory system

  • Aids in inhalation of air.

  • Aids the body's ability to talk and smell.

  • Delivers oxygen to the various organs where it is needed.

  • Removal of waste substances that can be harmful to the body through exhalation.

  • Protecting the airways from harmful substances.

I hope we all benefit from today's lessons.
Feel free to drop any questions about this topic.

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Hi @starshipsfly, I'm really interested in learning from your biology tutorials, I hope to keep reading your posts! Thanks for this interesting topic!

Am really glad my tutorials interests you. I will surely keep posting More.
Thank you for visiting my blog

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