Better Life With Steem | My Thoughts Today | 14/05/2021 | It's all about Health right now

in Best of India3 years ago

2 days back I wrote on Mental Health, and today I want to write about Physical health. In the Covid situation, we have heard many people saying, The person was in perfect health but still got down in Covid or even passed away. We have heard that right?
So while sometime we are taking care of Physical health, we are ignoring our Mental Health and even vice versa, sometime we are taking good care of our Mental Health but we are not taking good care of our Physical Health, which will also result in an ill health at an overall level. The key to a successful health is bringing a balance in body.

On the emotional front emotions of Fear, anxiety, stress increases the inflammation in the body, and on the physical side there are many foods that increases the inflammation in the body. Most of the ailments happen in the body due to high level of inflammation. The environment will also contribute to the increased inflammation, like high level of pollution or one living near areas where there are factories which are releasing regular chemicals in the air and making the air toxic, specially people working in such environments. When the inflammation level in the body increases it will heavily attack the body's immune system and the body will not be in a capacity to fight back any virus or infection. The weaker immune system loses it's defense mechanisms and it starts to attack the healthy parts of the body. A prolonged inflammation if not addressed will lead to long term health issues like autoimmune disorders, diabetes, heart conditions and all. So, it is very important to keep this inflammation marker always in check .

Many people have this myth that inflammation in the body occurs only for obsessed people, but that's not correct. Yes, it is majorly prevailing in obsessed people but it can happen to normal people also. To check the inflammation level in the body it is best to get a blood test done in which the C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test will give the inflammation level. If the CRP level is high, it means there is inflammation in the body. But other than the test in normal terms just at home, if there is swelling, or redness on any part of the body, that is also an indication of high inflammation level. Majority of the illness in the physical body comes from high level of inflammation and of course other reasons also, but this is one key contributor and it does not only happen with diet, it can be for many reasons as I mentioned before, our environment, lifestyle, habits, emotions all of these can trigger.


The Inflammation can be controlled with some lifestyle changes and it is very helpful for overall health.
Going light on the diet and easy on the gut is very very important if we want to control. The other important remedy is also the intermittent fasting diet plan. This really helps a lot in keeping the inflammation of the body in control. If the markers are high, one must check out on it, but again if your sugar level is high then you need to be mindful about the fasting gaps. Cutting off spicy food and alcohol is important. Green vegetables, berry fruits also help, cooking oil high in omega 6 should be avoided, getting good sleep, reducing stress levels, physical activity like yoga and walking, all of these will help to reduce the inflammation in the body.

A lot of people have failed in their health in this pandemic times even without realizing that their body had some underlying issues which they were not aware of. On the outside everything looked perfect, but on the inside if there is not regular check done and right measures taken then at some point of time it is going to erupt. One of my very close friend hubby passed away some days ago in the name of Covid. But the final cause was a severe stroke. This man on the outside if you see was a perfect healthy person, he was an athlete also. But he had a poor diet, he hardly ate any leafy veggies, his diet was mainly potatoes and meat. He was in sports so he looked physically fit, but he was emotionally very depressed since he had lost his young son 2 years ago, and this was always eating him up, so while people who did not know him felt such a healthy person passed away, but there were many underlying conditions that triggered the stroke and the major one was his depression which he never showed it to the world.

Our good health is in our own hands, do not just go on the outer appearance of the physical body, if there are any unusual signs the body is giving, listen to them and act on it. Do not wait for it to grow and erupt and take you down completely. Because when it flairs up one does not even get time to react. This is my own personal experience, you come down so fast that all you have left is then to be completely dependent on chemicals to get you out of it and this
results only in making your body more toxic.


Health is Wealth, take good care of it. If you are very young, you may not bother much but remember all that is going in your body is getting accumulated and it is at some point of time going to show up, that can be after 10, 15 or 20 years, but the unhealthy lifestyle and diet will surely erupt one day and give you the results of what you have feeded in.

It's high time that every single person now realizes that we have to protect our own self and be in good health to fight the current health crises. Once you land up in a hospital, nothing is in our control then we have to just listen to what the Doctors have to say, many allopathic treatments are just a cover up, they do not address the issues at root level, and you will end up in a situation where you will be for life long on pills. Rather it is better to be in control right from the beginning and not wait till something comes up. Our true wealth is only our health, and it does not take much to take care of it.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


You are right, our health is in our hands. We are responsible for our health

You are welcomed. How are you doing? I have been inactive in Steem for about 2 years

I am doing good @positivesteem. How have you been.
2 years, long time. I am sure you will see a lot of change here and you may not find many of your old steemians here, but nevertheless you may still continue

You are absolutely right @nainaztengra health is wealth and in this Covid situation we need to take care of our health to fight with this invisible enemy. Thanks for sharing.

you have passed good knowledge about physical health, if we not suffering from any disease, we think we don't have any physical problem but it's not true exactly. we have to always take care of our body eighter we healthy or unhealthy.
Thanks for your valuable time for sharing this to us.

many allopathic treatments are just a cover up, they do not address the issues at root level, and you will end up in a situation where you will be for life long on pills.

And ma'am mostly allopathic medicines cause two or three more problems if these drugs are used for a long time.
So it has been rightly said that 'Prevention is better than cure'.

#affable #india

Thank you for giving such valuable tips on health. Nicely written by you.
#affable #india

Looking fit and being actually fit are two different things. In India focus is mostly on the obese people that they need to take care of their health but the real fact is that physical exercise is not a task, it's a part of lifestyle.

Pandemic has locked up inside the walls and it is very common to get bored and lazy. Having a good workout helps ur energise our bodies and stay fir both in and out. Some most common exercises can be skipping ropes, jumping jacks, aerobics or one can just dance their heart out.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I hope you appreciate the add ons.

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