Creative writing contest 17: Education, What is or was your favorite and worst subject? What makes or made it your favorite and worst subject? 25% of post payout goes to steem-cameroon.

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

This is my first time, of participating in the "Creative writing contest" and I think it is pretty amazing. I am grateful to @thegreen and @steem-cameroon for this brilliant contest.

Every single subject taught in school is important, and will help us one way or another in life. However we some how tend to like some subject more than others for one reason or the other.

My favorite subject is Geography.

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. _National Geographic society.

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Why I love geography.

  1. I love geography because, it has always present a rational explanation for the features that we see around us.From the gutters in front of our houses, to the deep trenches in the ocean floor and tall mountains, geography explains them all.

  2. Swift weather changes and natural phenomenal like volcanicity and strong winds, that people usually attributes to spirit and native believes, geography help me understand them.

  3. Geography has always felt so real to me.It wasn't as abstract as maths nor was it unsure or biased with different versions like history.From my class window, I could see hills and valleys, and I could feel the wind and weather changing.Geography is alive.

  4. while studying Geography, I tend to catch alot of fun .Thanks to geography i went on field trips to places like the Ndawara Tea Estate and the limbe Botanical Garden.This makes it more of fun than learning to me.

  5. Topics in geography are inter-connected.This is as good thing because, you could read one topic and be able to answer questions on another topic.For example one could read on polution and be able to answer a question on global warming. Isn't that just amazing.

  6. This beautiful subject is a blend of many other subject like history, biology and maths. Topics like continental drift, ice age, and evolution can be group under history.
    We even have biogeography, which will give u a clue in Biology. And you will ofcourse fine some maths topics like Mathematical models, cluster analysis and multiple discriminant analysis, Differential equations,Statistical techniques and graph theory in geography. This has enable me to learn more about other subjects through geography.

My worst subject is mathematics.

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Why I dislike maths.

  1. A lot of complex and complicated topics that I couldn't see how useful it was to my everyday life.In a maths class, I always asked myself how useful is this topic to my everyday life.But I realized that most topics ended only on the black board and our text books.
  2. Boring and very strict teachers. All the Maths teachers that I have come across are very strict, and greatly lack a sense of humour. Thier presence in class, give the class an atmosphere compared only to that of a prison.This greatly dampened my interest in the subject.
  3. It demands a lot of memorisation.There are just so many equations, so many roles and formals.In statistics, you will find formals that can extend all through the width of your page and yet you are expected to master them all.I found it so difficult to master these roles and formulas.
  4. Constant solving. Unlike other subjects like geography, and history that your could easily understand by just reading your book once, maths actually requires alot of reading with constant solving.Sometimes you will have to solve a single question so many times before you finally get the right answer. This is often boring and time consuming.

Facing my fears.

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Geography has always been my best subject and Maths my worst.While studying Geography in the university, I realized that maths and geography were so intertwined. We even had maths courses like Spherical geometry, Statistics and Pure maths that must be validated before i could graduated with a Bsc degree in Geography. Realizing that I had no choice, I studied and passed the maths. This has thought me that, we can excell in anything we do, if only we put our minds to it.

 3 years ago 

I love economics and I hate maths no matter how much I tried working hard it didn't work.

Geography being your best and maths being the worst? im still finding it difficult to come into terms with this

 3 years ago 

Yeah indeed geography is a very good subject

A lot of complex and complicated topics that I couldn't see how useful it was to my everyday life.In a maths class, I always asked myself how useful is this topic to my everyday life.But I realized that most topics ended only on the black board and our text books.

Haha bro please read this my post and see how useful is maths. To be honest with you if not of Mathematics the world wouldn't have been a better place today

 3 years ago 

I loved Geography too,everything made sense, Hodrology and meteorology in particular, especially when it came to drawings.. yh, and maths did not agree with me

 3 years ago 

Hahahah by do people hate maths this much ehh 😹😹😹. Geography is just like surface geology and I like it too though it’s not my favorite subject

 3 years ago 

Waaaaaahhh, Maths is the worst how na ? Oooooh Maths is to be the best
No prob Geography was quite interesting.

 3 years ago 

I be think say na me one I hate maths,I love geography too it's a very nice and easy to understand subject

 3 years ago 

I hate maths as well but looking critically maths ain't that complicated.

 3 years ago 

Nice post
But why always mathematics 😁

 3 years ago 

Chai bro, for me, French is my worst with 20/10 winning score, the Geography with a 10/10. But After studying Environmental Science, i saw the better parts of geography and got to understand it too.
Maths is my numero uno.😍

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