Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W1 | My view on Cyber Bullying - by @ripon0630steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

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Greeting Friends

Bullying is the act of insulting someone, saying something vulgar, dirty, ugly, unexpected attacks and humiliation. Especially when we see a person blaming or attacking a person in front of everyone because of an argument or a fight between two people, we call it bullying.

But to keep pace with the world of technology, when we accept this kind of harassment from someone on various social media or online, we call it cyber bullying. Currently this crime is increasing very fast all over the world. Even when we didn't have smart phones, we used to face these bullying. But after the advent of smart phones, these crimes like bullying have been upgraded and turned into cyber bullying.

Hello friends, I hope you are all well. Through today's post I will share with you how cyber bullying can make a person's life miserable. First of all thanks to Steem Cameroon for giving us such a beautiful concept for writing.

What is your understanding on Cyber bullying?

In my opinion cyber bullying can be of different types. Teenagers and women are especially victims of cyberbullying. Such as sending bad messages on various social media. Sending offensive pictures videos. Harassment by editing and converting images into obscene images after uploading them on social media. Social degradation and loss of dignity. Women are the victims in most of these crimes.

Currently, in the online virtual world, this crime can be done very easily by keeping one's identity hidden. Criminals take advantage of this and commit heinous crimes like cyberbullying by hiding their identities. Cyberbullying is so easy to do anonymously that the perpetrators do not consider it a crime. Because of all people from different walks of life are constantly being victims of cyber bullying.


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One of the big problems we have in today's world is when we see people being victims of cyber bullying, there is no action against the perpetrator and no support to the victim. When the criminal downplays his crime and does not consider it a crime, the crime will increase rapidly. So first of all we have to be vocal.

Have you ever been a victim or perpetrator of Cyber bullying?

My elder sister was victims of cyber bullying. The perpetrator cyber bullied my elder sister. I was also cyber bullied by the criminal when I spoke against the criminal to fulfill my duty as a brother. The incident happened about six to seven years ago. I was young then so I could not take any effective action against the culprit. But as a brother I did my duty as best I could.


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It is not right to trivialize the crime of the criminal. As a result, the criminal will not hesitate to commit a bigger crime in the future. At present, the government has put in place various legal punishments for cyber bullying. The victim should punish the offender with the help of law. If we see any other victim suffering from such cyber bullying we must help them or one day our own family members may become victims of cyber bullying.

Give an instance (if any) wherein you or someone you know felt bullied in cyberspace, and what spiked such a feeling.

As an example, I am sharing with you the incident of a victim who is my elder sister. A few years ago, when my elder sister went to university, my father gave her a smartphone to facilitate communication with her. Then one had to go to the agent in the store to recharge the talk time on the SIM. My sister had to go to the store and buy talktime from the agent by giving the number. The agent who gave my sister the number to buy talktime on her mobile number kept annoying her by calling my sister's number repeatedly.

When the criminal's number was blocked, he found my sister's social media ID in another way. Since then he opened various fake IDs and made nasty comments on his posts. My sister also blocked him on social media. But the culprit opened a similar ID with my sister's picture with her name and address and added it with the IDs of my sister's friends and relatives. And from that ID, the criminal continues to publish various bad images. Seeing this, my elder sister suffered a lot.


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I was young then but with the help of my sister I found out the information of the criminal and informed his family about his crime. The criminal apologized to my sister. We did not take any legal action as requested by the family of the criminal. But after a few days, I came to know that the perpetrator cyber bullied another victim as before. I could not take any effective action because I was younger child then but now if I see someone cyber bullying I will definitely take appropriate action against him.

How did this encounter affect this said person?

My elder sister who was a victim of cyber bullying could not forget this incident for a long time. Even after the situation normalized, my elder sister kept remembering the incident and she suffered. She was very mentally depressed. We took her to a doctor.

The doctor advised her not to visit social media platforms for the next few days. At the same time all our family members were getting worried for my sister. Those few days the whole family was in some kind of discomfort. Finally, after about a year, my sister's mental condition returned to normal.


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Girl's mind is very soft, they get hurt very easily. We boys can handle any situation very quickly while girls can't. So we should find out if the girls in our family are being cyber bullied by someone. Many times they feel shy to say anything from below because of shyness. So we should try to know about their problems by developing friendship with them.

How safe do you feel on Steemit? And have you ever felt bullied at any point in time?

Steemit is a social media platform but I don't think anyone has ever been bullied here. This is the only platform I have seen where there is no scope for any kind of unethical work. Everyone tries to build good relationship with one user to another user by virtue of working here. Everyone builds a good relationship with each other by supporting each other.

And this engagement project of current Steemit is a blessing for us. Through this project, we read each other's posts and express our opinions about them, which creates good engagement between us. So I consider this platform absolutely safe for all users. From the beginning to the end of my journey, I have never been bullying over by anyone on this platform.

What lessons did you gain from such a scenario? And what advice can you give to your audience?

If it hadn't happened to my own elder sister, I would never have understood the horrors of cyberbullying. Only those family members who have been victims of cyberbullying know the toll it takes on their family. So I will request my audience to follow some things:

  • If you are ever a victim of this kind of cyber bullying then definitely take legal action. Never take the crime lightly. Make sure the offender is punished appropriately. So that he thinks hundreds of times before doing this kind of thing to any other person.

  • If you see any victim suffering from this kind of cyber bullying then try to support him all the way. Stand by his side, give him courage.

  • Someone in your family may be a victim of cyberbullying and cannot share anything without because of feeling ashamed. So develop good friendly relations with each member of your family. Try to understand their problems. Because love and care begins at home.Thank you.

Thanks to Steem Cameroon for organizing such a nice contest.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog

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 2 years ago 

You are right my friend women and kids are te first of been bullying web

most of the case majority victims are women or teenagers

 2 years ago 

Thats right my dear friend

Cyber ​​bullying is behavior that is not commendable, I myself am very hostile to cyber bullying perpetrators.

They will never understand their crime if they do not speak out against them. We should punish them with the help of law

Yes that's right. When we unite with each other, there will be no more cyber bullying.

It is so painful to hear that your sister wenr through a lot of that and the annoying thing is that the culprit didn't give up early but thank God everything went normal again. Truly cyber bullying is causing a lot of harm to victims. Goodluck on this contest.

But later when I came to know that he had done the same thing with another person, I was very angry with the criminal. I wanted to hand him over to the police. But that time I was young I could not do anything.

 2 years ago 

Good explanation My Friend. If we find the perpetrators of Cyber ​​Bullying, we must both report to the police so that they can immediately be punished for the crime of Cyber ​​Bullying. Because this is a big crime, Cyber ​​Bullying will damage our psychology. My family has been a victim of this crime

Sorry to hear that your family has been a victim of cyberbullying. If we can punish these perpetrators, maybe someone else will choose not to be a victim of cyberbullying

When i little kid, some my childhood friend many bad language, name of adjust. I upset, my old story. Thankyou very much, your writing style awesome. I like this. 💚💚

sorry to hear that in your childhood you has been bullying by your friends. be aware of that friends and make some honest friend.

 2 years ago 

Honestly, cyber bullying has really spoiled the way internet was use to be. A lot of criminal activities has make a lot of people to be so afraid of using the internet. Indeed you have written so well thank you for sharing your post with us.

People come online to have a good time for a bit of relaxation and that's where they get bullied. That's why now people can't think of their own safe anywhere.

Cyber bullying is a serious issue that mostly young generation face. This can spoil a life even force victims to commit suicide.

You’ve described it very well. I wish you good luck for this contest.

Thank you for the invitation!

When the victim does not get support from anyone, he/she suffers psychologically and at some point many people attempt to commit suicide. So instead of keeping silent we should take immediate action.

 2 years ago 

Greatings sir

I'm heavy hearted reading your experience of Cyberbullying..

Your sis must have been through hell from the individual..
So bad and wicked how people could be.
I love the quote you made..any cases of Cyberbullying should be severely punished by the law..🧘

Good luck and make sure to link me up here

 2 years ago 

How hard it is to see that someone you love is in a dangerous situation, I imagine you suffered from that too.

Bullying changes people's lives, because they are even afraid to go out and lock themselves up, and it causes them terrible psychological damage. I see it took your sister a year to get back to normal and I'm sure she is already much more cautious with social media and her cell phone.

I'm sure the tips you share will be very helpful to readers.


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As my sister's mental condition deteriorated, our entire family went through a rough patch. So I don't want this to happen to anyone else.thanks for your comment.

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