Creative Writing Contest Vol. 15 | Education: What do you think about the number of subjects and content of subjects students study in Cameroon?

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Cameroon has always had a problem when it comes to education.
First and foremost , we have had teachers who dont know how to teach, students whi want to pass an exam or test not learn to know. This dives back to the number of subjects and its content .

In the primary school we still even today have class 5 and 6 students who cant read because of the type of content they recieve in this sector . From my estimation they study at least 7-15 subjects in the primary school. To me the type of content in this sector has to be upgraded to meet the demands and bring up students who want to learn not pass an exam.


In the secondary school its just worst . No orientation at all. The material is good but most at times the person giving out the material is not the best. This leads me to the issue of students hating french , this is a clear indication that there is fault everywhere. I remember we had a french teacher from form 1 to 4 who succesfully passed out the material to us but in form five we had terrible teachers .
Talking on material , the wide scope of knowledge given is really good but i think if ee convert most general education schools to technical, we might have a chance . The material given out needs to meet a particular target so its baseless having 14 subjects in secondary school and its also correct if the information is conveyed .
For high school the material just needs to be increased in a more practical aspect .
The subjects and material is just ok .
The university and proffesional school material at times becomes too vast and confusing on what to read about. The material is just ok and the course number too is ok
Thanks for reading peace

 3 years ago 

I deeply apologise but your analysis is not exactly well founded. You say there are students in class 5 and 6 who don't know how to read and you blame the teachers? No my dear. The teachers are not at fault. There are three types of students; the fast learners, the average students and the slow learners. There is no way that you can expect a teacher to move at the pace of the slow learners. In teaching, a teacher does his or her best to explain the material in the way that everybody in the class grasps something. But you cannot tell me that because of three to five slow learners who might have dyslexia and other problems, a teacher should repeat the same topic a hundred times. Does that make sense to you?

The education of a child does not fall solely on the shoulders of the teachers. Parents equally have a great role to play. As a parent, you should know your child and his capabilities. If you see that your child falls among those who require special attention, get him extra help at home. A teacher will not leave 50 students to solely attend to your child. Developed countries have understood this and that is why they have schools solely for children who have special needs.

Also, you mentioned that Cameroon has terrible teachers. The first correction I will make here is that not everybody who goes to teach in a classroom is a teacher. So before you even say someone is a teacher, ask yourself if they are actually teachers. If everyone could be a teacher, then there would be no use for Teacher Training Colleges. Teaching goes beyond just knowing the subject matter. It involves understanding child psychology, sociology, ethics and so much more. When it comes to teaching, there is a lot to be considered. I can't even start to explain each and every one of these things.

 3 years ago 

I get your point
But even if the student is a slow learner you have identified that and i think there is a recomendation to that student u can give.
I noticed in my time in school we have those who come to collect but salary
Not withstanding there are good teachers. i celebrate and respect them
But dont judge a fish from his ability to climb a tree
Isaac Newton

 3 years ago 

This is a good analysis from your end, 😅😅😅😅😅. I see you have also proposed a number of suggestions too. Cameroon really needs to reform her educational system.

we have had teachers who dont know how to teach

How certain are you with this allegation @pbass ???

 3 years ago 

Hahaja im 100% certian im a student and a very attentive one . There is a vibe you get when a teacher is not doing his job.

 3 years ago 

Bro good write up I agree with you 100%

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Yes but there are some teachers who are Good orientators and tgey do it with passion not only collecting salary. Those in detention of the writing material owned by the school misappropriate for their private use thereby penalising teachers

 3 years ago 

Great analysis bro, n wht u said abt orientation is true I faced tht problem too

 3 years ago 

Education is the key for every nation but sometimes it is being compromised. It is true that we have teachers who can barely express themselves given the barrier in language but I think most parents fail to play their part in following up a child when the child returns home. It is said that parents are the first teachers.
They may not know it all but it is also their responsibility to ensure that their children are learning something rather than leave everything in the hands of the teachers.

 3 years ago 

I think we need more facts before we can say the instructors aren't doing their jobs and if you could give more points on how the content isn't helping, it would have been nice.
Allocating more time for practical work is very important to improve education in Cameroon

 3 years ago 

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