Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 8 (Week 2) || Gender visibility and equality

in Steem Cameroonlast year


Hello to everyone. It yet another interesting week again for us to pour out our ideas on the various topics we have been tasked to talk about. Actually this week’s topic is quite one of the most important most communities lack, most especially here in some part of Africa.

Gender equality is a very necessary thing that needs to be looked into or taken into serious consideration in every community.
There is the need for every community to be treating all genders equally. There shouldn’t be the case where by one particular gender is considered or seen superior to the other.

If this initiative of seeing all gender as equally and treated the same is achieved in a community, there will be a very harmonious, peaceful and a respectful coexistence among the people.

How can you help your community forge a gender-equal world?
Actually what is meant by a gender equal world is when everyone has the right and freedom to live their life without any discrimination or accusations from the people they live with, just because they either belong to one particular set of gender. Also, when every individual has the right to grow and prosper like any one else.

If there is any community which is actually free from such behavior, then that community is considered to be a gender equal one.
In order for a community that lacks gender equality to be able to attain of have one, they should in the first of all see all gender as humans.
The community should know that we are all human beings irrespective of our skin color, gender and status.

As a result of that, we should try and respect one another. We should know that it’s just some privileges that we happen to be having over one another and that shouldn’t make us feel like we are superior or special over everyone else. If we are able to realize this, there is definitely going to be a gender equal world among us.

Can celebrating Women's International day increase visibility and equality?
Actually women face so many gender discriminations in their communities and at their workplaces. Which has been something which is there for so many years. They are actually seen to be weak and not fit to do anything that can help in the contributions of a society or work place. Which has really caused so many women to loose faith in their capabilities.

But with the introduction of the women's international day celebrations. Most women are now realizing their capabilities and abilities. Also they tend to be believing in themselves more now which solely because they are seeing other women out there doing great and better at what they do.

So the celebrations of this event is a very necessary and important thing which i will say need to keep going on. Most people get motivated and learn a lot from the program. Which will help them to also stand out bold and make their voices heard where ever they happen to find themselves.

Are the Feminism fight and the Women’s Rights fight the same?
Actually the feminism fight in my opinion is quite different from the women's right fight. This is because the feminism fight is actually some social privileges that has been denied of them whiles the women's right can be regarded or seen as human right. The feminism fight is to help fight for women to enjoy some of the social privileges men enjoy like the right to vote, work and drive.



Women are being discriminated and treated bad in most part of the world. So the women’s right fight is to free women from these discriminations, their right to privacy and to live a life free from being told what to do or being controlled. This same right will help protect them from most of the violence they face. Like harassment and physical attacks.


What do you say about women in top positions like Presidents, Parliamentarians, Senators, CEOs (Chief Executive Officers), and COO (Chief Operations Officers)? Give possible examples in your country(community)
Women being in top positions shows that a country has been able to tackle it’s problem with gender equality and also the fight against feminism has been achieved there. This is because it has allowed women to go in for the most important positions of the country. It clearly shows that that country believes in women to be able to handle issues the same way they see men do.

Also, women in such positions are mostly seen to be performing better if they don’t let any individual distract them. That is by handling things themselves and their way. These women mean a lot to the up coming ones. They serve as role models and legends for their country. Most of these women in top positions always try to do what is expected of them and they do them right.

Actually one perfect example of such women is the parliamentary member for my constituency. The member of parliament in my district is one good and hardworking woman. Who is doing her best to see to it that her people get what is expected of her. She is a great motivation to most of the young girls in my district. She actually worked hard for that position and finally hard it. Which clearly shows that with hard work, any other female out there can do the same.

What makes a Good Leader (Gender or merit)
A good leader in my opinion is not based on gender at all, but rather a merit. A good leader is seen in an individual who cares and puts the desire of the people he is being chosen to serve first. A good leader is the one who is always ready to listen to his people and try to do whatever in his power to attend to their problems.

Gender actually has nothing to do with how good a leader will be. Most people or individuals think of their self interest first whenever they are chosen as leader. This individual could be a male or female. This is because no man or woman is perfect. So they are all capable of failing the people they are chosen to lead. What makes a good leader is a good and soft heart and not everyone has it. Which is why i don’t think a good leader have anything to do with gender.

In conclusion, gender equality is what every community and country needs in other for better development. We tend to be killing the capabilities and abilities of others when we don’t respect their views and opinions. We should try and treat every individual equal and know that we are all humans and capable of doing what others can do.

The need to promote women into higher positions in our workplace and even in the country at large brings out their capabilities and also that of those looking up to them. We should see and treat all humans the same for we are all the same.

I invite @chasad75 @preye2 and @juzkid to participate in this contest.

 last year 

Hola estimado amigo. Me gustó leerte. Es verdad lo que dices, lo primordial para reconocer l igual de género es reconociendo nuestra condición de seres humanos y que por ende todos merecemos tratos dignos. Difiero de tu posición respecto a los cargos emblemático que presiden las mujeres pues en mi país las mujeres ostentan cargos grandes en la política y eso no garantiza que el resto de las mujeres gocé de sus derecho de manera efectiva. Te deseo éxitos.

 last year 

ciertamente debemos procurar alentar toda iniciativa que vaya en la defensa de los derechos de igualdad, siempre y cuando no cruce la linea del fanatismo ya que distorsiona el objetivo a alcanzar. Te deseo mucha suerte en este interesante tema.

Indeed gender equality is a very necessary thing that needs to be looked into or taken into serious consideration in every community. I really enjoy your article, you have a wonderful write up
Wish you goodluck in this contest..

 last year 

Thank you for taking your time to go through my article

Indeed gender equality is a very necessary thing that needs to be looked into or taken into serious consideration in every community. I really enjoy your article, you have a wonderful write up
Wish you goodluck in this contest..

Gender equality is an important issue that every community should address to promote peaceful coexistence and harmonious living. Achieving a gender-equal world requires seeing all genders as humans and treating everyone with respect and equal rights to grow and prosper. Celebrating Women's International Day can increase visibility and equality by motivating and inspiring women to realize their abilities and believe in themselves. Feminism fight and women's rights fight are different because feminism is about fighting for social privileges while women's rights are about protecting their human rights. Women in top positions like Presidents, Parliamentarians, Senators, CEOs, and COOs are good role models and legends for their countries and serve as a motivation to young girls. Gender does not determine good leadership; merit, caring for people, and attending to their problems are what make a good

 last year 

You are exactly on point. Gender equality is indeed an important issue that every community need to address in other for a peaceful and harmonious living

Greetings @habdallah, I hope you are fine.

Thank you for inviting me in this contest. I will definitely take part in it.

Gender equality is very important and in my religion we have taught to respect women as well as men. Yes at some points, men are superior but that doesn't mean we thinks women as nothing or see them as our desires fulfillment machine. There is no difference in color, gender, status and we must spread the rights of each gender in our community.

You have mentioned that Women's International day has helped spreading awareness in women and society. But in my country, Aurat March is set for every year in March month and it is not like freedom of women. Their target is totally different and one of the target is to make our women characterless and try to wear as much shorter clothes as possible. Even in my country, boys don't wear that much short clothes. I personally feel strange or you can say not comfortable when I wear shorts and go outside.

Feminism fight is totally different in my opinion also. Their goal is not to get the social rights but their target in my country is to make women shameless, characterless, and like a tissue paper who a boy use and throw it away. Their main target is to stop marriages and spread relationship and children without marriage. In our religion it is a sin and we can't do that. I know everyone has thier own beliefs but we have to answer to our Allah Almighty at the day of Judgement for wrong things we did.

However I think Women's right fight is totally good thing because I have seen women struggling for their rights and in some offices they face harassment. If for women rights that are not for being characterless and shameless, then I personally will fight for their rights and will not stay back till they get their rights.

You have presented a good content my friend. I love reading it seriously. And we should do our best to fight for women's rights. Thanks :)

 last year 

Thank you very much for taking your time to read my article and also for the additional insight from your side. Indeed gender equality is a very necessary and important thing which has to be looked into

Stay Blessed my friend :)

 last year 

Hello friend, you have presented and interesting post about the given topic which is a trait in our society. I am sure you can do greater things to reduced such trait in your Community. Best of luck to you.

 last year 

Yes i can. Thank you buddy

 last year 

Hello @habdallah, this is a well constructed post on gender equality.

I agree with you that gender equality should be looked into, both male and female should be treated equally with no favouritism.

  • From your first bullet point, I understand that for a community to be practice gender equality, they must first accept the fact that everyone in the community are humans, irrespective of colour, race or background.

I agree with this point because this is usually the cause for gender discrimination and favouritism.

You have written well in this Contest and I wish you the very best 😊

 last year 

You clearly stated the problem in your country being gender inequality, with the international day celebration such can be curb..
Good luck❤️

 last year 

Gender equality is a problem that need to be looked into and addressed. For it is causing the right and privileges of the female gender to be infringed.

I really enjoyed your entry, you really sheared how you can help your community, you were of the opinion that its a personality thing, seeing people as equal no matter their skin color or gender. You also stressed that a good leader is be well deserved on merit and not on gender, opting that women should be given more opportunities in your country as humans should be treated as we are one. I wish you success in the challenge. #steem-on

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