Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W1 | My view on Cyber Bullying - by @growwithme

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

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Introduction & Invitation

So what's up everyone? Hope to be well. I'm not such a great writer to say that you won't find a post like mine anywhere else. But not such a bad writer to say that you will hardly find such an informative post. This is a post as part of an ongoing challenge regarding cyberbullying. And I am trying my best to write such a post that will captivate the hearts of the readers and at the same time lead me to victory.

In the start I am inviting 3 members to participate in this Contest, and do comment on my post as well. These kind friends are @afshaan, @steemdoctor1, and @tangw-rene.

Now if we took our good post direct answering the questions, So how could it not be good?

What is your understanding on Cyber bullying?

We all need a social media account. If someone doesn't have an account, he has to suffer. These days there will be a lot of news that someone has hacked my account. Or harassing someone in a comment so much that users go into depression.

Due to this there is a risk of getting killed. And this is where the criminal activities begin. With many advantages there are definitely some disadvantages and this is one of them. Unknowingly, how many pop-ups come on our phones saying allow, allow, allow, this is a message before a huge cycle.

What I have learned about cyber bullying:

Cyber ​​bullies use the internet or mobile phone to harass or embarrass someone. This includes nasty, threatening or harmful messages that are sent to people through social media. Sending photos of you to others without your permission to embarrass or hurt you.

Obviously, there are things or videos that you don't want others to see. Spreading rumors about you etc.
The following steps can be taken to prevent this;
That these messages and such comments should not be answered.
Such content should not be forwarded. On the contrary, they should be harassed and trapped in their clutches. So that he gets bored.
Now that some things have been said about how to avoid such incidents, then something more correct۔ But actually what I am sharing with you has been my experience too. So let's move on to the next question.

Have you ever been a victim or perpetrator of Cyber bullying?

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Image From Pixabay Source

Repentance, I must have been a victim of cyberbullying, but I have never committed it, may Allah save me from it. Yes, when I was victimized, I used to work on my YouTube channel and at the same time I linked my Twitter account.
When I was victimized, I was actually victimized on Twitter, but when the same guy started visiting my YouTube videos again and again, I became a bit sensitive. Because a YouTuber obviously shares his YouTube platform with others through other social media. I used to do it too, so it got on my channel from there. I can tell you what I did next so that if it ever happened to you, how would you avoid it? And save yourself.

Now there comes another question to answer. From the contest post. It is more interesting that answering the question by time to time makes post more beautiful.

Give an instance (if any) wherein you or someone you know felt bullied in cyberspace, and what spiked such a feeling.

For this purpose I want to share a topic, that how to deal with cyber bullying and in this I have included some easy to pick rules. So read these must.

When I got into an incident which I am going to tell about in the post below (how I got out of it).
At that time, in the beginning, there was a strange anger, and there was such a state that there was also fear.
There was such a situation that many answers were given to the person in front, and in the same or even worse language. But when the matter escalated from a line or border, I realized that while taking some corrective action, I needed to control myself and find ease in how I could deal with the matter.

You will not believe but the matter had become so serious, that there was even an attempt to hack my WhatsApp account. Thank Allah I survived such accidents. Allah saved.

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Image source Pixabay

How to deal with cyber bullying: (My Experiences)

In the country where I live I mean Pakistan, there is a lot of people who enjoy pulling the leg of others, making fun and cyberbullying. One reason could be jealousy. And several reasons that would take the form of a separate post if get explained.

Ragging is always raging whether online or offline. Those who are ragging are actually so troubled and surrounded by chaos inside that they are targeting those who are weaker than them or whom they consider to be weaker than themselves. come.

Now, if you want to avoid such people, the first thing is to make yourself strong, because the one who is going to bully online does not know you, nor is he aware of all your things and habits. He only knows one or two things that you seem to have in common.

Fix your view of yourself. Think of yourself as a hero, if you think of yourself as weak or not good, you will find the words of others more meaningful. At this time you will face more problems.

Do not engage with such people. Such people are thirsty for engagement and when someone responds to them, they understand that here we can talk and spread shit. If they don't get an answer for a long time, they eventually get tired and retreat.

It's not like you don't take any action even after facing a lot of harassment, in case you are really fed up, take legal action, it's your right. There is no doubt about it.

How safe do you feel on Steemit? And have you ever felt bullied at any point in time? (on Steemit)

I feel more than enough that this platform is active enough to control such things.
Secondly, there are very few such people here. I'm not old enough on this platform yet to tell more about how bullying can be on this platform as well. And that's one of the reasons I'm new, thank Allah I've never been a victim of anything like this on this platform. (in my
strong opinion).

Lessons I Gained & Advices I give

  • You should keep your work. No need to talk about anyone's case. If I have an opinion about someone, then I should tell him in a polite way so that he does not feel bad and I should say what I want to say. It is very important to respect everyone else even if they seem inferior to you.
  • The Islam also teaches not to consider anyone inferior, maybe he is better than you. Also if you are related to any social platform then you need to be very careful, and keep your liver strong.
  • Become a smooth pitcher on which water slides. Don't be a pot of clay and take everything to heart.
  • Brace yourself, think of yourself as a hero, if not at least believe in yourself. Whatever I did right, I am doing right now.
  • If you doubt yourself whether to do it or not, or whether you are doing it right or not, then you can have a lot of trouble.


A post about Cyber bullying by @growwithme for Participation in the Challenge. This post is plagiarism free!

Best regards @growwithme
25% for @null


Cyber bullying is an offense that needs to be addressed quickly because the rate it is escalating to now is so alarming that if care is not taken it will get to another level. It has a way of traumatizing the said victims and probably lead to something worse like suicide. It is really a shame that people are just out there bullying others on social media platforms. You have written well.

 2 years ago 

Absolutely right. Thank you for appreciation.

 2 years ago 

Hello my brother...

Going through your post, I discovered you

have been a victim of Cyberbullying in many occasions and it doesn't only end there

From Twitter. Following you to YouTube and Linking up to Whatsapp is so much for a person.

So happy not all the attempts were successful...

I love your presentation and don't forget to click here

 2 years ago 

Awesome job by doing awesome comment on my post. I am happy to see you engaged with my post.

 2 years ago 

your welcome bro #steemon

Your post has been successfully curated by our team via @chiabertrand at 35%. Thank you for your committed efforts, we invite you to do more and continue to post high-quality posts for a chance to win a valuable upvote from our curating team and why not be selected for an additional upvote later this week in our Top Seven

Note: Always use the tag #fintech to quickly access your post
 2 years ago 

😃There are some people whose job is just to move around terrorizing peoples accounts and dropping unwanted comments on Youtube and other platforms😃😃 very very bad.

Great writeup really!.

 2 years ago 

I am glad to see that you took time for coming to my post. And I agree with you, very bad job to do.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

You have done a beautiful review about cyber bullying and it an act that come with a lot of hearts break and betrayed and also some time it come with depression
So I think it is always good that we stop putting our personal information online so that people will stop using it to take Advantage over us and I also want to say that
Steemit is the best social media platform so we should make good use of it because it really play a role of protection of our personal information
So let enyoy our platform and also have a good stay at the platform

 2 years ago 

Yes you gave best tips and tricks. We can't live without using these social medias (IF). The we must have to do these things what you said. Thank you for your appearance on my post.

 2 years ago 

You are highly welcome my good friend. Hope we stay while avoiding this other social platform

 2 years ago 

Hi growwitnme.

It's a shame that you went through that unpleasant incident, thank God you overcame it and learned from your experience.

It is very important to cultivate spirituality and self-esteem to avoid feeling inferior in circumstances like that, besides that way we will be stronger for whatever we have to face.

Greetings and success.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your encouragement & engagement on my post.

 2 years ago 

I have got alot to learn from your post. Your conclusion got me alot to learn.

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