Depression is the elder brother of frustration

in Steem Africa4 years ago (edited)



I know the story of a man who went to the fortune teller to ask about his future. The fortune-teller looked into her glass, and after some time broke the few minutes silence in the sacred room, and said

"You will be poor and unhappy until you are 38 years.

The man was just 23 years. When he calculated the difference, he's still having 15 years to wallow in penury, but he concluded in his heart and agreed to wait. But to his perplexity, the fortune teller spoke further.

"By the time you clock 38, you would have gotten used to it.

The man out of anger left and went to commit suicide, but luckily for him, a man rescued him. Today, he's married with kids and doing well.

A man I know via a friend was on the verge of drinking poison before he heard a knock on his door. He kept the poison under his bed and attended to the person. It was his friend. The guy came to visit him and gave him some money for feeding. He was happy but still kept the poison with the mindset of drinking it when he's out of food.

He has been living with frustration for a very long time before depression sets in and finally decided to end it because nothing works for him. A little after he was given the stipend to survive for some days, he won a visa lottery and before anyone could say jack Robbinson, he landed in the US. Today, he is a pastor in Las vegas helping the less privileged in his country.

Do you know why I'm writing this? It's because there are a lot of people out there who are passing through several problems and are depressed. Depression can make anyone derail from their focus in life.

Depression and frustration aren't the same


I don't know how any other person defines depression, but I see it as the elder brother of frustration. Before depression can set in, one must have been frustrated. It is when frustration is wrongly managed that it results in depression, and when depression sets into one's life, anything can happen. It was depression that made Judas Iscariot commit suicide after selling his master for a few Dinari. Tokunbo Ajayi drank Poison when she couldn't face the shame of being raped as a famous broadcaster.

Mya-Lecia Naylor died on April 7, 2019, at age 16, by hanging herself.

Her father said he believed it was a "spur of the moment act" and that she was "just making some sort of point." He acknowledged that she had been feeling very stressed and not acting her normal self in the days prior to her death

There are many people who had given up and ended their lives.


Depression has no bound. Both the rich and the poor can fall victim to depression. Anthony Bourdain was a wealthy man and yet committed suicide. After his death, his mother said, he is absolutely the last person in the world she would have ever dreamed would do something like that because he had everything.

People get easily frustrated but don't allow frustration to get you depressed

Frustration is easily controlled, but depression is the worst thing to deal with. A lot of things can get us frustrated easily. Friends, job, wife, husband, boss, neighbours, poverty, and so on, but the key thing is not allowing any of these to get us depressed.

Who told you, you are naked?

Have you been told by someone that you cannot get out of that problem? What is the doctor saying about your health? Has your neighbour, friends or family members called you names that relate to poverty?

Don't allow anyone to discourage you in life. The main thing you need to know is that no one has your destiny. Your destiny is in your hands. If you allow anyone to dictate your future for you, you might end up in a great mess. Why not be determined that the problems you are facing now are temporary. You are not naked, and nothing is terminal. You are covered. The moment you agree that you are naked, you are calling depression to live in your abode.

Nakedness has no color: this can come as news only to those who don't have the idea of not giving up when they are given the impression of no hope.

Keep doing what you know how to do. Be consistent, and I bet it with you that one day, you will have a better story to tell.

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It is very interesting that depression and frustration do go hand in hand; but isn't it more interesting to notice that these are actually getting you to distracted pointing to self, while you lose your gaze and thoughts of the beauty around?
Depression can be snapped out of it, with an established identity of uninfluenced negative comments. You are right in the way that no one except the One Who created you in spirit have the right to speak your worth. From there, one "issue" is resolved, and suddenly a problem because a solvable opportunity.

Hello @beautychicks your are really a linguistic, and I need to paste some of these motivational messages on my walls so that daily I will be reading them, in order not to be depressed. This message is really superb and wisdom sharing. I enjoyed reading from the head to toe. Continue to give us similar ones that talks about motivation like this. Thank you very much for this one too.

Please, I Dm you on discord, pls let's chat there.

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