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RE: The story of life and learning the value contained in it #wewrite

The question asked is:

  1. describe what you see on the pictures
  2. describe what you feel if you see the pictures
    Both you did not do.
    So you misunderstood what was asked and it did not went good so no points.

Title: Your titel is not an eyecatcher, not inviting enough to click if it shows up in a long list of articles (compare it with all the titles of contests and the diary game) also think how newspapers try to attract your attention with what we call "a clickbait".

Hashtags: you did not use the hashtags as mentioned in Lesson 1- task 1 - result no points

Although you did not follow the rules, your title is not inviting and you wrote something completely else I gave you 3 points for a flashy start. 3 although 2 is the maximum... which makes me think this is wrong and I should edit it.

Creativity/out of the box thinking: 1 point

Following the rules: no points (you did not follow the rules, you did not describe the picture, describe your feelings and did not use the right hashtags.

So the points you received are for a flashy start (although you wrote the wrong) text and 1 for the creativity.


Here I can understand you cannot find the answer to the task given in the content of the story that has been written.well I try to help you to highlight one picture.

  • question 1 what do I see from the picture:
  1. Dusk: "..the sun began to shine dimly "
  2. seagulls : all the seagull's companions obeyed the order of the squad leader
  • Question 2 explain what you feel if you look at the picture;
    answer I have explained in the sentence "On the way they sang together happily

notes: It doesn't matter if it's a short story, poem, or article

I wrote it in a short story,so do you still think I didn't answer the assignment?l

Title: unattractive to you doesn't mean unattractive to others, so it's a personal point of view.

hashtags: I used the hashtag #wewrite01 and #creativewriting, do I have to use all five hashtags mentioned.

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